Гуманитарные науки
52,806 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 541 - 570
Data Quality in Data Streams by Modular Change Point Detection
Data Quality in Data Streams by Modular Change Point Detection Yaron Kanza1, Rajat Malik1, Divesh Srivastava1, Caroline Stone1 and Gordon Woodhull1 1 AT&T Chief Data Office, New Jersey, USA Abstract Sensors that collect data from complex systems generate a stream of measurements, for example, measuring CPU utilization of machines in
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Data science
DATA SCIENCE Anastasiya Pavlenko Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Every day, each of us interacts with big data, often without realizing it. Social networking algorithms, advertising offers, instant messengers, marketplaces, and familiar mobile services — all shaped by big
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Data security
We all know that information about technologies for data security and privacy is very relevant, as the protection of personal data is becoming more and more important for users and companies. And now we would like to explore this topic using Apple as an example. Let's start with general information
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Davlat moliyaviy resurslarini boshqarishda soliq nazorati mexanizmi
DAVLAT MOLIYAVIY RESURSLARINI BOSHQARISHDA SOLIQ NAZORATI MEXANIZMI Tashmuxamedova D.A. TMI “Byudjet hisobi va gʻaznachilik” kafedrasi dotsenti Oymatova G.M. TMI SST-5 guruh talabasi Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqolada soliq nazoratining davlat moliyaviy nazorati sifatidagi ahamiyati tahlil qilinadi, uning asosiy xususiyatlari va maqsadlari koʻrib chiqiladi, asosiy shakllari va funksiyalari ochib beriladi. Kalit soʻzlar: soliq
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Распределенным атакам «отказ в обслуживании» подвержены информационные системы и сайты организаций различных сфер деятельности и государственных учреждений, сайты СМИ и электронной коммерции — все они являются потенциальными целями DDoS-атак. «Лаборатория Касперского" зафиксировала двукратное увеличение количества DDoS-атак на российский бизнес. По результатам исследования в 2017 году каждая третья российская компания хотя
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Defining psychoiogy
UNIT I DEFINING PSYCHOlOGY II. LEXICAL EXERCISES 3. Translate into English the words below: psychology, psychologist, human behavior, observe his behavior, mental phenomena, mental illness, cover, incorrect conclusions, improve conditions, improve behavior, confused people. 4. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian: важливі види людської поведінки, які ви
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Week 2: Lecture + Tutorial Republic: Books 6,7 Dialogue in democracy can be effective and that’s why democracy was able to survive for so long. The Greeks were also aware that dialogue can be tricky. Herodotus was in fact in favor of democracy, and he demonstrated how the politicians as
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Der komplexe Satz
Der komplexe Satz Der komplexe Satz besteht aus Teilsätzen, von denen jeder seinen prädikativen Kern enthält, doch sind diese Teilsätze semantisch und strukturell voneinander abhängig. Man unterscheidet folgende Arten von komplexen Sätzen: * die Satzreihe, die aus grammatisch gleichwertigen Teilsätzen besteht, die miteinander beiordnend verbunden sind; * der zusammengezogene Satz,
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Der Text und seine Gliederung in der grammatischen Lehre
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ Государственное образовательное учреждение Высшего профессионального образования Кыргызско-Российский Славянский университет Кафедра Германской филологии КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА На тему: «Der Text und seine Gliederung in der grammatischen Lehre» Выполнила: Кудайбергенова Сания ГППн-1-20 Научный руководитель: к.ф.н., доц., Абдыкаимова О.С Бишкек 2023
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Describe where you live
Describe where you live. I live in a small town with a population of just over 50,000 people. Our city is cozy and comfortable, it does not have fast traffic, crazy traffic jams and constant traffic jams.The people in our city are very friendly. I don't know how in other
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Description of network topology of the office building
«KA3AKCTAH-PECEñ MENf1UHAJ1b1K YHWBEPCHTET1»MEbbM NSEO «KAZAKH-RUSSIAN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY» IWST #6 Project Description of network topology of the office building (stage 2) Prepared by: Aishina Tansu Course: 1st course Specialty: Stomatology Groupe: 109 B Submitted to: Serik E., ICTdepartment Almaty, 2024 Network diagram example A computer network is defined as an interconnected
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Description of network topology of the office building
IWST #5 Report Description of network topology of the office building (stage 1) Prepared by:Bolatbek Aruzhan Course:1st course Specialty: Medicine Group:107 B Submitte to:Alizakh Aidana Almaty, 2024 Name of the topology Advantages Disadvantages Comparison Mesh topology -is a type of network architecture where each node (device) is connected to multiple
