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52,860 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 451 - 480

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  • Clostridium beijerinckii, що продукують біобутанол з целюлозовмісної сировини

    Clostridium beijerinckii, що продукують біобутанол з целюлозовмісної сировини

    Національний авіаційний університет Факультет екологічної безпеки, інженерії та технологій Кафедра біотехнології ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНЕ ЗАВДАННЯ з Екологічної практики на тему: «Clostridium beijerinckii, що продукують біобутанол з целюлозовмісної сировини» Студентки 2 курсу 206 групи спеціальності 162 «Біотехнології та біоінженерія» Янушкевич Софії Сергіївни Керівник: к. с.-г. н., с.н.с., доцент кафедри біотехнології Ястремська Л.С. Національна

    Слов: 4,861  •  Страниц: 20
  • Človek - osoba - ľudská dôstojnost'

    Človek - osoba - ľudská dôstojnost'

    ________________ II Človek - osoba - ľudská dôstojnost' Úvod Ľudská dôstojnosť patrí medzi základné etické princípy sociálnej práce. Pre správnu aplikáciu v praxi potrebujeme rozumieť nielen samotnému pojmu ľudská dôstojnosť, ale poznať a rozumieť jeho nositeľovi: človeku. Prvé úvahy o človeku nájdeme ešte v obodobí, keď sa poznanie nečlenilo do

    Слов: 3,423  •  Страниц: 14
  • CM-История антропологии: поле и теория

    CM-История антропологии: поле и теория

    CM-История антропологии: поле и теория (25.01.22) Для вас идеально здравствуйте всем вам вас очень много но это не плохо мы собираемся начать если вы хотите этого ну еще есть время пожелать вам очень красивый год как мы говорим со 2 года он не должен быть хуже предыдущего если только Россия

    Слов: 6,468  •  Страниц: 26
  • CNC milling machines with Numerical Software and Robotic Technology

    CNC milling machines with Numerical Software and Robotic Technology

    CNC milling machines with Numerical Software and Robotic Technology CNC milling machines can be used to create several projects. If you are looking for the perfect complement for your business that will help you in your development, then definitely pay attention to the CNC machine. CNC milling machines work on

    Слов: 349  •  Страниц: 2
  • Cognitive linguistics:Retrospect and prospect

    Cognitive linguistics:Retrospect and prospect

    Cognitive linguistics:Retrospect and prospect Xu Wen, Kun Yang, Fangtao Kuang School of Foreign Languages, Southwest University (China) As a new paradigm of linguistics, cognitive linguistics has made great achievements over the past 30 years or so. In order to make the latest trends of cognitive linguistic research known, this paper

    Слов: 5,453  •  Страниц: 22
  • Cohiba


    Nejekologičtější univerzitou Česka je ČZU. Ve světě je na 31. místě - Tipy a rady - Vysoké školy Marketing Semestrální práce Zvláštní výrobky Doutníky «Cohiba» Tým: Kambarova Aidana (20%) Kim Anna (20%) Nadirova Banuzhan (20%) Sakenova Altynay (20%) Volšíkova Klára (20%) Сvičení: Sudý týden 12:45 – 13:45 Obsah: Úvod 3

    Слов: 2,535  •  Страниц: 11
  • Colloquial Literary English

    Colloquial Literary English

    Introduction In present work we have attempted as far as possible to give a general outline to the Colloquial layer of the Modern English language both as an independent Stylistic phenomenon and as a certain functional constituent within the limits of general language wordstock. Being extremely vague and unstable unlike

    Слов: 19,584  •  Страниц: 79
  • Command line

    Command line

    Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Almatu University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Gumarbek Daukeev» non – profit joint-stock company Institute of Information Technologies Departament of Information Systems and Cybersecurity INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Laboratory work №1 on the topic: «Command line» 6B06104- «Information security systems»

    Слов: 436  •  Страниц: 2
  • Comment surmonter la barrière linguistique? Как преодолеть языковой барьер

    Comment surmonter la barrière linguistique? Как преодолеть языковой барьер

    Comment surmonter la barrière linguistique? Как преодолеть языковой барьер? Aujourd'hui, on entend souvent l'expression "barrière de la langue". En outre, chacun de nous, probablement, au moins une fois dans sa vie, a été confronté à ce problème. Qu'est-ce que c'est la barrière de la langue? Сегодня довольно часто можно услышать

