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Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education

Автор:   •  Май 23, 2023  •  Доклад  •  480 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  251 Просмотры

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Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education.

     The methods of design-oriented learning technology include a combination of various methods, such as the problem method, search, communicative, research, reflexive and presentative. Today, design is the most common type of intellectual activity used in various fields.

  Kazakhstan has a highly centralised top-down system that leaves little political, administrative and fiscal authority to lower levels of a clearly delineated hierarchy. This is reflected in the education system, which is characterised by an extensive system of planning and norms. Kazakhstan uses national strategic planning to broadly set out a vision for the country, but also to regulate every aspect of the education system at the central level.


   A number of strategies and planning documents, notably theState Program for Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-20 (SPED), ensure consistency and guide policymaking. The Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan plays an important role in the definition of education strategies and in the development of key initiatives while the Ministry of Education and Science concentrates on the design of policies to implement education strategies.

We define the following features of Design Technologies:

1. an important point is informational, research, practical (because the problem is motivated by a specific cause or action);

2. the peculiarity of the project is not only the search for information, but also creativity (that is, creative and research activities);

3.for the student, the project should have a specific practical purpose, which should be aimed at solving the selected problem.

When teaching the disciplines" economic fundamentals"," fundamentals of Economics and law"," Statistics"," fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity " and other economic disciplines, one cannot do without a problematic methodology. Thanks to the use of the methods of Project-Based Learning Technology, students formulate a problem better, put forward hypotheses,

for the majority it is not difficult to analyze the results and draw conclusions.

  In general, when applying the problem approach, namely, the main categories of problem learning "problem situation", "learning problem", "Problem task", we noted the increased activity and cognitive interest of students in the basics of Economics and other economic sciences, their desire to develop their own desire for independent learning and creativity [2].

  Problem-based learning provides an optimal combination of students 'independent search activities with the systematic formation of problem situations and the organization of students' activities to solve educational problems, mastering the ready-made conclusions of Science.


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