Гуманитарные науки
53,058 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 751 - 780
Hotel organization structure
Module 1 Ann Kres Hotel organization structure • Hotel Manager or Owner: They are responsible for the overall operation of the hotel and its profitability. This individual has a strategic vision and oversees the development of the hotel as a whole. • Assistant Manager: This is the second-in-command who assists
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How could you contribute to the professional development and development of your colleagues?
Essay How could you contribute to the professional development and development of your colleagues? One of the stages of professional pedagogical education is preparation for teaching at a higher educational institution. Recently, in pedagogical theory and practice, the idea of design has become increasingly common as a way to solve
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How did you spend in you summer?
How did you spend in you summer? Summer is a favourite season for me. My summer spent very well. I went to resort of the named Saryagash. I was ten days there. I relaxed and found new friends. Resorts people went to Tashkent one day. I did not go, because
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How Digital Platforms Abuse Market Power: The Need for Stronger Regulations
How Digital Platforms Abuse Market Power: The Need for Stronger Regulations Over the past decade, digital platforms have disrupted the economy worldwide, changing how businesses reach their consumers. Firms like Amazon, Apple, and Google have gained enormous market power and used it to attain leading positions in their sectors. As
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How do managers differ from non-managerial employees?
Part A – review and discussion questions 1 How do managers differ from non-managerial employees? First of all, who is a manager and a non-manager? So, a manager is a person who belongs to the management team and helps in the management of the institute. Employees who are not managers
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How does people's level of happiness depends on country they live
Polina PredybailoHow does people`s level of happiness depend on the country they live? How Does People`s Level of Happiness Depend on the Country They Live? What in general makes people's lives happy and prosperous? How can these factors create differences in living standards in different countries that affect people's happiness
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How I spent my summer/winter holidays
How I spent my summer/winter holidays Holidays are a time when you can take a break from studying, go on a trip, chat with friends and family, do hobbies or just relax. This year I spent my holidays in different ways: in summer I was at the sea, and in
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How living in another country affect our life
Life in another country involuntarily causes a person to think about the cultural values of the area in which he is located, the features of the people inhabiting it, moral norms and everything that distinguishes his native country from the one where he lived before. LIFE ABROAD - NO MATTER
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How to Handle an Injured Pet
The good news is that the majority injuries animals receive (Present Simple) area unit minor and might be treated reception after you have the proper provides and therefore the right power. For a lot of serious emergencies that need skilled (Participle 2) veterinary nursing, it's essential that you just keep
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How to manage burnout when russian's economy is under sanctions
HOW TO MANAGE BURNOUT WHEN RUSSIAN’S ECONOMY IS UNDER SANCTIONS? Siraeva Kamilla Damirovna, undergraduate student, 1 course, 15.29Б-ПУ03/22б, Higher School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Political Analysis and Social-Psychological Processes, Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov Scientific advisor: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the
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How we can save our environment
“How we can save the environment” Our planet provides us with all essential resources. Sadly, there are many problems that have to be solved yet. These problems have appeared and are continuing to appear because of people. Therefore, the main threat is man. We burn a lot of fossil fuels
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How your position in the family can influence your personality
1. SIW Topic: How your position in the family can influence your personality Turkistan, 2024 in life. It is known that not only genetics affects the character and future fate of a child. An important role in the formation of personality is played by the "position" of the child in
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Hozirgi vaqtda biznes aloqalarini tashkil etish va uning asosiy xususiyatlari
№3 DARS Hozirgi vaqtda biznes aloqalarini tashkil etish va uning asosiy xususiyatlari Kelajakdagi ishbilarmonlar uchun ishbilarmonlik muloqoti usullarini o'zlashtirish juda muhim bo'ladi. Bunday qobiliyat kelajakda shartnoma imzolashda yoki foydali ishni bajarishda muhim rol o'ynashi mumkin. Shu bois ishbilarmonlik munosabatlarining ahamiyati ortib, uni har tomonlama o‘rganish hozirgi zamonning asosiy masalalaridan biri
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HPLC Analysis of Catechins, Theaflavins, and Alkaloids in Commercial Teas and Green Tea Dietary Supplements: Comparison of Water and 80% Ethanol/Water Extracts
JFS C: Food Chemistry and Toxicology HPLC Analysis of Catechins, Theaflavins, and Alkaloids in Commercial Teas and Green Tea Dietary Supplements: Comparison of Water and 80% Ethanol/Water Extracts Mendel Friedman, Carol E. Levin, Suk-Hyun Choi, Etsuko Kozukue, and Nobuyuki Kozukue Introduction nterest in teas, tea extracts used as dietary supplements,
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HR технології
HR-Технології Робота кожного підприємства повинна бути максимально ефективною. Так фізичну працю , де це можливо, замінили машинною, і власникам підприємств- потрібно менше людей, але кращої кваліфікації. Та роботу HR- не можливо якісно виконати за допомогою технологій. Яка полягає у: підборі персоналу, його адаптація, оцінка, навчання, мотивація, пільги і компенсації, корпоративна
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HR-дирЭкшен в холистическом мире: вызовы и перспективы
