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52,657 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 931 - 960

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  • Methods of teaching the topic "scratch programming environment" in primary school

    Methods of teaching the topic "scratch programming environment" in primary school

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN M. AUEZOV SOUTH KAZAKHSTAN STATE UNIVERSITY UDC 373.1 On rights manuscripts Togizbayeva Meruert METHODS OF TEACHING THE TOPIC "SCRATCH PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT" IN PRIMARY SCHOOL Thesis for an academic master's degree Specialty 6M011100 – “Computer science” Scientific supervisor Senior teacher, cand.ped.sci.

    Слов: 18,416  •  Страниц: 74
  • Metil spirti ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi

    Metil spirti ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi


    Слов: 5,454  •  Страниц: 22
  • Metrology in the modern world

    Metrology in the modern world

    Metrology in the modern world Metrology in the broadest sense is the science of measurements, methods and means, ensuring their unity, and ways to achieve the required accuracy. Metrology serves as the theoretical basis of measuring technology. metrology deals with the theory and practice of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

    Слов: 4,034  •  Страниц: 17
  • Micro and macro (Микро и макро)

    Micro and macro (Микро и макро)

    MICRO AND MACRO Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Beginning courses in economics are traditionally divided into two components: microeconomics and macroeconomics. The two branches of economics contain some differences in viewpoint as well as some similarities. Microeconomics is concerned

    Слов: 312  •  Страниц: 2
  • Military conflict in Sudan

    Military conflict in Sudan

    The military conflict in Sudan has been going on for more than ten years and has a large number of victims. According to official data, more than 300,000 people have died as a result of violent conflicts in the country since 2003. According to some reports, the total number of

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  • Mindestalter bei Olympia

    Mindestalter bei Olympia

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Das Thema meines Vortrags lautet: Mindestalter bei Olympia. Wie in den letzen Jahren zu erkennen ist, werden bei der Olympia immer mehr Rekorde und absolute Spitzenleistungen von jungen Athleten erbracht. Ich habe mich für dieses Thema entschieden, weil ich selbst seit Sport mache. Zuerst spreche

    Слов: 497  •  Страниц: 2
  • Mode und Schönheit

    Mode und Schönheit

    Mode und Schönheit Obwohl es mir Spaß macht, mich schön zu kleiden, interessiere ich mich für Mode nicht. Ich bin der Meinung, dass sie sich zu schnell ändert, deswegen habe ich keine Zeit, auf sie aufzupassen. Nicht ohne Grund sagt man, dass jede Mode aus der Mode kommt. Meiner Meinung

    Слов: 342  •  Страниц: 2
  • Modern family

    Modern family

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University F:\Диас\Диас\СӨЖ\ЭМБЛЕИА ОҚМПУ.png Topic: Modern family Performed by: Ualikhan D. Checked by: Essay Modern family Family is the most important thing in a person's life. You can find love and support in the family, as well

    Слов: 940  •  Страниц: 4
  • Modern problems of responsibility heads of the municipality

    Modern problems of responsibility heads of the municipality

    MODERN PROBLEMS OF RESPONSIBILITY HEADS OF THE MUNICIPALITY At the present stage of social development, rather increased requirements are imposed on local self-government. The fact is that it is local self-government that has a special role in the general mechanism of managing socio-cultural and economic construction in municipalities. The general

    Слов: 801  •  Страниц: 4
  • Modern Technology. The Advances in the Communication Industry that have Changed Our Lives. Hi-tech Education

    Modern Technology. The Advances in the Communication Industry that have Changed Our Lives. Hi-tech Education

    Non-state educational Private Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Financial-Industrial University "Synergy" Essay on the subject: « Modern Technology. The Advances in the Communication Industry that have Changed Our Lives. Hi-tech Education » Made by: Терзиева А.А. (gr. ОМЛ-12209МОммк) The English supervisor: Аийетан С.А. Moscow 2023 Modern technology has revolutionized

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  • Modern Trends and Future of Implementing Innovative Technologies in Colleges

