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Body, mind or spirit: which is the most important component of health?

Автор:   •  Ноябрь 25, 2022  •  Эссе  •  816 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  456 Просмотры

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Тема: Body, mind or spirit: which is the most important component of health?


к.п.н., доцент кафедры ИнЯз        _____________      _________________        Н.В. Ковчина  

                                                        оценка                         подпись, дата             инициалы, фамилия

Обучающийся гр. БПТ 21-02, № 211152030            _______________      А.В. Повидайко

          номер группы, зачетной книжки                        подпись, дата                   инициалы, фамилия

Красноярск 2022

If we ask anyone what health means to them, we will get different answers. This topic is quite ambiguous and has many questions. But most people can agree that health includes such components as body, mind and spirit. The only question is which of these is most important to health.

To begin with, we must define what body, mind, and spirit are. The body is your physical health, that is, the absence of injury or disease. This includes areas such as healthy eating, weight, healthy sleep, hygiene and so on. Mind is our thoughts, desires, feelings, self-awareness, you could say our mental health. Spirit is our willpower, our spiritual health, our state of soul. I believe that these three components are necessary components of human health, because they are interconnected, each component influences the other to some extent, and when one component is disturbed, there are problems with the others. However, I consider the most important component of health to be the mind.


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