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52,860 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 331 - 360

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  • Alma mater

    Alma mater

    Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан Международная образовательная корпорация Казахская головная архитектурно-строительная академия Картинки по запросу казгаса Реферат На тему: Alma mater ВЫПОЛНИЛ: Илья Ерасыл ПРИНЯЛ: Нурмахова Жамиля Кдырбаевна Алматы 2020 Альма-матер Статуя Альма-матер Даниэля Честера Френча , Колумбийский университет , Нью-Йорк Alma mater (латинское: alma mater , букв. «Питающая

    Слов: 928  •  Страниц: 4
  • Amino acids

    Amino acids

    ҚАЗАҚ ҰЛТТЫҚ ҚЫЗДАР ПЕДАГОГИКАЛЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ ЖАРАТЫЛЫСТАНУ ИНСТИТУТЫ ХИМИЯ КАФЕДРАСЫ СӨЖ ТАҚЫРЫБЫ: Аминқышқылдары ОРЫНДАҒАН: Әсілхан Ақбота Қабылдаған: Абильмажинова Дидар 2021 ж. Plan I. Introduction II. Main part 1 general understanding of amino acids 2 amino acids included in the protein structure 3 chemical properties of amino acids Conclusion References Introduction Amino

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  • An analysis of Speech Acts in "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

    An analysis of Speech Acts in "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

    metin içeren bir resim Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu Dosya:Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University logo (horizantal en).svg - Vikipedi Dosya:Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University logo (horizantal en).svg Dosya:Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University logo (horizantal en).svg An analysis of Speech Acts in "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Assemay Turlibek Supervisor Prof. Dr.

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  • An analysis of the book Principles of Management by Harold Kuntz and Stephen Robbins

    An analysis of the book Principles of Management by Harold Kuntz and Stephen Robbins

    An analysis of the book Principles of Management by Harold Kuntz and Stephen Robbins. Structure and Style: "Principles of Management" has a systematic structure, divided into logical parts, starting from general principles of management and ending with specific aspects such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Each chapter presents a

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  • An Aranger

    An Aranger

    An Arranger - job description An Arranger reworks an existing musical composition for a live performance or studio recording, adapting the instrumentation, vocals, and harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic elements to create a new version of a song or musical composition. They take an existing melody and provide variation by adding

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  • An article about a famous person (Атақты адам туралы мақала)

    An article about a famous person (Атақты адам туралы мақала)

    The16th of September An article about a famous person An article about a famous person is a formal piece of writing that presents the life and achievements of the person. It is meant to be interesting and informative so it contains lots of facts. You can find articles about people

    Слов: 402  •  Страниц: 2
  • An overview of Rockitsoft activity

    An overview of Rockitsoft activity

    Table of contents INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. COMPANY OVERVIEW 5 1.1 An overview of Rockitsoft activity. 5 1.2 Enterprise architecture. 6 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF INETGRATION BETWEEN INFORMATION SYSTEMS 8 2.1 An overview of enterprise information integration. 8 2.2 Integration approaches 10 2.3 Architectural styles 11 CHAPTER 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF

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  • Analyse d'un chapitre II "De l’étendu de l’Empire" du Nakaz

    Analyse d'un chapitre II "De l’étendu de l’Empire" du Nakaz

    Rusina Alina LLCER Russe 2ème année Histoire de l’Empire Russe TD Devoir à rendre n°2, novembre 2022 Analyse d'un chapitre II "De l’étendu de l’Empire" du Nakaz Екатерина II, или как ее еще называют, Великая – одна из самых ярких и самых противоречивых фигур в истории России. В своем управлении

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  • Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education

    Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education

    Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education. The methods of design-oriented learning technology include a combination of various methods, such as the problem method, search, communicative, research, reflexive and presentative. Today, design is the most common type of intellectual activity used in various fields. Kazakhstan has a

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  • Analysis of a movie "Melancholia"

    Analysis of a movie "Melancholia"

