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  • Branches of Russian law

    Branches of Russian law

    BRANCHES OF RUSSIAN LAW Бранчэз Ов Рашн Ло ОТРАСЛИ РОССИЙСКОГО ПРАВА There are different branches in the system of Russian law. Дэр ар дифрэнт бранчэз ин зэ систум ов Рашн ло. В системе российского права существуют различные отрасли. Сivil law is the major branch in the system of Russian law

    Слов: 2,305  •  Страниц: 10
  • Brands for future

    Brands for future

    Лисова А.В., бак. 1 к. Воронежский Государственный Университет Brands for future The object of the research is to explain which brands will exist and be working. However, there is a point of view that the time of brands is coming to an end as far as the world market is

    Слов: 381  •  Страниц: 2
  • Brands provide us with beliefs. They define who we are

    Brands provide us with beliefs. They define who we are

    Card 1 To what extent do you agree with the following opinion: “Brands provide us with beliefs. They define who we are.” Wally Olin’s, a corporate identity consultant. We live in the information technology age when a company's brand can be widely known all over the globe. In my understanding,

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  • British Customs and Traditions

    British Customs and Traditions

    British Customs and Traditions Text: British Customs and Traditions 1 Active Vocabulary custom to keep up championship folk ribbon Boat Race Easter horse amateur rider jockey Celtic Guy Fawkes Night to blow up to hang sack straw bonfire fireworks porridge marmalade prose stew chop liver macaroni snack cocoa ['kAstqm] [kJp]

    Слов: 2,165  •  Страниц: 9
  • British painting

    British painting

    I. British painting. 1. English kings and queens as the subject of British painting. English kings and queens have been a popular subject in British painting for centuries. Many artists have created portraits and historical scenes featuring monarchs, showcasing their power, personality, and the historical context of their reigns. Some

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  • British Traditions

    British Traditions

    British Traditions The United Kingdom is a country steeped in rich history and traditions that have been passed down through generations. From its royal family to its famous landmarks, British culture has a unique charm that attracts millions of visitors every year. In this essay, we will explore some of

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  • Brown Wolf

    Brown Wolf

    As she left the house, she spotted her husband eagerly waiting for her. "Where's Wolf?" she inquired. Walt Irvine responded, "He was around just now, chasing a rabbit!" Excitedly calling for Wolf on their way to the road, Irvine whistled loudly, causing her to cover her ears and make a

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  • Bug'doy ekish

    Bug'doy ekish

    Mavzu: Mamlakatimizda aholi qoʻlidagi yirik shoxli hayvonlarni kuz - qish mavsumida saqlash va oziqlantirishdagi muammolar va ularning yechimlari Maqsad: Aholidagi yirik shoxli hayvonlardan iborat yangicha fermer xo’jaligi tuzish. Aholi chorva hayvonlarini sifatli silos bilan taminlash. Respublikamizda yirik shoxli hayvonlarning qariyb 90 % aholi qoʻlida. Aholi zich joylashganligi ozuqa yetishtirish saqlash

    Слов: 513  •  Страниц: 3
  • Building block diagrams for the development of algorithmic thinking

    Building block diagrams for the development of algorithmic thinking

    IWST #9. Building block diagrams for the development of algorithmic thinking. The development of algorithmic thinking in the lessons of computer science and in extracurricular employment teacher of computer science Valyuk Tatyana Vasilievna 2 One of the didactic tasks of an educational institution is the intellectual development of a student,

    Слов: 934  •  Страниц: 4
  • Business analyst

    Business analyst

    A business analyst is a specialist who uses business analysis techniques to study the needs of organizations in order to identify business problems and propose solutions to them The tasks of a business analyst include determining the customer's business goals, thinking over decision concepts, and forming requirements. A systems analyst

    Слов: 350  •  Страниц: 2
  • Business communication style of a Russia

    Business communication style of a Russia

    Business communication style of a Russia Introduction Hello, My name is Victoria Denisenko. I am here to give a short presentation on business communication style in Russia The subject of my talk is Business culture in Russia. Structure My presentation is in four parts. The first part is devoted to

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  • Business Dress

    Business Dress

    1. Business Dress What is considered appropriate business attire varies by geographic region, day of the week and industry. • Executives usually dress formally regardless of which part of the country they are in. 1. Greetings The hand shake is the common greeting. • Handshakes are firm, brief and confident.

