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Гуманитарные науки

51,696 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 301 - 330

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  • Activities by watching movies, videos

    Activities by watching movies, videos

    Activities by watching movies, videos If you, going to the foreign language lesson, do not want to be limited to the materials of a boring textbook and outdated cassettes with the "teaching aids" - excellent, then the game methods of working with films (in general, all kinds, but especially with

    Слов: 2,197  •  Страниц: 9
  • Activities of Interpol and Europol

    Activities of Interpol and Europol

    Федеральное государственное казенное образовательное учреждение Высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский университет Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации» Кафедра иностранных языков Английский язык Реферат Activities of Interpol and Europol (Деятельность Интерпола и Европола) Выполнил: курсант 121 учебного взвода рядовой полиции Пекин С. А. Проверил: Преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Тарасова Александра Васильевна Санкт-Петербург 2023 ________________

    Слов: 2,286  •  Страниц: 10
  • Ad Marginem – российское издательство

    Ad Marginem – российское издательство

    Ad Marginem – российское издательство, созданное в 1993 году Александром Ивановым. Издательство называется подобным образом благодаря картине швейцарского художника Пауля Клее «Ad Marginem – To the brim» (1930). «Философия по краям» – так называлась серия книг, задуманная группой московских философов и издававшаяся с 1991 по 1993 год в РИК «Культура»

    Слов: 754  •  Страниц: 4
  • Adler Andlerning individual psixologiyasining asosiy g'oyalari va usullari

    Adler Andlerning individual psixologiyasining asosiy g'oyalari va usullari

    Moskva gumanitar universiteti Psixologiya va ijtimoiy ish fakulteti Rivojlanish psixologiyasi va akmeologiya kafedrasi KURS ISHI mavzu bo'yicha Alfred Andlerning individual psixologiyasining asosiy g'oyalari va usullari Amalga oshirilgan: 3-kurs talabasi Psixologiya fakulteti Kutekova O.A. Ilmiy maslahatchi: Lomakina O.B. Moskva, 2011 yil ________________ Tarkib Kirish 1-bob. Adler individual psixologiyasining asosiy tamoyillari .1

    Слов: 4,056  •  Страниц: 17
  • Administrative and procedural activities

    Administrative and procedural activities

    Lecture 14 Administrative and procedural activities. Plan: 1. The concept of jurisdiction in administrative office management and its types. 2. The concept of administrative procedure of the office and its types. 1. administrative process is the activity of subjects of administrative and procedural relations authorized to do so within the

    Слов: 1,369  •  Страниц: 6
  • Adsorbsiya


    ABSORBCIYA 1. Ulıwma túsinikler. 2. Absorbciya processiniń fizikalıq tiykarları 3. Absorbciya processin alıp barıw usılları Gaz yamasa puwlardiń gaz yáki puwlı aralaspalardaǵı komponentleriniń suyıqlıqqa jutılıw procesi absorbciya dep ataladı. Jutılıp atırǵan gaz yáki puw absorbtiv, jutıwshı suyıqlıq bolsa absorbent dep ataladı. Bul process selektiv hám qaytımlı process bolıp, gaz yáki

    Слов: 1,139  •  Страниц: 5
  • Advantages and disadvantages learning foreign languages and Disadvantages of being Monolingual

    Advantages and disadvantages learning foreign languages and Disadvantages of being Monolingual

    There are not so many disadvantages of learning foreign languages. There are such disadvantages as high financial costs, time. learning foreign languages ​​requires a lot of time, effort and a lot of money. since it is very difficult to study alone and it is simply impossible to learn a foreign

    Слов: 369  •  Страниц: 2
  • Advantages and disadvantages of living abroad

    Advantages and disadvantages of living abroad

    Currently, going to overseas to study or work for many years is becoming more trendy. Advantages of this development are clearly more, but it does not eliminates the fact that there are also some drawbacks. This essay will discuss both benefits and disadvantages in living abroad for a significant amount

    Слов: 307  •  Страниц: 2
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession

    Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession

    Performed by Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession There are many professions in life. each profession has its own characteristics. a doctor treats people, a teacher teaches them, a singer sings, a builder builds a house, a tailor makes clothes. we can talk about other professions. people should choose

    Слов: 1,343  •  Страниц: 6
  • Advantages of SMM promotion

    Advantages of SMM promotion

    ________________ ________________ Advantages of SMM promotion 1. It inspires trust. 2. Notifies customers. 3. Increases recognition and loyalty to the brand. 4. Facilitates communication. 5. The ability to select a narrow target audience that is interested in the company's product; 6. it is possible to successfully promote both products and