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Description of the profession (Описание профессии)
Profession Lawyer Group: U-120 Developed: Ekaterina Khoroshkina 2023 year Description of the profession A lawyer is a specialist in the field of law. He knows the laws and legal norms, knows how to use them and is able to teach them the basics of others. This is an expert in
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Design and development of databases
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN South Kazakhstan State University named after M.O. Auezov ÐаÑÑинки по запÑоÑÑ Ð¼.ÓÑезов ÑнивеÑÑиÑеÑÑ CASE Theme: Design and development of databases Prepared by: Usen M.M Group: UM18-4K Accepted:Bibulova D.A. Shymkent-2019y Table of contents 1.Introduction 2.Main part 2.1.Database design 2.2.Normalization of relarions
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Design of the research
KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY N.A. AL-FARABI PHILOSOPHY AND POLITOLOGY FACULTY Картинки по запросу әл фараби университет MIW On topic: “Design of the research” Speciality: Psychology Master: Kereubayev Dias Rustamuly Teacher: Shedenova Nazym Utegalievna Almaty, 2023 The research topic "Coping with stress in victims of cyberbullying" focuses on the study of adaptation
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Designofan Expander for Internal Power Recoveryin Cryogenic Cooling Plants
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РФ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ДАГЕСТАНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Кафедра иностранных языков Реферативный перевод на тему: Designofan Expander for Internal Power Recoveryin Cryogenic Cooling Plants Выполнил: аспирант 1-го года обучения научной специальности 13.06.01- «Электро-и теплотехника» Магомедов Г.Г. Махачкала 2023 Designofan Expander for
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Detective Hercule Poirot
Detective Hercule Poirot is traveling by train to Istanbul. His traveling companions are Colonel Arbuthnot and Mary Debenham, a governess from Baghdad, who needs to catch the Orient Express. In Istanbul, Poirot learns that he urgently needs to come to London and decides to take the Orient Express. His traveling
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Determination of an operating system. Operation with files and directories
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karaganda Industrial University Department «Artificial intelligence technology» Laboratory work №2 Theme: Determination of an operating system. Operation with files and directories. Performed: Group student Urazova A Verified: senior lecturer Belgibayeva L.M. Temirtau,2022y Зертханалық жұмыс №2. Операциялық жүйенің қасиеттерін анықтау. Файлдар
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Developing of Telecommunication
Introduction Telecommunication, the backbone of modern society's connectivity, has witnessed significant developments over the decades. Start-point of telecommunication dates back to the early 19th century with the invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse. This innovation facilitated long-distance communication through the transmission of electrical signals over wires. Subsequent advancements, including
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Development of a computer model for calculating the elements of an unperturbed orbit based on satellite observations from a point on the Earth's surface
Казахский национальный университет — Википедия PROJECT on the discipline: "Spacecraft dynamics and control" on the topic: "Development of a computer model for calculating the elements of an unperturbed orbit based on satellite observations from a point on the Earth's surface" Done: Rakhmetbekov D.T. Supervisor: Sukhenko A.S. Almaty, 2021 Contents of
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Development of a project for reengineering the company’s business processes (on the example of Nokia company)
Given how challenging it is for many businesses to survive and remain competitive in the current economic climate, this work's topic is especially relevant. There are numerous strategies and tactics for resolving the crisis situations that face businesses. Some of them, like reengineering, are successfully used in practice. When Japanese
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Development of protektive clothing for an auto mechanic
Almaty Technological University DEVELOPMENT OF PROTEKTIVE CLOTHING FOR AN AUTO MECHANIC Checked: Zhilisbayeva R.O Performed: Alimzhanova A.A ________________ INTRODUCTION Today, overalls are more than protection from negative factors of production; they are becoming part of the corporate style. Professionally selected overalls will help you stand out from the competition, emphasize
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Development of the pharmaceutical industry: dangers and benefits
Development of the pharmaceutical industry: dangers and benefits The pharmaceutical industry is a sector dedicated to the research, development, production, and marketing of drugs and medications. It plays a crucial role in healthcare by providing the medicines necessary for the prevention, treatment, and management of various diseases and health conditions.
