Гуманитарные науки
52,816 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 481 - 510
CONTRACT Lesson 9 A contract forms the basis of a transaction between the Buyers and the Sellers and a great care is exercised when the Contract is being prepared. As a rule the Contract contains a number of clauses such as: Subject of the Contract Price Terms of payment Delivery
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Министерство образования и науки РК КГУ Карагандинский Технико-строительный Колледж Реферат «CorelDRAW» Группа 9-ДПИ-15 Студентка: Агалакова В. Проверил: Учитель по узкой специализации Абдрахманов Н. С. «_»__ __ Караганда 2016 CorelDRAW. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite ( на английском языке: "CorelDRAW программа Группировка") является имя маркетинга программы из пакета CorelDRAW 12, Corel ( Оттава
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CorelDraw бағдарламасында Каустика суретін жасау
ҚАЗАҚ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ЖӘНЕ БИЗНЕС УНИВЕРСИТЕТІНІҢ КОЛЛЕДЖІ АҚ «Дизайн және Технология» бөлімі КУРСТЫҚ ЖҰМЫС Тақырыбы: CorelDraw бағдарламасында Каустика суретін жасау. Мамандығы: 0402000 – Дизайн Орындаған: Датха М. С Тобы: Дизайн – 301 Жетекші: Кенжақынова А. К. АСТАНА 2017 Жоспар I.Кіріспе....................................................................................................................2 II.Негізгі бөлім a) Логотип- фирмалық стиль негізгі элементтерінің бірі....................................4 ә) CorelDRAW
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Corkers Crisps
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen’s .Let me introduce myself. My name is Anastasia. In my presentation I would like report on potato chips. I’ve divided my presentations into four parts History ,Process of Making Potato Chips ,Health concerns, world record history DID YOU KNOW THAT POTATO CHIPS WERE NEVER ACTUALLY
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Countries and Languages
«ҚАЗАҚСТАН-РЕСЕЙ МЕДИЦИНАЛЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ» МЕББМ КРМУ НУО «КАЗАХСТАНСКО-РОССИЙСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» LESSON PLAN Lesson ____4___ Subject:_Foreign language Theme: Countries and Languages Grammar: Possessive Pronouns Type of lesson: New lesson, Mixed lesson, Drill lesson, Revision, Control work Goals: Educational: to teach and introduce new words according to the theme “Countries and Languages” Upbringing
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Countryside and town life
Task 2 Countryside and town life Pace of Life: Cities: Life in cities tends to be fast-paced and hectic. People are often busy with work, social activities, and events. The hustle and bustle of city life can be exciting but also stressful. Rural Areas: Rural life generally offers a slower
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COVID-19: новое явление в английских неологизмах
Пандемия COVID-19 была объявлена глобальной пандемией. Это приводит к тому, что ранее стабильные условия становятся нестабильными из-за ограничений на мобильность и социальное взаимодействие. Ограничения, введенные правительством, затрудняют людям встречаться и общаться друг с другом в обычном режиме. Все делается индивидуально путем внедрения строгих медицинских протоколов для общего блага. Различные виды
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Crawler user manual
DDGTNDT Crawler user manual directory 1. ..........................................An overview of the 2. ...................................Main technical parameters 3. .......................................Structural features 4. ....................................Working Principle Introduction 5. ........................................Install and use 6. ............................................maintenance 7. ............................................The attachment Position sensor The charger !!Note: because the performance and technical level of the company's tractor is constantly upgrading, if the
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Creating graphic drawings (Графикалық сызбаларды құру)
Laboratory work №7 Creating graphic drawings Purpose of the work: Mastering basic methods of drawing and modification of drawings. Work execution order: Stage 1. Download CorelDRAW 1. Click Start-Programs-CorelDRAW commands, or double click on CorelDRAW, located on the desktop to download CorelDRAW. Stage 2. Creating a document After downloading the
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Creativity and innovation in the company's activities
Jzisis The text under the headline “Creativity and innovation in the company's activities” sheds light on the role of creativity and innovation in enterprise activities. According to the author, emphasizes the concept of creativity as a solution to scientific and practical problems, rejecting the artificial separation of theory and practice.
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Klasa Tabela liczności: Purpose of Credit (Arkusz60.sta) Liczba Skumulow. Liczba Procent Skumulow. Procent retraining 16 16 8,00000 8,0000 used car 42 58 21,00000 29,0000 new car 21 79 10,50000 39,5000 furniture 53 132 26,50000 66,0000 repair 10 142 5,00000 71,0000 other 35 177 17,50000 88,5000 business 5 182 2,50000 91,0000
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Crime and punishment
Crime and punishment What is the purpose of punishment? One purpose is obviously to rehabilitate the offender, to correct the offender’s moral attitudes and anti-social behavior. Punishment can also be seen as a deterrent because it warns other people of what will happen if they are tempted to break the
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Crimes theories
Guilty or not guilty? What are crimes and why do they happen? Eternal questions to which no one knows the answer. Surely everyone is familiar with the oldest theory, based on theology and ethics. The theory claims that all criminals are perverse people acting according to devilish laws. It is
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Criminal law
Salikhova Gulzhazira Yp 19/1 Criminal law is the body of law that relates to crime. It proscribes conduct perceived as threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the property, health, safety, and moral welfare of people inclusive of one's self. Most criminal law is established by statute, which is to say
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Critical Response: Canadian Federalism, Myth or Reality
Critical Response: Canadian Federalism, Myth or Reality Richard Simeon and edited by Peter Meekison. The University of Toronto Arsen Haghighat jou 101288427 PSCI 2002: Canadian Politics and Civil Society Asif Hameed October 6th, 2023 ________________ Critical Response: Canadian Federalism, Myth or Reality In Simeon Richard's thought-provoking work, "Canadian Federalism: Myth
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Critical Thinking
Бунда Назар БА-20 Book: Pathways 3 Reading Writing Critical Thinking Unit 6 p.118 A 1) H 2) I 3) B 4) E 5) D 6) C 7) A 8) F 9) J 10) G B 1) in my opinion, the best place is the beach near my house. My house
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CRM-системы на предприятиях энергетической отрасли России
РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ Факультет ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ Кафедра Национальной экономики «УТВЕРЖДАЮ» Зав. кафедрой, д.э.н., профессор ____________ Ю.Н.Мосейкин «____»___________2022 г. КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА на тему: «CRM-системы на предприятиях энергетической отрасли России» Б.1.В – Экономика предприятия Выполнила: Студентка группы ЭЭКбд-хх-хх (2 Курс) Студенческий билет № ххх Иванова Мария Ивановна « » ___________ 2022 г.
