Гуманитарные науки
52,657 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 901 - 930
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas dolor mauris, aliquet a elementum blandit, porttitor sed ante. Aenean viverra vehicula finibus. In scelerisque egestas mi, eget tempus magna sodales ut. Nunc id lectus in erat consectetur venenatis et eu lectus. Curabitur ut augue at mauris interdum fermentum. Nullam
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Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ullamcorper laoreet magna, sed facilisis arcu pretium nec. Donec vitae ante ut urna feugiat suscipit. Aenean sit amet viverra mauris, ut ornare odio. Fusce laoreet lacus vitae neque varius convallis. Sed dictum purus ante, ac placerat velit tempor at. Phasellus ac
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Écologie (экология) L’écologie est la science qui conserve la Terre, ses plantes et ses animaux. L’écologie étudie également l’environnement et la relation entre les activités humaines et la nature. Jusqu’à récemment, ce ratio était équilibré. Cependant, à l’heure actuelle, nous devons faire face à des problèmes environnementaux comme les pluies
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Ma famille
Unité 2. La famille. Texte La famille. I Une visite. Les Vincent habite Paris, au 22 rue de la Paix. Aujourd' hui Monsieur Durant va chez eux. Il arrive de Lyon. Il a avec lui sa petite fille. Monsieur Durant frappe à la porte. Le fils de ses amis Paul
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
What is MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a widely used medical imaging technique that allows doctors to view the internal structure of the body without using ionizing radiation. MRI scanners use a strong magnetic field and radio waves to generate detailed images of soft tissues and organs. Superconductivity is
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Mahlzeiten in Deutschland
Тема «Mahlzeiten in Deutschland» 5 класс Тип урока - урок обобщения и систематизации полученных ранее знании. Цель: обеспечить в ходе урока углубление и повторение ранее полученных знаний в рамках пройденной темы «Das Essen», закрепление ранее сформированных монологических и диалогических навыков. Задачи: Образовательные: 1. Систематизация лексического и грамматического материала по теме
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Main problems and prospects for the development of international trade in Tajikistan
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Maintenance and repair of components of a grain seeder
УДК 631.331 Maintenance and repair of components of a grain seeder Guryanova A. A. Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov Abstract: The article is devoted to a brief overview of the correctness of the setting of the seeder and its technical condition when
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Management is more and more confidently entering the industrial and social life of the countries of the world. On the one hand, it is a science based on objective laws and regularities, clear rules and technologies that help people understand the realities of the production process. On the other hand,
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Management or leadership
1. Management or leadership? It is important to separate these two concepts. In order to manage people, i.e. successfully set tasks and control their implementation, requiring a survey, industry knowledge, i.e. expertise, as well as management skills such as identifying control points, understanding the functionality and business processes, the right
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Managementul unei bănci
UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCUREŞTI FACULTATEA DE ADMINISTRAŢIE ŞI AFACERI SPECIALIZAREA ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR Managementul unei bănci COORDONATOR ŞTIINŢIFIC Conf. univ. dr. Paul Marinescu ABSOLVENT Coștei Maxim BUCUREŞTI 2023 Cuprins Introducere Capitolul I – Elemente teoretice 1.1.Definirea institutiilor bancare 1.2.Managementul bancar 1.3.Managementul riscului bancar 1.4..Leadershipul organizației 1.5.Structuri și rețele în cadrul organizației 1.6.Analiza
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Шаповалова Дар’я, 4 курс, 1 група Manuscript Manuscript – перший в Україні виробник блокнотів. Спочатку власники організації починали свою діяльність зі створення листівок. Вони вирішили, що це малозатратний бізнес, який не потребує великих вкладень, щоб розпочати свою власну справу. Для початку їм вистачило 8 тис гривень і вони запустили виробництво
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Marjonbuloq koni
O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI DAVLAT GEOLOGIYA VA MINERAL RESURSLAR QO‘MITASI GEOLOGIYA FANLARI UNIVERSITETI “Neft va gaz konlari geologiyasi” fakulteti “Gidrogeologiya va muhandislik geologiyasi” yo‘nalishi. Foydali qazilma konlari gealogiyasi MUSTAQIL ISH Mavzu: “MARJONBULOQ KONI” Bajardi: Hojiyev Ismat Qabul qildi: Toshkent 2022 Mundarija: Kirish……………………………………………………3 I. Bob. Hududning fizik-geografik sharoiti……………..3 II. Bob. Hududning o‘rganilish tarixi…………………...4
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Marketing is a set of processes that ensure the promotion of goods and services for the purpose of making a profit. Marketing is based on four main components: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. In my opinion, the key to successful and effective marketing is to plan and organize your business
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1-kurs Orazbaeva Kamila Marketing 1-kurs Biznesińizdi ilgeri jıljıtıw ushın marketingniń 9 túri Klientlerińizge erisiw ushın eń jaqsısın tabıw ushın bul 9 túrdegi marketingni úyreniń. Marketing barlıq jaǵdaylarǵa sáykes keletuǵın birden-bir ólshem emes, Bıraq maslastırıwdı talap etedi. Barlıq kárxanalar básekige shıdamlı bazarda ajralıp turıw jolın tabıwları kerek. Ónimlerdi onlayn satasız, jergilikli
