Antiquity doctor Aristotle
Автор: nadymova.julia • Июнь 4, 2019 • Доклад • 1,832 Слов (8 Страниц) • 482 Просмотры
Федеральное Государственное Образовательное Учреждение Высшего Образования «Пермский Государственный Медицинский Университет им. Е.А. Вагнера» Минздрава Здравоохранения Российской Федерации
По дисциплине: «Английский язык»
На тему: «Antiquity doctor Aristotle»
Направление: Сестринское дело
Выполнила: студентка группы УСД – 18 – 1RFpsvjdf Dbrnjhb Проверила: преподаватель английского языка Жулябина Светлана Геннадьевна |
1. Aristotle's life
Aristotle in July-September of 384 g was born B.C. Its homeland – Stagir's policy in Thrace near the Athos mountain. This city-state was located to the north from Athens on the northwest coast of the Aegean Sea near Macedonia. Aristotle came from an ancient surname of doctors. The father his Nikomakh was a court doctor of the Macedonian tsar Aminta III and was even close to him therefore future philosopher in the childhood played with Philip II, future tsar of Macedonia.
It is precisely unknown where Aristotle – in Stagir or in Pell – the residence of the Macedonian tsars grew up. Just as time of death of his father is not determined; it is even less known where there lived Aristotle under the leadership of the trustee Proksen, - in Stagir or in Atarnei. It is known only that in 367 seventeen-year-old Aristotle arrived in Athens and became the listener in Platon's Academy where it stayed twenty years, up to the death of its founder in 347 Platon managed to make out the ingenious young man and to highly appreciate it. Comparing Aristotle whom he called by "mind", with other pupil – Ksenokrat, Platon said that if the second "needs spurs", then the first "needs a bridle".
2. Contribution to medicine
Aristotle deserves to be mentioned directly after a name of Hippocrates as Aristotle and his doctrine about the ideas based on exact observation of the nature had a great influence on development of medicine. From a set of the works left to them — and they are contained at least 400 — only a small part concerns medicine, but also they are of great importance. Already his statement that the person can eat, breed, perceive the world around, to move and think, shows that Hippocrates proceeded from given observations, from activity of bodies and, of course, from their building. Anatomy (the doctrine about the structure of a body) and physiology (the doctrine about activity of body organs) were for Aristotle — the first originator of systematic zoology and botany — starting points of his descriptions and classifications.
The most important, it is told in its works, heart is. Therefore it arises the first and comes to an end in the last. The birth is transition from a non-existence to life, death — transition from life to a non-existence. Therefore in the arising person, in the same way as well as in an animal, at first heart as the center of everything, then an upper body with the big head and big eyes, and then all the rest is formed. The Grudobryushny barrier, he says, there is something like a protective wall which detains inflowing from below warmly. In view of performance of such important task it was believed the center of thinking, but Aristotle opposes this look and asks a question what relation the grudobryushny barrier has to thinking.
Aristotle attributes to the person own "the conceiving soul" distinguishing him from all other living beings, however does not specify a certain place in a body where it is. Aristotle had the correct idea of functions of covers: according to him, appointment them — to protect interiors from external damages. Therefore the major bodies — heart and a brai— are surrounded with the most dense cover because they need especially reliable protection as have to support life. The bodies seen from the outside are told by him, are known, but internals are unknown. It is possible to assume, however, that they are similar to bodies of animals. Heart cooks blood from nutrients. Pulse, he considers, there is a start of heart; when via big veins to heart food moves, this food boils in heart, and it from it sharply shudders. Undoubtedly, Aristotle saw also a brain of the person as at it it is told that this brain of bigger size, than at animals, and more damp. At the same time he claims that the brain of the person is deprived of blood, is cold and has no sensitivity. It compares kidneys of the person to kidneys of a bull and finds that they look kind of consisting of many small kidneys— a right remark on kidneys of newborns. As this, and some other its conclusions demonstrate that in Ancient Greece where openings were, as a rule, prohibited, anatomic knowledge nevertheless could be obtained by opening of corpses of babies, povidimy, corpses of children with congenital defects.
Life, Aristotle says, the old age differs in humidity and warmth, on the contrary, in cold and dryness. The person lives longer, than many large animals because his body contains more moisture and warmth. All allocations proceed from unusable or good food. "Unusable I call such food which promotes nothing to growth and life and, being entered in large numbers, does to an organism harm; suitable I call the food having opposite properties". Further he claims that all bodies consist of the same substance, identical initial substance, but each part of an organism has special matter, for example, special matter of slime— sweet, bile — bitterness; however and these matters were formed of the same initial substance. The organism grows, eats, and then decreases again, are we and call life.