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51,696 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 811 - 840

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  • Keure van Kortenberg

    Keure van Kortenberg

    ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ЮСТИЦИИ ПРИ МИНИСТЕРСТВЕ ЮСТИЦИИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ» (РПА Минюста России) Юридический факультет Кафедра теории и истории государства и права Научно-исследовательская работа «Keure van Kortenberg» Выполнила студентка 1 курса 11 группы Национальной Безопасности Кошелева Екатерина Андреевна Научный руководитель Кандидат юридических наук

    Слов: 1,661  •  Страниц: 7
  • Klassik marketing, SMM va brending bo’yicha

    Klassik marketing, SMM va brending bo’yicha

    Klassik marketing, SMM va brending bo’yicha Strategiya “Melagrana” distribyutorlik kompaniyasi uchun tayyorlandi Urganch sh, sentabr, 2023 Eshchanov Inoyat. Loyihaning maqsadi: * Brendni tanitish * Marketingni to’liq yo’lga qo’yish, SMM orqali Foydalaniladigan metodikalar: * Marketing analiz * Targeting Loyiha bo’yicha samarali ish olib borish uchun zaruriy shart-sharoitlar: * Rahbarning loyihaga bo’lgan

    Слов: 506  •  Страниц: 3
  • Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern

    Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern

    УО «Витебский государственный индустриально-технологический колледж» Projekt «Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern» Выполнила: Студентка 209о груупы Кононова Я.В. Витебск 2023 Thema: Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern. Ziele: Wege zur Verbesserung der Ökologie in der Gesellschaft zu lernen. Aufgaben: In

    Слов: 1,111  •  Страниц: 5
  • Korolev - o'rta osiyo o'rgangan yetuk tadqiqotchi

    Korolev - o'rta osiyo o'rgangan yetuk tadqiqotchi

    1. V. KOROLEV - O'RTA OSIYO O`RGANGAN YETUK TADQIQOTCHI Aleksey Vasilyevich Korolev 1897 yil 15 mayda Ryazan shahrida ishchi oilasida tug'ilgan. 1917 yilda Korolev Ryazan erkaklar gimnaziyasini tugatdi va 1917 yilda Ryazan-Ural temir yo'liga mashinist yordamchisi sifatida o'qishga kirdi. 1918-1920 yillarda Qizil Armiya safida boʻlgan: bir muddat Ryazan viloyati harbiy

    Слов: 9,034  •  Страниц: 37
  • Kovrov is a city in Russia

    Kovrov is a city in Russia

    Kovrov is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kovrovsky district of the Vladimir region. A major railway junction on the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod line. Population - 140,000 people. It is located mainly on the banks of the Klyazma River. A large railway junction of the transport system of

    Слов: 274  •  Страниц: 2
  • Krakow


    Essay Krakow Kanatbekova Diana (CLD7JV) Освенцим: 75 лет после его освобождения 1. Geography Location: Krakow is situated in the Lesser Poland region, on the Vistula River, in the southern part of Poland. It's approximately 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. Poland 1933, Krakow Indicated

    Слов: 3,519  •  Страниц: 15
  • La problématique de l'immigration en France

    La problématique de l'immigration en France

    Картинки по запросу cuef Dossier d'un aspect de la civilisation française La problématique de l'immigration en France Похожее изображение Bakeyeva Zarina professeur R.Bastrios Groupe B2 Décembre 2017 Le sommaire Introduction.............................................................................................................3 1. Les flux migratoires actuels..........................................................................4 1.1. Les raisons de l’immigration en France...........................................................6 1.2. La lutte contre l'immigration illégale...............................................................8 1. Les

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  • Landsat 8 арақашықтан зондылаудың арнайы мәселелері

    Landsat 8 арақашықтан зондылаудың арнайы мәселелері

    әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университеті География және табиғатты пайдалану факультеті Картография және геоинформатика кафедрасы СOӨЖ Тақырыбы: Landsat 8 арақашықтан зондылаудың арнайы мәселелері Орындаған: Күлмесхан М. Тексерген: Какимжанов Е.Х Алматы, 2019 ж Мазмұны: Кіріспе Негізгі бөлім * Landsat 8 жерсерігі жайлы жалпы мәлімет * Landsat 8 жерсерігінің арнайы мәселелері Қорытынды Пайдаланылған