    Modern Trends and Future of Implementing Innovative Technologies in Colleges

    IRST 14.15.01. Modern Trends and Future of Implementing Innovative Technologies in Colleges Zhuldyz Zholdasovna Smailova Professor of the Department of Design and Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan) Aizhan Dastanbekkyzy Dastanbek Master’s Student at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan) Abstract. This article

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  • Modern view on finding the job

    Modern view on finding the job

    SOUTH KAZAKHSTAN PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY ESSAY “Modern view on finding the job” Made by: Bekmurat N Group: 1503-10a Accepted: Kangilova R Shymkent 2023 “Modern view on finding the job” It is not easy to get a job these days. For example, after graduating from a profession, get a diploma and try

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  • Mon futur metier

    Mon futur metier

    Mon futur metier Mon futur métier est le notaire. Je veux devenir notaire parce que j'aime le droit de la famille. J'explique bien et j'aime donner des conseils ce qui est important dans cette metier. Je sais écouter les gens. La profession de notaire m'aidera à apprendre à construire

    Слов: 289  •  Страниц: 2
  • Monetary system of national economy

    Monetary system of national economy

    STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION «SCHOOL OF BUSINESS OF BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY» DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING Coursework on the discipline «Marketing» MONETARY SYSTEM OF NATIONAL ECONOMY Sidorova Nadezhda Igorevna student 2 course, group 133 specialty «Marketing» Academic advisor: Senior lecturer, A.A. Vashchyla Minsk, 2022 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION «SCHOOL OF BUSINESS OF BELARUSIAN STATE

    Слов: 12,016  •  Страниц: 49
  • Money defer charm lasting why sometimes explained charm unwilling two hastily

    Money defer charm lasting why sometimes explained charm unwilling two hastily

    Money defer charm lasting why sometimes explained charm unwilling two hastily. Believing contained mr father remarkably. Outlived large terminated dissuade message regular conveying tore unwilling be snug doubt again. Contempt other thoughts cease. Park behaved distrusts subjects vulgar wished loud explained. Projecting seeing furniture plate been means lived arranging affection

    Слов: 858  •  Страниц: 4
  • Money matters

    Money matters

    Money matters. Slide 3: 1.What is the value of money? Money is a means of exchange. It is your way of paying for goods and services that you want or need. There are several different types of money: banknotes, coins, and plastic cards. Each type has its own value. Banknotes

    Слов: 357  •  Страниц: 2
  • Monologue on Computer Essentials

    Monologue on Computer Essentials

    Monologue on Computer Essentials Today computers are the part of our everyday life. Unfortunately, people don’t usually think about: How do computers really work? I have collected some data and I am going to comment on this issue. Firstly, let’s talk about functioning of computers. Computer components include hardware, software,

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  • Monologue on DESIGN

    Monologue on DESIGN

    Monologue on DESIGN You are going to give a talk about DESIGN. The text of the monologue Vocabulary, Grammar Structures, Linking Words and Phrases Step 1. Introduction 1. Start with a hook sentence that will attract the listener’s attention (a quote, a proverb, etc.). 2. Lead your speech steadily to

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  • Monologue on Operating Systems

    Monologue on Operating Systems

    Monologue on Operating Systems Have you ever thought about how a computer understands your commands and runs it, even though we and the computer speak different languages? It doesn’t speak English or Russian: it speaks in ones and zeros. You can’t communicate directly with your computer but that’s where your

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  • Monologue on Trends

    Monologue on Trends

    Breslavskii Artemii Group 5030102/20002 Monolouge on Trends Gianni Versace once said not to set into trends, not to make fashion own you, but you decide what you are. However, nowadays lots of people increasingly following trends. But what exactly is a trend? The very concept of trend is used in

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  • Monologue on WORK

    Monologue on WORK

    Осень 2023-2024 Базовый уровень 3834201/30003 Alekseeva Veronika Monologue on WORK You are going to give a talk about WORK. The text of the monologue Vocabulary, Grammar Structures, Linking Words and Phrases Step 1. Introduction 1. Start with a hook sentence that will attract the listener’s attention (a quote, a proverb,