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Development of urban agglomerations in Kazakhstan
NAO “Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov” Faculty of Economies and Law Department of Economics By discipline: ”State regulation of the national economy” On the topic: ‘’Development of urban agglomerations in Kazakhstan’’ Completed by: students of the 3rd year of educational program 6B04101- Economics, Zhaksygaliyev Aidos checked: master, st. teacher,
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Developmental stage theories
Portfolio activity - Unit 1 University of the People EDUC 5420-AY2022-T4 Vadim Vlasov April 12, 2022 Developmental stage theories are theories that divide a child's development into separate stages characterized by qualitative differences in behavior. Developmental psychology is the scientific study of how and why people change throughout their lives.
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Developpement et test d'une pile a combustible microbienne
М.Д.Халидова Россия, Москва, Российский государственный аграрный университет – МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева Научный руководитель – О. В. Таканова DÉVELOPPEMENT ET TEST D'UNE PILE À COMBUSTIBLE MICROBIENNE Le sujet de mon article est «Développement et test d'une à compustible microbienne». Tout le monde sait que la recherche de sources d'énergie alternatives
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Dialogue avec un élève français
Астана қаласы №3 мектеп гимназиясы Сабақ жоспары Тақырып: Dialogue avec un élève français Пән: Француз тілі Сынып: 6 сынып Машықкер: Ануарқызы А. Әдіскер: Демеуова Г.К. Пән мұғалімі: Ержанова С.Б. 2016 жыл Plan de la leçon Etudiante :Anuarkyzy Akerke Objet :Françe Classe :6 «A» Théme :Dialogue avec un élève français Date
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Die anorganische Chemie
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования ИИРКУТСКИЙ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Институт лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации Кафедра иностранных языков для технических специальностей Экзаменационная работа по теме: «Die anorganische Chemie» Выполнила Студентка ТПб-15-1 Э.В.Толстых Принял Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент С.Ю.Позднякова Иркутск-2017 Неорганическая химия Неорганическая
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Die kunstlerische welt des romans von Erich Maria remarque "Im westen nichts neues"
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ГРОДНЕНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ ЯНКИ КУПАЛЫ» РЕФЕРАТ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» на тему «DIE KÜNSTLERISCHE WELT DES ROMANS VON ERICH MARIA REMARQUE "IM WESTEN NICHTS NEUES» ВЫПОЛНИЛА: Магистрантка кафедры русской филологии, специальность «Литературоведение» Литошик Дарья Денисовна Допущен к сдаче кандидатского экзамена: ____________________ (ФИО преподавателя,
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Die Produktivität der Sorten von Sonnenblumen in Abhängigkeit von den Methoden und Normen der Aussaat
Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации Департамент научно-технологической политики и образования ФГБОУ ВО Волгоградский ГАУ Кафедра «Иностранные языки» КОНТРОЛЬНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД для допуска к сдаче кандидатского экзамена по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» немецкий на тему «Die Produktivität der Sorten von Sonnenblumen in Abhängigkeit von den Methoden und Normen der Aussaat» Выполнил аспирант кафедры
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