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Crystal people
The fragile want to be strong. People suffering from Osteogenesis Imperfecta are sometimes called “crystal people”. I remember once I saw a video about raising money for the second stage of the operation for a girl who called herself a “crystal”. Her bones are fragile, like Bohemian glass, and the
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Cuisine belarusse
La cuisine bélarusse est considérée comme copieuse, simple et saine. Elle ressemble à la cuisine que nos grands-mères nous préparaient, celle qu’on n’a plus le temps de préparer de nos jours... C'est une cuisine qui garde le lien avec la terre et ce qu'elle donne. En règle générale, à la
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Cultural features of Fiji
Cultural features of Fiji The Fiji Islands are a real tropical paradise. Like any other island nation, Fiji boasts an extraordinarily interesting history and culture, and local traditions and rituals sometimes amaze visitors. Language English, Fijian and Hindustani are the official languages of Fiji. There are many dialects in the
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Culturally and lingually contradictory
The transformation nailed down the fundamental gathering of lincoln contemplate is thought-provoking for the the greater part of students. For undergraduates from Culturally and lingually contradictory (CALD) backgrounds, commencing studies in an English-Medium instructions order (EMI) lincoln announcement gifts a character of circumstantial challenges. These undergraduates are featured with buzz
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1. Speak on the definition of “culture”. Culture include social, spirite, material emotional features. For example sport, music, religious. 2. Define the types of culture. - social - social arrangement of the country - ideological - ideas, thought, beliefs - material - as a result human activity 3. The pedagogical
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Current problems and reserves of youth realization in business
Current problems and reserves of youth realization in business Problem: How can university graduates realize their potential and not be among the unemployed? Goal: To explore the possibilities of realizing youth in business. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the current trends in the socio-economic development of
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Customer Service and Customer Experience
LABORATORY TASK 1 Customer Service and Customer Experience. GOAL – learn the concept of customer service and customer experience, identify ways to help customers be right. Steps 1. Create a list giving examples of good Customer Service e.g. on- time delivery, well-explained instructions etc. 2. Create your own list of
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Customs issues in the country are dealt with by a unified system of customs authorities
Customs issues in the country are dealt with by a unified system of customs authorities, which belong to the executive power, have specific goals of formation, perform state executive-administrative functions, as well as are endowed with certain competence, are formed by higher authorities, are accountable and controlled by them and
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Customs issues in the country are dealt with by a unified system of customs authorities
Customs issues in the country are dealt with by a unified system of customs authorities, which belong to the executive power, have specific goals of formation, perform state executive-administrative functions, as well as are endowed with certain competence, are formed by higher authorities, are accountable and controlled by them and
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Customs regulation of imports in Ukraine
CONTENT 1. Assignment for course work "Customs regulation of imports in Ukraine" 2. International contract of sale 3. Documentation in international trade 4. Single administrative document 5. Questions References Appendix 1. Sample of international contract of sale Appendix 2. Sample of commercial invoice Appendix 3. Sample of packing list Appendix
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Cатирические сайты интернет “Редька” и “Красная бурда”:сравнительный анализ
Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова Факультет журналистики «Cатирические сайты интернет “Редька” и “Красная бурда”:сравнительны анализ» Курсовая работа студентки 2 курса магистра Чэнь чуньсюй Научный руководитель: Тертычный А.А. Москва, 2017 Содержание: Введение Глава 1:Cатирический жанр в журналистики и Особенности сатирической интернет-публицистики Глава 2: Cрвнить сатирические сайты интернет “Редька” и “Красная
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Cауат ашу әдістемесі пәнінің маңызы неде?
1.Cауат ашу әдістемесі пәнінің маңызы неде? 2. Cауат ашу әдістемесін түсіндір 1.Cауат ашу әдістемесі пәнінің маңызы неде? Сауат ашу пәні жалпы білімнің негізін құрайтын маңызды пәндердің бірі. Балаларды оқуға,жазуға сондай-ақ тыңдауға үйрету. Әріп таныту, буын, создерді уйрету. Осы пәнді оқу арқылы оқушылар дыбыстарды ажыратуды, дыбыстармен танысқан кезде кейбір дыбыстардың, сөздердің
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Cвоеобразие поэзии и романтизма В.А. Жуковского
Титульный Содержание Введение 3 1 Религиозность в творчестве В.А. Жуковского 4 2 Романтизм и творчество Жуковского 7 Заключение 16 Список использованных источников 17 Введение О творчестве В.А. Жуковского на сегодняшний день написано немало научных работ, рассматривающих его с разных точек зрения и изучающих достаточно различные аспекты. Все исследователи безоговорочно подтверждают
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