    Слов: 660  •  Страниц: 3
  • Monster Beverage Corporation

    Monster Beverage Corporation

    A family from Maryland lost their 14-year-old daughter to an accident which was supposedly caused by the two cans of energy drink she had earlier. Her parents immediately put all the blame on the Monster company and are now waiting for the decision. More details on the situation in our

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  • Moods and their use in practice

    Moods and their use in practice

    Mood Mood is a grammatical category of the verb, which is used to express the speaker’s attitude towards the action expressed by the verb from the point of view of its reality. There are three moods in the English language: the indicative mood, the imperative mood and the oblique mood

    Слов: 2,377  •  Страниц: 10
  • Morphology


    Morphology is a branch of linguistics that involves the study of the grammatical structure of words and how words are formed and varied within any given language. Morphology studies the relationship between morphemes, referring to the smallest meaningful unit in a word, and how these units can be arranged to

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  • Mortgage market in the USA

    Mortgage market in the USA

    FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION “FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (Financial University) Department of World Economy and International Finance Scientific Research «Mortgage market in the USA» Students: Maksimets Nikita Professor: A. S. Fedyunin “28” March 2022 Moscow – 2022 Contents I. Introduction -p.3 II.

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  • Moscow


    1. My native town is Moscow. 2. It was founded in 1147 by Yury Dolgoruky on two rivers: Moskow and Neglinnaya. 3. Usually people say that Moscow is placed on seven hills. 4. The climate is temperately continental. 5. Winters in Moscow are quite cold and summers are usually hot,

    Слов: 261  •  Страниц: 2
  • Motivating factors affecting women’s entrepreneurial decision making in Kazakhstan

    Motivating factors affecting women’s entrepreneurial decision making in Kazakhstan

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN SULEYMAN DEMIREL UNIVERSITY SDU BUSINESS SCHOOL «Approved» Head of department «Economics and Business» ____________PhD Azimbekova Aigerim «___» ________ 2018 THESIS WORK Theme: «Motivating factors affecting women’s entrepreneurial decision making in Kazakhstan» Specialty «Management» Submitted by Student 4-th course, group «Management»

    Слов: 7,071  •  Страниц: 29
  • Motivation


    Motivation is an important inner impulse that causes a person to leave his comfort zone, to overcome difficulties for the prospect of possible happiness. Motivation to learn is a rather fragile psychological "substance". For its awakening you need a suitable informational environment, interesting and understandable presentation of teaching material. To

    Слов: 1,240  •  Страниц: 5
  • Motivation of managers. Agency conflict

    Motivation of managers. Agency conflict

    Motivation of managers. Agency conflict. Imagine yourself as the CEO of a corporation with outsider ownership. You are considering 2 investment projects. One should bring a profit of 1 million in case of successful implementation (60% probability), but in case of failure it will lead to a loss of 400

    Слов: 272  •  Страниц: 2
  • Moтивы выбopa пeдaгoгичecкoй пpoфeccии и мoтивы yчeния

    Moтивы выбopa пeдaгoгичecкoй пpoфeccии и мoтивы yчeния

    Moтивы выбopa пeдaгoгичecкoй пpoфeccии и мoтивы yчeния Bыбop пpoфeccии пeдaгoгa ocyщecтвляeтcя чeлoвeкoм в cвязи c нeким мoтивoм, oбycлoвливaющим, мoжнo cкaзaть, и oбocнoвaниe yчeния. Moтивы выбopa пpoфeccии пeдaгoгa и иx клaccификaция Пocкoлькy мoтив ecть пpeдмeт пoтpeбнocти, для бyдyщиx пeдaгoгoв в кaчecтвe пoдoбныx пpeдмeтoв мoгyт выcтyпaть: - Интeллeктyaльнaя aктивнocть; - Пoбyждeниe пpoйти

    Слов: 383  •  Страниц: 2

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