Эссе на тему: HR-дирЭкшен в холистическом мире: вызовы и перспективы В данной статье были подняты различные проблемы. Из-за всемирной глобализации экономики идет взаимное усиление взаимосвязей, взаимодействий и взаимозависимости экономических систем разных стран, что подталкивает к созданию международных команд. А существующие в них языковые барьеры, культурные различия, этические и религиозные аспекты
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Hudson Corporation
Case Study 1 p.12-13 Pivovarskaya Anastasia 33 group After I read the text, I realized that the Hudson Corporation, which is a manufacturer of luxury luggage, was facing increasing competition from cheaper imports. Accordingly, the main problem of the company was falling sales. To increase sales, the company wants to
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Human capital as a factor of economic security of the country
HUMAN CAPITAL AS A FACTOR OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE COUNTRY Gulnara Mussina L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan guleke.musina@yandex.ru Toktosunova Cholpon T. Kyrgyz Economic Research University named after Ryskulbekov, Kyrgyzstan Republic,Bishkek Shabdanova Aida Kyrgyz Economic Research University named after Ryskulbekov, Kyrgyzstan Republic,Bishkek aida_shabdanova@mail.ru cholpon75@mail.ru Abstract — The problem of
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Human overpopulation problem
logo VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND DIPLOMACY DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Alan Kurmetuly Title of Homework Kaunas, 2022 year ________________ Human overpopulation problem Introduction To begin with, human population are increasing rapidly nowadays and has touched almost 8 billion in 2022 and could attain
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Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical aspect of organizational management that revolves around the effective administration of an organization's human resources. HRM encompasses various functions and responsibilities, aiming to maximize the potential of the workforce to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. The importance of HRM cannot be overstated.
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Human skeletal system
HUMAN SKELETAL SYSTEM The adult human skeletal system consists of 206 ( two hundred six )bones, as well as a network of tendons, ligaments and cartilage that connects them. Bones are fed by a network of blood vessels from the circulatory system and nerves from the nervous system. Скелетна система
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Human-aided machine translation
Alikberova Maftuna 2301-80 Human-aided machine translation Today, computers are used in all fields, and even almost every field has its own software packages. Using computers to translate text from one language to another is called machine translation. It is common knowledge that machine translation software can translate texts very quickly.
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Humanitarian Logistics
1. Introduction This course is about humanitarian supply chain. For example, we can learn about some details in humanitarian logistics, management and so on. This course was made by Hanken University from Finland and it consists only 2 parts (2 weeks), so it’s not so big. I can also say
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Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Humboldt-Universität Berlin Die Berliner Humhuldb-Universitst ist eine der ältesten Universitäten Deutschlands. Bei ihrer Gründung im Oktober 1810 bestand sie aus vier klassisthen Fakultaten:jura‚ Medizin, Philosophie und Theologie. Die Alma Mater trug von 1828 bis 1945 den Namen Friedrich Wilhelms-universitat. 29 Nobelpreisträger Waren mit der Berliner Universitat Verbunden und trugen zu
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Hydraulic engineering
One of sub-disciplines of civil engineering is hydraulic engineering, which is concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage. This area of civil engineering is related to the design of bridges, dams, channels, canals. Agriculture gave rise to hydraulic engineering. Agricultural land may include some farmland
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I съезд Советов БССР и его решения. Первая Конституция Советской Беларуси
Реферат на тему: « I съезд Советов БССР и его решения. Первая Конституция Советской Беларуси» ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ 3 ГЛАВА 1. I ВСЕБЕЛОРУССКИЙ СЪЕЗД СОВЕТОВ И ЕГО РЕШЕНИЯ 5 ГЛАВА 2. ПЕРВАЯ КОНСТИТУЦИЯ СОВЕТСКОЙ БЕЛАРУСИ 8 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ 11 СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 12 ________________ ВВЕДЕНИЕ Возникновение советских республик в Прибалтике и Украине сделало
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I.M. Sechenov
West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University STUDENT’S INDEPENDENT WORK Faculty: General Medicine Department: Foreign language Theme: I.M. Sechenov Performed by: Bakhytzhanov Kalzhan Group: 113 A Checked by: Nurseitova Bakytgul Uzakbaevna Aktobe 2018 Text I.M. Sechenov This interesting biography in Russian deals with the man, who is referred to by
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ICT role in key sectors of development of society
Қазақстан Республикасының Ғылым және білім министрлігі Е. А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті Математика және ақпараттық технологиялар факультеті «Қолданбалы математика және информатика» кафедрасы Сланбекова Асылзат Ермановна «Ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялар» пәні бойынша виртуалды курсы білім беру бағдарламасы: «6B07103-Теплоэнергетика» Караганды 2021 The topic 1: ICT role in key sectors of development of society. Standard
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Identify problems in the hotel management system and propose measures to solve them
Identify problems in the hotel management system and propose measures to solve them. 1. Standards The problem is that the job instructions for the hotel employees have not been updated in around 2 years and do not reflect the actual duties of the employees. The instructions are no more than
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This program is my call for change and contribution to the future of our country. In a world where education is the foundation of prosperity, I have decided to take the path of teaching and nurturing the next generation. My motivation includes several key aspects. Above all, I strive to
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