    Слов: 393  •  Страниц: 2
  • Advertising


    ADVERT 1. These days we can't imagine our life without advertising. It around us everywhere. We can see billboards and banners in the streets. We get flyers and free-samples in the shopping malls. Commercials interrupt films and TV-shows, which is irritating. The Internet, which is a new advertising medium, is

    Слов: 354  •  Страниц: 2
  • Advertising


    Advertising is a form of communication, which must persuade a customer to purchase specific products, ideas or services.  Not only does advertising include the name of a product or service, but also and how that product or service could benefit the consumer and convince them that they need to buy

    Слов: 328  •  Страниц: 2
  • Advertising in the marketing communications system as the main way of development of modern entrepreneurship

    Advertising in the marketing communications system as the main way of development of modern entrepreneurship

    Tungyshbai Akerke Omirtaikyzy Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov Scientific supervisor Kernebaev A. S. Doctor of PhD., Shohabaeva A.S. Master's degree Advertising in the marketing communications system as the main way of development of modern entrepreneurship Definition of advertising and its importance in modern business In today's dynamic business

    Слов: 2,682  •  Страниц: 11
  • Aenean


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet nisl magna. Ut eget sem odio. Ut condimentum ullamcorper est, sit amet eleifend sem porta et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In mollis, lorem sed laoreet suscipit, lacus dolor sodales orci,

    Слов: 433  •  Страниц: 2
  • Affaire Benitez

    Affaire Benitez

    «МОСКОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ М.В.ЛОМОНОСОВА» (МГУ ИМЕНИ М.В.ЛОМОНОСОВА ИЛИ МГУ) ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ КАФЕДРА ТЕОРИИ И ИСТОРИИ ГОСУДАРСТВА И ПРАВА И ФИЛОСОФИИ НАУЧНО-ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКАЯ РАБОТА «Affaire Benitez» Выполнила: студентка 1 курса 11 НБ группы, направления «Правовое обеспечение национальной безопасности», очной формы обучения Куликова Маргарита Викторовна Научный руководитель: Кандидат юридических наук, доцент, профессор

    Слов: 1,881  •  Страниц: 8
  • Affaire Monique Case

    Affaire Monique Case

    ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ЮСТИЦИИ ПРИ МИНИСТЕРСТВЕ ЮСТИЦИИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ» (РПА Минюста России) Юридический факультет Кафедра теории и истории государства и права Научно-исследовательская работа «Affaire Monique Case» Выполнила студентка 1 курса 11 группы Национальной Безопасности Кошелева Екатерина Андреевна Научный руководитель Кандидат юридических наук

    Слов: 1,682  •  Страниц: 7
  • Affect of emotional fitness on revisit intentions

    Affect of emotional fitness on revisit intentions

    Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg Economics and Management Faculty Bachelor's Degree program "International Business and Management" Term paper “Affect of emotional fitness on revisit intentions” Anastasia Dzyuba Valeria Zhidko Supervised by M.V. Matetskaya Saint Petersburg, 2023 Abstract. Museums are important cultural institutions that provide opportunities for individuals to learn about

    Слов: 5,097  •  Страниц: 21
  • Agatha Christie

    Agatha Christie

    Agatha Christie znana jest na całym świecie jako królowa detektywów. Napisała 78 powieści detektywistycznych, 19 sztuk teatralnych i 6 powieści romantycznych pod pseudonimem Mary Westmacott. Jej książki zostały przetłumaczone na 103 języki obce. Jest trzecią najpopularniejszą autorką na świecie (po Szekspirze i Biblii). Wiele jej powieści i opowiadań doczekało się

    Слов: 364  •  Страниц: 2
  • Ahşap Yapı nedir?

    Ahşap Yapı nedir?

    Ahşap Yapı nedir? Yeşil Binalar açısından önemi. Ahşap yapılar, tamamen veya ağırlıklı olarak ahşaptan yapılmış bina yapılarıdır. Ahşap yapılar, kullanımı inşaat üretiminin verimliliğini ve hızını artırma yolunda önemli yönlerden biri olan hafif bina yapıları sınıfına aittir. Ahşap yapılar güvenilir, hafif ve dayanıklıdır. Yapıştırılmış ahşap yapılar temelinde, hem küçük hem de

    Слов: 618  •  Страниц: 3
  • Air and water pollution is a global problem

    Air and water pollution is a global problem

    conversation Air and water pollution is a global problem. In our era it's changing from a national to an international problem becoming polluted.It's know that many cities throughout the world suffer from air pollution. Our scientific knowledge and technological advancement make it possible to eliminate it if people use good