    /1/ Lars Von Trier is known for being unpredictable, puckish, and deliberately provocative. Living aside Sympathising-with-Hitler comments before the Cannes premiere of Melancholia, the movie deservedly immediately attracted the attention of critics and audiences. Despite its disarming tragedy and sometimes typical Trier over-slowness, Melancholia is a beautiful film. It is

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  • Analysis of construction and operation of airports

    Analysis of construction and operation of airports

    UDC 656.71:725.394(045) I.D. Pichkurova (National Aviation University, Ukraine) Analysis of construction and operation of airports An analysis of airport expansion and construction projects was conducted, taking into account the necessary stages of construction. The main objectives of the airport were established and were taken into account in the plan of

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  • Analysis of the articles and book on the topic Time of Troubles

    Analysis of the articles and book on the topic Time of Troubles

    Analysis of the articles and book on the topic Time of Troubles The Time of Troubles was a period of political and social upheaval in Russia from 1598 to 1613. During this time Russia faced a crisis of succession, famine, invasion by foreign powers, and widespread breakdown of law and

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  • Analysis of the post-Soviet conflicts in Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia

    Analysis of the post-Soviet conflicts in Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia

    Introduction The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the beginning of a new era for the countries of the former Soviet bloc. The transition to democracy and market-based economies was challenging for many of these countries, as they faced a range of economic, political, and social difficulties. However,

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  • Analysis of the story “The Happy Man”

    Analysis of the story “The Happy Man”

    Analysis of the story “The Happy Man” The text under analysis is written by William Somerset Maugham (1874-1966), a well-known English novelist, short-story writer, playwright and essayist. His work is characterized by a clear unadorned style and a shrewd understanding of human nature. His famous works are Of Human Bondage

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  • Analysis of the title of the manuscript from Scopus

    Analysis of the title of the manuscript from Scopus

    Analysis of the title of the manuscript from Scopus: The title of the manuscript is "The Impact of Social Media on the Arab Spring: A Review of the Literature." The title is clear, concise, and accurate. It accurately reflects the content of the manuscript, which is a review of the

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  • Analysis of the work by O.Henry “The Gift of the Magi”

    Analysis of the work by O.Henry “The Gift of the Magi”

    Analysis of the work by O.Henry “The Gift of the Magi” O. Henry, a pen name for William Sydney Porter, was an American writer known for his short stories. He was born in 1862 in North Carolina and became one of the most popular authors of his time. O. Henry's

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  • Analyz "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry

    Analyz "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry

    1. The author of the story and typical details of his/her creative work; who the story is told by. Analyzing "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry, the novella narrates how the main character, an artist, sacrifices his life to save a terminally ill girl through his creative endeavors. The story,

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  • Analyze geopolitics and social development of Japan. The role of Japan in the Asia-Pacific region and the world

    Analyze geopolitics and social development of Japan. The role of Japan in the Asia-Pacific region and the world

    6. Analyze geopolitics and social development of Japan. The role of Japan in the Asia-Pacific region and the world. Certainly, here are some additional details about Japan's role in the Asia-Pacific region and the world: Economic power: Japan is home to some of the largest corporations in the world, including

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  • Anatomical norms and criteria

    Anatomical norms and criteria

    47. An anatomically narrow pelvis is a pelvis whose size can interfere with the delivery process. One or more sizes of such a pelvis is 1.5-2 cm less than normal. Pathology occurs due to congenital anomalies, rickets, polio, poor living conditions in childhood, stress, intensive sports, traumatic injuries and bone

    Слов: 2,163  •  Страниц: 9
  • Ancient China

    Ancient China

    Ancient China According to the archaeological evidence, complex societies emerged at several places across the globe separated by distance and time. It was proceeded by adoption of agriculture, which developed independently in at least six separate areas: China, Egypt, Mexico, etc. In the Near East, we can see first cultivated

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  • Animation and its importance for enhancement popularity in family hotels

    Animation and its importance for enhancement popularity in family hotels

    Amanbek Alua¹, Nurgali Assel² alua.amanbek@inbox.ru¹, nurgaliassel@mail.ru² bachelor’s degree students, Tourism department Economics faculty L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan) Animation and its importance for enhancement popularity in family hotels Abstract. The purpose of this article is to define the essence of animation services in family hotels and to identify