    Слов: 2,253  •  Страниц: 10
  • Landsat және Sentinel-2 айырмашылығы

    Landsat және Sentinel-2 айырмашылығы

    ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫҢ БІЛІМ ЖӘНЕ ҒЫЛЫМ МИНИСТРЛІГІ Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті Сәулет-құрылыс факультеті «Геодезия және картография» кафедрасы СӨЖ Орындаған: Көмек Нұрперзент Тобы : ГК-33 Қабылдаған: Керимкулов Жандос Астана – 2018 Landsat және Sentinel-2 айырмашылығы Landsat программасы – АҚШ инженерлерімен ойлап табылған бғл программа жер шарының спутниктік фототүсірісін алуда ен ұзақ

    Слов: 514  •  Страниц: 3
  • Language learning

    Language learning

    ICT LAB №1 Question – 1. a) I would recommend my friend to use speech recognition and language learning apps, which can be valuable tools to help her students improve their pronunciation in French. One of such applications, which relates to the professional field of language education "EWA". The application

    Слов: 416  •  Страниц: 2
  • Lawyers as Peacemakers

    Lawyers as Peacemakers

    Video_ Lawyers as Peacemakers 1. Watch the video and arrange the following issues in order they are mentioned by a speaker: 9 - to get trained in Collaborative Law 2 - to deal with mundane cases 3 - to get trained in mediation 4 - to help parties achieve a

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  • Le donne nel Novecento. Emancipazione e differenza di genere

    Le donne nel Novecento. Emancipazione e differenza di genere

    Le donne nel Novecento. Emancipazione e differenza di genere In questa fase di sviluppo, la società moderna sta ancora discutendo il problema della discriminazione di genere, in particolare la violazione dei diritti delle donne. Nonostante il fatto che la legislazione della maggior parte dei paesi stabilisca il principio di uguaglianza

    Слов: 868  •  Страниц: 4
  • Le petit prince

    Le petit prince

    Le texte à analyser a pour titre « Le petit prince ». Écrit par l'écrivain, poete et aviateur français du vingtième siècle à Antoin de Saint-Exupery. Il est un maître des contes de fées et des romans. Toutes les œvres de Saint-Exupery n’étaient pas tout à fait autobiographiques mais largement

    Слов: 391  •  Страниц: 2
  • Le voyage en avion - путешествие самолетом

    Le voyage en avion - путешествие самолетом

    LE VOYAGE EN AVION - ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ САМОЛЕТОМ (АВИАПЕРЕЛЕТ) Чтобы путешествовать самолетом, нужно взять билет. Лучше сделать заказ. В противном случае полет может быть полным. Путешествовать первым классом дороже, чем эконом-классом, но сервис намного лучше. Перед отъездом у нас есть кое-какие формальности. Во-первых, нужно явиться на регистрацию за час до взлета.

    Слов: 726  •  Страниц: 3
  • Leadership and power

    Leadership and power

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY CONTROLLING OF Discipline "MANAGEMENT" on the theme: " Leadership and power" Fulfilled : student gr. _______ No credit. Books __________ Checked: Kyiv - 2022 CONTENT INTRODUCTION..................................................... ..................................................... 3 SECTION 1 THEORETICAL BASICS OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT IN MODERN MARKET CONDITIONS.........................................................................................................5 1.1.

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  • Learning a foreign language at primary school

    Learning a foreign language at primary school

    Some experts believe that it Is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages Some experts claim that learning a foreign language at primary school is more beneficial than learning it at secondary school. This essay

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  • Learning from the past

    Learning from the past

    Learning from the past There is a Russian saying that helped me in my life from troubles and warned me against the expected problems. This saying sounds like this: “My tongue is my enemy”. But there is also an English version of this proverb, which sounds like this: “Loose lips

    Слов: 320  •  Страниц: 2
  • Learning Theories and their effect on educational learning theories on education

    Learning Theories and their effect on educational learning theories on education

    The plan of the lecture I. Learning Theories and their effect on educational learning theories on education II. Basic learning theories III. Application of Learning Theories and their models in teaching Problematic issues 1. Identify the essence of Learning theories 2. Define main principles of Learning theories 3. Justify ways