    Слов: 2,787  •  Страниц: 12
  • Common kidney disease

    Common kidney disease

    COMMON KIDNEY DISEASES The term kidney disease is related with any disease, disorder or condition, which affects the kidneys. The standard diagnostic workup of suspected kidney disease includes a medical history, physical examination, a urine test, and an ultrasound of the kidneys. Nephrolithiasis is the formation of crystal aggregates in

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  • Communication in our life

    Communication in our life

    Communication in our life As we all know, communication is the most important process nowadays .It is the act or process of transferring information from one place, person or group to another. And every day we encounter and literally live in this flow of information: knowledge that we get while

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  • Comparative Analysis of Emotional Lexicon in Works of Contemporary English/American and Ukrainian Writers

    Comparative Analysis of Emotional Lexicon in Works of Contemporary English/American and Ukrainian Writers

    Comparative Analysis of Emotional Lexicon in Works of Contemporary English/American and Ukrainian Writers Emotional lexicon and the emotional connotation of words play a significant role in our lives. They are related to emotional processes and reflect the experiences that occur in various life situations. Scientists have proven that emotions develop

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  • Comparative Analysis of English and Armenian Noun-Forming Suffixes

    Comparative Analysis of English and Armenian Noun-Forming Suffixes

    Comparative Analysis of English and Armenian Noun-Forming Suffixes CONTENTS INTRODUCTION................................................................................................3 CHAPTER 1 AFFIXATION AS A MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESS IN ENGLISH AND ARMENIAN.........................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Characteristic Features of Affixation...............................................................................................4 1.2 Suffixation and Its Main Types in English and Armenian................................................................8 1.3 The Productivity of Suffixation in English and Armenian..............................................................11 1.4 Noun-Forming Suffixes in the

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  • Comparative Analysis of English and Armenian Noun-Forming Suffixes

    Comparative Analysis of English and Armenian Noun-Forming Suffixes

    THEME: Comparative Analysis of English and Armenian Noun-Forming Suffixes 1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER 1 AFFIXATION AS A MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESS IN ENGLISH AND ARMENIAN.........................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Characteristic Features of Affixation...............................................................................................4 1.2 Suffixation and Its Main Types in English and Armenian................................................................8 1.3 The Productivity of Suffixation in English and Armenian..............................................................11 1.4 Noun-Forming Suffixes

    Слов: 10,119  •  Страниц: 41
  • Comparative analysis of translations of I. A. Bunin’s short story “The Gentleman from San Francisco”

    Comparative analysis of translations of I. A. Bunin’s short story “The Gentleman from San Francisco”

    MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH KAZAKHSTAN NAMED M. AUEZOV Без названия.jpg Subject: Comparative analysis of translations of I. A. Bunin’s short story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” 329fc937ad6fe18d631acd5ef8322801_XL.jpg Student: Azizova Sevara Group: FI-20-7r Supervisor of the course work: Beisembaeva Aigul Dairabaevna

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  • Comparative analysis of writing style of stories by Jack London and Abdulla Qahhar

    Comparative analysis of writing style of stories by Jack London and Abdulla Qahhar

    ASEAN Journal on Science & Technology for Development Vol 40, No 4, 2023, 42-50 42 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF WRITING STYLE OF STORIES BY JACK LONDON AND ABDULLA QAFtBAR Bahriddinov Muslimbek Muhiddinovich Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages Hallieva Gulnoz Iskandarovna Doctor of philology, professor Uzbekistan State University of World

    Слов: 570  •  Страниц: 3
  • Comparative idioms in Modern English

    Comparative idioms in Modern English

    Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev Institute of Philology Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication Course paper Comparative idioms in Modern English Student: Anastasia Navizivska 2nd year English Studies and Translation Supervisor: Pavlichenko Larysa Vasylivna, PhD KYIV – 2021 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………....... 3

    Слов: 10,926  •  Страниц: 44
  • Comparison of government and party system in Hungary and Serbia

    Comparison of government and party system in Hungary and Serbia

    Comparison of government and party system in Hungary and Serbia. Hungary and Serbia, neighbouring countries in Central and Southeastern Europe, have both undergone significant political transformations in recent history. Understanding the similarities and differences in their form of government, party systems, and electoral systems can shed light on the political

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  • Comparison of ornamental plants in rural and urban schools

    Comparison of ornamental plants in rural and urban schools

    Content Introduction 3 1. Literature review 5 1.1. Environment and plants 5 1.2. The main forms of landscaping of the school territory 6 1.3. Species composition of trees, shrubs and flowering plants 6 2. Objects and methods of research 7 3. Plants of school grounds 8 3.1. The use of