    Слов: 359  •  Страниц: 2
  • Business plan

    Business plan

    What is a business plan? A business plan is a written outline that you will show to others, for example, investors. In the business plan, you can see the goals of the business. + Why do I need a business plan? + Writing a business plan will help you understand

    Слов: 486  •  Страниц: 2
  • Business Plan

    Business Plan

    Business Plan 1. Executive Summary: Our company, focused on the development and provision of a loyalty program application, aims to revolutionize customer engagement for small and medium businesses in Kyrgyzstan. Leveraging advanced SMS broadcast and personalized data analysis features, our product offers a unique solution to enhance customer relationships and

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  • Business Plan for the Venture

    Business Plan for the Venture

    Business Plan for the Venture Presented to: Name Professor Course: Name of the university Prepared by Name and Surname March 12, 2023 Business Plan for the Venture (Belli Boutique) Executive Summary The following report will introduce a new women clothing venture in Kazakhstan, which is Bella Boutique, and provide some

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  • Buyuk Britaniya yangi davrda: tarixiy rivojlanishning asosiy voqealari va jarayonlari

    Buyuk Britaniya yangi davrda: tarixiy rivojlanishning asosiy voqealari va jarayonlari

    1-mavzu: Buyuk Britaniya yangi davrda: tarixiy rivojlanishning asosiy voqealari va jarayonlari. Asosiy savollar: 1.Angliyadagi inqilobning sabablari va oqibatlari. 2. Angliyada parlamentar monarxiyaning shakllanishi va uning ichki va tashqi siyosati. 3.XIX–asrda Angliya siyosiy, iqtisodiy, ijtimoiy taraqqiyoti. Mavzuga oid tayanch tushuncha va iboralar: Absolyut monarxiya, puritanizm, presviterianlar, independentlar, Kromvel protektorati, Styuartlar restavratsiyasi,

    Слов: 2,354  •  Страниц: 10
  • Bədii tərcümə mətnlərinin hermenevtik metod təhlili

    Bədii tərcümə mətnlərinin hermenevtik metod təhlili

    Fatma Şamil qızı Ağamirova Azərbaycan Dövlət İncəsənət və Mədəniyyət Universitetinin “Ədəbiyyat və dillər” kafedrasının baş müəllimi Email: Bədii tərcümə mətnlərinin hermenevtik metod təhlili Açar sözlər: filoloqiya, linqvistika, tərcüməçilik, qermenevtika, tərcümə modeli, qermenevtik spiral. Keywords: philology, linguistics, interpretation, hermeneutics, model of translation, hermeneutical spiral. Ключевые слова: филология, лингвистика, перевод, герменевтика,

    Слов: 2,240  •  Страниц: 9
  • CAD-жүйелердің функционалдығы. Заманауи CAD-жүйелері және оның жіктелуі

    CAD-жүйелердің функционалдығы. Заманауи CAD-жүйелері және оның жіктелуі

    Қазақстан Республикасының білім және ғылым министерлігі Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университеті Факультеті: География және табиғатты пайдалану Кафедрасы: Картография және геоинформатика СӨЖ Тақырыбы: CAD-жүйелердің функционалдығы. Заманауи CAD-жүйелері және оның жіктелуі Орындаған: Асуатова А.Е. Тексерген: Курманбаев О. С. Мазмұны Кіріспе ................................................................................................... 3 1. Негізгі мақсаты мен міндеті ............................................................... 4 2. Классификациясы

    Слов: 1,387  •  Страниц: 6
  • California Institute of Technology Scholarships

    California Institute of Technology Scholarships

    California Institute of Technology is a private university in California recognized by educators and alumni for excellence in the sciences. The California Institute of Technology graduates basic science researchers and trains scientific professionals. The California Institute of Technology was founded in the late 19th(nineteen) century as a technical school, later

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  • Can a Robot Replace a Teacher

    Can a Robot Replace a Teacher

    "Can a Robot Replace a Teacher?" Robots are indispensable in the modern world. They perform many functions that were previously only available to humans. With the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, the question arises more and more often: can a robot replace a teacher? On

    Слов: 283  •  Страниц: 2
  • Capital punishment

    Capital punishment

    Without capital punishment, our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to controlling violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion. Capital punishment still exists in certain countries of our world. It is easy to see that this