    Слов: 3,008  •  Страниц: 13
  • Lebeg-stiltes o'lchovi va integrali

    Lebeg-stiltes o'lchovi va integrali


    Слов: 5,337  •  Страниц: 22
  • Legal culture in the conditions of globalization

    Legal culture in the conditions of globalization

    Kucheryava D. V. Kiev National University of Technology and Design (m. Kyiv) Scientific supervisor - Velikozhon V. A. Legal culture in the conditions of globalization Modern Ukraine is developing on a constitutional basis of a democratic, social and legal state. Such a state is impossible outside of the legal culture

    Слов: 996  •  Страниц: 4
  • Legumes - Fabaceae

    Legumes - Fabaceae

    Legumes - Fabaceae Genus 1. Brunets - Goebelia Bge. (Sophora L.) - Inflorescence dense, dense; flowers 17-20 mm long; pointed boat; beans 5-12 cm long, clearly constricted; seeds yellow, 4-5 mm long. Mnl. 40-100 cm high; col. V-VI, pl. VI-VIII. Along river valleys, solonetsous meadows, in crops and fallows, often

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  • Let me share my opinion about my important day in my life

    Let me share my opinion about my important day in my life

    Let me share my opinion about my important day in my life. Mark Twain said: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." These are two of the most powerful quotes I've ever read, and I try

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  • Letter on Business Situation

    Letter on Business Situation

    Минобрнауки России федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (технический университет)» Направление подготовки (код, наименование) _____________________ Профиль (наименование)________________________________________ Факультет____Экономики и менеджмента__________________________ Кафедра ________________________ Учебный модуль «Иностранный Язык» Курс ____1____ Группа ___699зу-3___ ЭССЕ Тема_________«Letter on Business Situation»_______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Студент _ __20.02.2020____ __Д.С. Дергачева__ (подпись, дата) (инициалы,

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  • Levads Darba likuma izpratnē

    Levads Darba likuma izpratnē

    3.lekcija III Ievads Darba likuma izpratnē Tiesību avoti- Darba tiesisko attiecību tiesiskais regulējums Darba tiesiskās attiecības regulē Latvijas Republikas Satversme, Latvijai saistošās starptautisko tiesību normas, šis likums un citi normatīvie akti, kā arī darba koplīgums un darba kārtības noteikumi. Darba likums un citi normatīvie akti, kas regulē darba tiesiskās attiecības,

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  • Levels of literary text analysis

    Levels of literary text analysis

    LEVELS OF LITERARY TEXT ANALYSIS 1. General characteristics of a text: the author (biography, peculiarities of style, genre & type of works, place in world literature); theme (stated or implied); main idea; setting (place and time of action); characters (main and minor, dynamic and static); type of narration; the prevailing

    Слов: 628  •  Страниц: 3
  • Lexicology


    1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics: Lexicology is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the study of words, their structure, meaning, usage, and the vocabulary of a language. 2. Various aspects of Lexicology: Divided into General Lexicology, which explores universal principles of word formation and meaning, and Special

    Слов: 475  •  Страниц: 2
  • Lexicology, its aims and significance

    Lexicology, its aims and significance

    1. Lexicology, its aims and significance Lexicology is the study of the vocabulary of a language and its structure. The main aim of Lexicology is to analyze and describe the meaning, usage, origin, and development of words in a language. It is significant because it helps us understand the structure

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  • Lexicology. Word meaning

    Lexicology. Word meaning

    Lecture (December, the 4th) WORD MEANING Introduction There exist various theories of word meaning - in philosophy, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence, since research on word meaning is highly interdisciplinary. There have been too many attempts to define lexical meaning, we’ll consider the shortest one: lexica meaning is the

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  • Lezgins belong

    Lezgins belong

    The Lezgins belong to the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus. The nationality belongs to the Caucasoid race and is the second people of the Republic of Dagestan in terms of numbers. The nationality lives in the Russian Federation in the south of Dagestan and in the north of Azerbaijan. For

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  • Life at school

    Life at school

    Do you miss your life at school ? Yes I do. I think, everyone miss themselv life at school. My life at school passed great. I like my clasmates and techers I remember exciting happen. For example we ran away at lesson with friends then our techer panished us. Who

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