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Quantitative methods for assessing business reputation are more rational than qualitative ones. These include 1. excess profit method; 2. methods for recording the results of specific transactions. In accordance with the excess profit method, business reputation is assessed in terms of additional income, the economic effect that is achieved through
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Maryland Law Review (Обзор Законодательства Штата Мэриленд)
Maryland Law Review VOLUME XXIII WINTER, 1963 NUMBER 1 A NEW CRIMINAL CODE FOR MARYLAND? By JOHN M. BRUMBAUGH* There has been considerable recent interest in fundamental revision of the criminal law of Maryland. In 1960 the Maryland Self-Survey Commission, originally appointed by Governor McKeldin, reported to Governor Tawes a
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Mass media
Mass media Nowadays there are various types of mass media and people are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. Mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet. They
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Matematik modellashtirish fanifan topshiriqlar
Matematik modellashtirish fanifan topshiriqlar. 1.Egri chiziqning istalgan M(x,y) nuqtasining OM radius vektori OM, shu nuqtadan o‘tkazilgan MP urinma va Ox o‘q hosil qilgan uchburchakning yuzi 2 ga teng. Egri chiziq A(4;-4) nuqtadan o‘tadi. Uning tenglamasini toping. Shartga ko'ra, M(x,y) nuqtaning radius vektori uning koordinata nuqtasigacha bo'lgan masofasiga teng: OM =
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Mathematical Processing of Electrophysiological Signals for Reproduction by a Hardware-Software Simulator
Mathematical Processing of Electrophysiological Signals for Reproduction by a Hardware-Software Simulator Margarita Sidorova Department of “Biomedical engineering" Penza state technological university Penza, Russian Federation sidorova_mailbox@mail.ru ________________ Nataliya Serzhantova Department of “Biomedical engineering" Penza state technological university Penza, Russian Federation itmmbspgta@yandex.ru ________________ Anton Syomin Department of “Biomedical engineering" Penza state technological
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1. Media is a broad concept. It includes radio, television, Newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and more. It is difficult to imagine life without the media today. The Internet is the youngest of all media representatives. Its audience increases every year. Unlike other mass media, the Internet provides an opportunity to
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Medical education
КАРД 1. Medical education Medical education in Kazakhstan. I would like to tell you about medical education in Kazakhstan. Today there are many higher medical educational institutions in our country. This topic is very important, because now I am a first-year medical student. And I think we should know what
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It is almost impossible to imagine the world without medicine. Especially medicine is nowadays implemented through the Healthcare Ministry and other private healthcare providers. Though each country has its own way of treating its citizens. For instance, General practitioners are given a great prominence in the British healthcare system. One
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Medicine of the twentieth century
LESSON № 4. "Medicine of the twentieth century" During the last third of the 19th century, the transition from pre-monopoly capitalism to monopoly capitalism took place. Monopoly capitalism, or imperialism, is the highest stage of capitalism. In the late XIX - early XX century, monopoly capitalism has developed completely. In
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Topic: Meditations Basically, when we talk about our personal health, healthy habits, the idea of sports and active lifestyle immediately comes to our mind. But only a few people know that healthy habits are not only go to gym, drink a lot of water, eat fruits/vegetables, taking vitamins and so
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Meine Stellung zur Migration (Мое отношение к миграции)
Meine Stellung zur Migration Die Migration ist eines der Hauptprobleme Europas heute. Die Migration der Bevölkerung ist eine Umstellung der Menschen auf die riesigen Entfernungen aus einem Land in andere. Jedoch können die Menschen aus einer Region in anderem innerhalb des Landes migrieren. Viele Menschen migrieren, um die Arbeit zu
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Menglöd - Богиня, которая любит украшения
Менглед ( «Та, кто любит украшения») - богиня, которая, согласно поэзии Fjölsvinnsmál , сидит в замке на горе Лифьяберг («Лэкедомсбергет»), ожидая Бога Свипдага ( Свипдагр : «внезапный рассвет» ). Она никогда не встречала его, но знает, что ему суждено стать ее мужем. Замок, где она сидит, не вообразим: переполнен пылающим
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Metaphysical Theories - Overview
Materialism Materialism is a philosophical concept positing that the essence of reality lies in the physical world and matter. It asserts that all aspects of existence, from tangible objects to abstract concepts, can be fundamentally explained and understood through the lens of matter and its interactions. In the materialist
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Methodologies for assessing the investment climate
Methodologies for assessing the investment climate There are several methodologies for assessing the investment climate in France. Here are some common ones: 1. Ease of Doing Business Index: The World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index provides a ranking of countries based on their business regulations and their impact on
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Methods of Teaching Nature Science in Primary School
F-7-03-20 Jetpisbaeva S. For the subject Methods of Teaching Nature Science in Primary School Abstract of the lecture Shymkent, 2024 ________________ Introduction The main form of the integration of natural sciences is the new nature of modern education, the introduction of natural sciences into the change of primary education and
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