    Слов: 417  •  Страниц: 2
  • Alfred Nobel and the invention of dynamite (Альфред Нобель и изобретение динамита)

    Alfred Nobel and the invention of dynamite (Альфред Нобель и изобретение динамита)

    ALFRED NOBEL AND THE INVENTION OF DYNAMITE Swedish industrialist, an engineer and inventor, Alfred Nobel was born into a family of engineers on 21 October 1833, in Stockholm, Sweden. His father was Immanuel Nobel, an engineer and inventor who built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. After bankruptcy, Immanuel left his

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  • Algorithm for Automated Fast Food Packaging Design in CAD Environment

    Algorithm for Automated Fast Food Packaging Design in CAD Environment

    Essay The bachelor's thesis entitled "Algorithm for Automated Fast Food Packaging Design in CAD Environment" is dedicated to the development of an algorithm that automates the process of designing packaging for fast food using computer-aided design (CAD) systems. Packaging is an important component of fast food products as it not

    Слов: 313  •  Страниц: 2
  • Alma mater

    Alma mater

    Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан Международная образовательная корпорация Казахская головная архитектурно-строительная академия Картинки по запросу казгаса Реферат На тему: Alma mater ВЫПОЛНИЛ: Илья Ерасыл ПРИНЯЛ: Нурмахова Жамиля Кдырбаевна Алматы 2020 Альма-матер Статуя Альма-матер Даниэля Честера Френча , Колумбийский университет , Нью-Йорк Alma mater (латинское: alma mater , букв. «Питающая

    Слов: 928  •  Страниц: 4
  • Amino acids

    Amino acids

    ҚАЗАҚ ҰЛТТЫҚ ҚЫЗДАР ПЕДАГОГИКАЛЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ ЖАРАТЫЛЫСТАНУ ИНСТИТУТЫ ХИМИЯ КАФЕДРАСЫ СӨЖ ТАҚЫРЫБЫ: Аминқышқылдары ОРЫНДАҒАН: Әсілхан Ақбота Қабылдаған: Абильмажинова Дидар 2021 ж. Plan I. Introduction II. Main part 1 general understanding of amino acids 2 amino acids included in the protein structure 3 chemical properties of amino acids Conclusion References Introduction Amino

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  • An Aranger

    An Aranger

    An Arranger - job description An Arranger reworks an existing musical composition for a live performance or studio recording, adapting the instrumentation, vocals, and harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic elements to create a new version of a song or musical composition. They take an existing melody and provide variation by adding

    Слов: 468  •  Страниц: 2
  • An article about a famous person (Атақты адам туралы мақала)

    An article about a famous person (Атақты адам туралы мақала)

    The16th of September An article about a famous person An article about a famous person is a formal piece of writing that presents the life and achievements of the person. It is meant to be interesting and informative so it contains lots of facts. You can find articles about people

    Слов: 402  •  Страниц: 2
  • An overview of Rockitsoft activity

    An overview of Rockitsoft activity

    Table of contents INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. COMPANY OVERVIEW 5 1.1 An overview of Rockitsoft activity. 5 1.2 Enterprise architecture. 6 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF INETGRATION BETWEEN INFORMATION SYSTEMS 8 2.1 An overview of enterprise information integration. 8 2.2 Integration approaches 10 2.3 Architectural styles 11 CHAPTER 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF

    Слов: 6,118  •  Страниц: 25
  • Analyse d'un chapitre II "De l’étendu de l’Empire" du Nakaz

    Analyse d'un chapitre II "De l’étendu de l’Empire" du Nakaz

    Rusina Alina LLCER Russe 2ème année Histoire de l’Empire Russe TD Devoir à rendre n°2, novembre 2022 Analyse d'un chapitre II "De l’étendu de l’Empire" du Nakaz Екатерина II, или как ее еще называют, Великая – одна из самых ярких и самых противоречивых фигур в истории России. В своем управлении

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  • Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education

    Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education

    Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education. The methods of design-oriented learning technology include a combination of various methods, such as the problem method, search, communicative, research, reflexive and presentative. Today, design is the most common type of intellectual activity used in various fields. Kazakhstan has a

    Слов: 480  •  Страниц: 2
  • Analysis of a movie "Melancholia"

    Analysis of a movie "Melancholia"

    /1/ Lars Von Trier is known for being unpredictable, puckish, and deliberately provocative. Living aside Sympathising-with-Hitler comments before the Cannes premiere of Melancholia, the movie deservedly immediately attracted the attention of critics and audiences. Despite its disarming tragedy and sometimes typical Trier over-slowness, Melancholia is a beautiful film. It is

    Слов: 1,296  •  Страниц: 6

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