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  • Carl Friedrich Gauß

    Carl Friedrich Gauß

    Carl Friedrich Gauß Johann Carl Friedrich Gauß war ein deutscher Mathematiker, Statistiker, Astronom, Geodät und Physiker. Wegen seiner überragenden wissenschaftlichen Leistungen galt er bereits zu seinen Lebzeiten als Princeps Mathematicorum („Fürst der Mathematiker“; „Erster unter den Mathematikern“). Mit 18 Jahren entwickelte Gauß die Grundlagen der modernen Ausgleichungsrechnung und der mathematischen

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  • Carte Mentale

    Carte Mentale

    Тема 4. LE MONDE DU TRAVAIL Regardez la vidéo sur le travail idéal, faites la liste des réponses des jeunes a la question posée. Quels avis partagez-vous ? • Texte 1. LE TRAVAIL Lisez et traduisez le texte ci-dessous. Ces mots et expressions vont vous aider :

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  • Case-технология как инструмент формирования речевой компетенции на иностранном языке

    Case-технология как инструмент формирования речевой компетенции на иностранном языке

    Якухина Л.В, Торчик И.Л. старший преподаватель кафедры лингводидактики и методики обучения ИЯ CASE-ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ КАК ИНСТРУМЕНТ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ РЕЧЕВОЙ КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ НА ИНОСТРАННОМ ЯЗЫКЕ В современную систему образования все больше внедряются инновационные методы и технологии. Case-технология – один из эффективных примеров образовательной технологии формирования речевой компетенции на иностранном языке. Case-технология успешно используется на

    Слов: 307  •  Страниц: 2
  • Cash normally

    Cash normally

    Cash normally includes general cash accounts, payroll accounts, petty cash fund, saving accounts, marketable securities and other cash equivalents such as money market funds, certificate deposit, saving certificates and other similar types of deposits. 1. Receipt and payment of cash is a significant part of an independent financial statement audit.

    Слов: 1,081  •  Страниц: 5
  • Cashless payment

    Cashless payment

    Введение Money has become an integral part of human life. Calculations can take both cash and non-cash form. Internet users are choosing one or another electronic payment system. Cashless payment significantly speed up the payment process, simplify it, but is it always safe to use electronic payment systems? The purpose

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  • Catalytic reforming

    Catalytic reforming

    МИНИСТЕРСТВО ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН ТОО «ВЫСШИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ APEC PETROTECHNIC» Отделение ________________ КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА по модулю/дисциплине «____________________________________» (наименование модуля или дисциплины) на тему: «_________________________________________________» «_________- ____________________________________________» (шифр и наименование специальности) Группа: _______________ Выполнил (а): _________ обучающийся______________ (Ф.И.О.) Руководитель: _________ __________________ (Ф.И.О., должность) Заведующий отделением: _________ __________________ (Ф.И.О.) Атырау, 2023 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ

    Слов: 11,089  •  Страниц: 45
  • Causative structures in English

    Causative structures in English

    Causative Structures in English Introduction Language is a powerful tool that allows us to convey ideas, express desires, and influence others. Within the English language, causative structures provide a unique framework for expressing the concept of causing someone to do an action or causing something to happen. These structures, encompassing

    Слов: 590  •  Страниц: 3
  • CCCР во время ВОВ

    CCCР во время ВОВ

    CCCР во время ВОВ 1. МОБИЛИЗАЦИЯ СИЛ. Внезапное вторжение Германии на территорию СССР потребовало от Советского правительства быстрых и точных действий.В первую очередь нужно было обеспечить мобилизацию сил на отпор врагу.В день нападения фашистов Президиум Верховного Совета СССР издал указ о мобилизации военнообязанных 1905-1918 гг. рождения.За счи- танные часы сформировывались

    Слов: 4,079  •  Страниц: 17
  • Central Mosque: A Beacon of Religious Significance

    Central Mosque: A Beacon of Religious Significance

    The Central Mosque, located in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, is not only a significant religious landmark but also a profound symbol of the country's commitment to fostering religious diversity and tolerance. This architectural masterpiece serves as a testament to Kazakhstan's promotion of harmony among its various religious communities.

    Слов: 519  •  Страниц: 3

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