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  • Answer Sheet Homework

    Answer Sheet Homework

    Vanessa Onwuemezi's debut collection is a thrilling and captivating one. The works are not easy to read, having read most of the stories in her Dark Neioghborhood collection, you can see that. Taking readers on a surreal journey to the edge of time, Dark Neighborhood explores themes of love, freedom

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  • Antiglobalists in Canada conduct protest against the G7 summit

    Antiglobalists in Canada conduct protest against the G7 summit

    Ann Kozachok, 491 Antiglobalists in Canada conduct protest against the G7 summit Leaders of the G20 are coming to Toronto. This includes both Heads of State and Government of the Eight and other non-G8 leaders. Anti-globalization moves against the G7 summit in Canada's Quebec. The demonstration is attended by about

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  • Antiquity doctor Aristotle

    Antiquity doctor Aristotle

    Федеральное Государственное Образовательное Учреждение Высшего Образования «Пермский Государственный Медицинский Университет им. Е.А. Вагнера» Минздрава Здравоохранения Российской Федерации Доклад По дисциплине: «Английский язык» На тему: «Antiquity doctor Aristotle» Направление: Сестринское дело Выполнила: студентка группы УСД – 18 – 1RFpsvjdf Dbrnjhb Проверила: преподаватель английского языка Жулябина Светлана Геннадьевна 1. Aristotle's life Aristotle

    Слов: 1,832  •  Страниц: 8
  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring

    1) слайд Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Kadykov Vladimir, I am a 4th year student of the Institute of History, Philosophy and Political Sciences. Today I want to tell you about such a terrible event known as the Arab Spring. 2) I'm going to divide my report

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  • Aral Sea

    Aral Sea

    The Aral Sea is situated in Central Asia, between the Southern part of Kazakhstan and Northern Uzbekistan. Up until the third quarter of the 20th century it was the world’s fourth largest saline lake, and contained 10grams of salt per liter. The two rivers that feed it are the Amu

    Слов: 433  •  Страниц: 2
  • Arbitrtion


    The theme of our presentation is Alternative Dispute Resolution. Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") refers to any means of settlingdisputes outside of the courtroom.ADR typically includes early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. We going to talk about Arbitration and International commercial arbitration. Тема нашей презентации-альтернативное разрешение споров. Альтернативное разрешение

    Слов: 968  •  Страниц: 4
  • ArcGIS бағдарламасын қолдана отырып аудандардың топырақ картасын жасау

    ArcGIS бағдарламасын қолдана отырып аудандардың топырақ картасын жасау

    Топырақтану Жақыпбек Ы, Амирханов М.Е. Тақырып: ArcGIS бағдарламасын қолдана отырып аудандардың топырақ картасын жасау Мақсат: Таңдалған аудан бойынша топырақ картасын жасап отырып ArcGIS бағдарламасында деректерді қосу, атрибутивті кестемен жұмыс істеу, деректер символымен жұмыс істеу, картаны безендіру. Берілген дерек: арқылы БҰҰ-ның өнімін жүктеу керек. C:\Users\seyse\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\Снимок экрана 2022-02-16 112234.png Сурет

    Слов: 461  •  Страниц: 2
  • Are humans humane?

    Are humans humane? To begin with, a human being refers to a member of the species Homo sapiens that differs from most animals by the high standard of psychological development. Human beings can act upon nature to create a new world to fulfil all their wants and desires. A human

    Слов: 281  •  Страниц: 2
  • Argumentative essay Mrs. Foster should have separated from her husband a long time before the time of the story

    Argumentative essay Mrs. Foster should have separated from her husband a long time before the time of the story

    "Mrs. Foster should have separated from her husband a long time before the time of the story’’ Certainly Mrs. Foster should have divorced her husband. The question is - would it help her to become a healthy, established personality? Indeed, in her married life, these opportunities were actively suppressed by

    Слов: 313  •  Страниц: 2

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