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  • Competitiveness of the «Nestle» Company

    Competitiveness of the «Nestle» Company

    Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine National Aviation University Faculty of Economy and Business Administration Marketing Department TERM PAPER discipline «Marketing» «Competitiveness of the «Nestle» Company» Student 2 course МА-224 Ба Specialty: 075 «Marketing» EPP: «Marketing» Yelyzaveta Pikul Teacher: Associated Professor Inna Mykhalchenko National Scale:______ Balls: ___Mark: ECTS Kyiv

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  • Computer in my life (Комп’ютер у моєму житті)

    Computer in my life (Комп’ютер у моєму житті)

    Computer in my life Computer plays an important role in my daily life. It is one of the most amazing inventions in the world. It combines many different functions. For example, it allows to exchange information. I spend at least two hours a day on social media. You can also

    Слов: 419  •  Страниц: 2
  • Computer network

    Computer network

    A computer network is a system that connects two or more computing devices to transmit and exchange information. Computing devices include everything from a mobile phone to a server. These devices are connected using physical wires such as fiber, but they can also be wireless. The modern world revolves around

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  • Computers for Space Research (Компьютеры для космических исследований)

    Computers for Space Research (Компьютеры для космических исследований)

    Computers for Space Research. Since the 1950s many important roles in space exploration have been severed by computers. At present scientists, engineers and administrators use computers in every phase of a space project. Design Being a sophisticated, custom-made piece of equipment, every spacecraft is designed by large teams of engineers,

    Слов: 1,021  •  Страниц: 5
  • Concept of MOOCs

    Concept of MOOCs

    Introduction Despite the fact that the concept of MOOCs has firmly entered pedagogical science, but its exact definition has not yet been developed, only different authors offer different interpretations reflecting the main properties (constituent elements) of MOOCs. Under MOOK we will understand such a form of e-learning based on an

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  • Condensation particle counters for sub- 3 nm aerosol particles

    Condensation particle counters for sub- 3 nm aerosol particles

    Essay: Condensation particle counters for sub- 3 nm aerosol particles. Aerosol Measurement Techniques. In this essay, the measurement of sub-3 nm particles with Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs) is discussed. The main focus revolves around the nature of fine particles, CPCs working principles, operating guidelines, increasing detection limits and future prospects

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  • Conflict between employees (конфликт между сотрудниками)

    Conflict between employees (конфликт между сотрудниками)

    Я согласна с утверждением, что конфликт между сотрудниками разных стилей работы неизбежен. Я считаю, что в ситуации, когда два сотрудника разных стилей работы объединяются для общей цели, конфликт неизбежен. Ведь у каждого выработался свой стиль работы, свое мышление и понимание того или иного процесса и ведь каждый из них будет

    Слов: 491  •  Страниц: 2
  • Conflict management

    Conflict management

    SELF-REFLECTION “What was useful for me in CM and what have integrated/ tried out in my daily life?” Made by Alisa Kachkovska Conflict is usual thing for people. Human beings experience it in their day-to-day lives – with their friends, families, and more so their professional lives. In the workplace,

    Слов: 441  •  Страниц: 2
  • Confusion of the words or Homophones in English

    Confusion of the words or Homophones in English

    Education Department of Zhlobin Region Executive Committee State Institution of Education “Secondary School No.13 Zhlobin named after V.V.Guzov” Educational research work Confusion of the words or Homophones in English Performed by Polina Bannova Form 9 “B” The supervisor Tatyana Vladimirovna Sereda, a teacher of English “Secondary School No.13 Zhlobin named

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  • Congenital heart anomaly or congenital heart defect

    Congenital heart anomaly or congenital heart defect

    Congenital heart anomaly or congenital heart defect (CHD) is a defect in the structure of the heart or great vessels that is present at birth, the most common birth defect – in 4 to 75 per 1000 live births Congenital heart defects are the leading cause of birth defect-related deaths.

    Слов: 613  •  Страниц: 3
  • Conjunctural study of the world beer market

    Conjunctural study of the world beer market

    STATE TRADE AND ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT COURSEWORK in the discipline "World Market of Goods and Services" on the topic: CONJUNCTURAL STUDY OF THE WORLD BEER MARKET Student of the 2nd year, FMTP, 2-7A, full-time Specialty 073 "Management" Specialization "International Management" Surname and initials: Bushok Kateryna Supervisor: Ph.D.

    Слов: 6,765  •  Страниц: 28

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