Гуманитарные науки
52,652 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 691 - 720
Gastronomiya turizmini rivojlantirish istiqbollari
C:\Users\Botir\Desktop\yangi\123.jpg O’zbekisbekiston Respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi Samarqand Iqtisodiyot va Servis Instituti “Xalqaro Turizm va servis” kafedrasi Turizm nazariyasi va amaliyoti fanidan Mavzu: Gastronomiya turizmini rivojlantirish istiqbollari. Bajardi:Boltayev J Tekshirdi:Boynazarov U Samarqand 2018 Mundarija. 1. Kirish………………………………………………………………………..3 2. Xalqaro turizmni rivojlanish omillari …………………………………....…4 3. Turistik talab mohiyati…………………………………………………..…15 4. Turistik
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Gazni qatlamga haydash uchun nasos agregatlari, ularning tasnifi va sxemalari
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Gender in the Wild: Studies Show Gender Effect in Elephant Societies
ASSIGNMENT 2 “Paraphrasing/Summarizing” Gender in the Wild: Studies Show Gender Effect in Elephant Societies Young elephants grow up in large, organized groups that are mostly made up of females, including mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and female friends. This matriarchal system helps protect young orphan elephants when their mothers are killed by
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General glossary
GENERAL GLOSSARY Term Index Definition Ukrainian equivalent A accuracy 2.1 The ability to write or speak a foreign language without making grammatical, vocabulary, spelling or pronunciation mistakes. Compare with fluency. мовна правильність achievement test 4.4 A test which looks back over a long period of language learning to test how
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Generative grammar
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РФ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Дагестанский государственный университет» Факультет иностранных языков Кафедра английской филологии Реферат на тему: Generative grammar Выполнила: Касимова Р., студентка 4 курса Махачкала, 2019 г. ________________ Generative grammar is a theory of grammar, first developed by Noam Chomsky in
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Geologiya-qidiruv ishlari texnikasi va texnologiyasi
Олий таълим, фан ва инновациялар вазирлигининг логотипи ... O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKАSI OLIY TА’LIM, FАN VА INNOVАTSIYALАR VАZIRLIGI C:\Users\lenova\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG_20231113_194908_445 - копия.jpg “TIQXMMI” MTUning QАRSHI IRRIGАTSIYA VА АGROTEXNOLOGIYALАR INSTITUTI Chorvachilik va qishloq xo’jaligini mexanizatsiyalash fakulteti 5313400- “Geodeziya va Geoinformatika” ta’lim yo’nalishi 410-guruh talabasi Xazraqulov Sirojiddinning Bitiruv malakaviy ishi oldi amaliyoti H
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Geschichte und Kritik der Übersetzungen von F.Schillers Werken ins Russische
Министерство Высшего Образования Узбекский Государственный Университет Мировых Языков КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА по немецкой литературе на тему: Geschichte und Kritik der Übersetzungen von F.Schillers Werken ins Russische Выполнила: студентка группы 1910 Биккулова Линара Руководитель: Рахимов Х. Ташкент 2022 Inhalt Kapitel I. Theoretischer Teil Einführung...................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Leben 3 1.2 Schillers Werke 6
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Early Egyptian tombs provide fascinating glimpses into the historical significance of giraffes, as they feature intricate paintings showcasing these majestic creatures. Giraffes were highly valued for various reasons throughout history, not only for their unique appearance but also for their tails, which boasted long, needle-like tufts of hair that were
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Giulio Briccialdi
Giulio Briccialdi - italian musician and composer, one of the best flutists of the 19th century. Giulio Briccialdi was born on March 2, 1818 in Terni, in Italy. He recevied his first flute lessons from his father, and learned the rest himself. A an early age Briccialdi gradueted from the
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Global markets Vocabulary and Grammar
Global markets Vocabulary 1 Complete the collocations. The first letters are given. 1 Our new Marketing Director changed our marketing strategy to include more use of social media. 2 Most car companies allow you to choose from many options when buying a new car and this product customisation is
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Global warming
Essay Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue? The problem of global warming is becoming more and more relevant in our time and
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Due to Globalization, English is an instrument of international communication. The language can consolidate nations and reflect all events of the World. Also it can degrade and die after degradation and dead of any culture (for example, Latin). The relationship between language and culture is a typical example of universal
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Globalization and standardization of English
GLOBALIZATION AND STANDARDIZATION OF ENGLISH Introduction In the age of globalization, where borders are permeable, and communication transcends geographical constraints, the English language has emerged as a global lingua franca. However, this global reach has not only facilitated intercultural communication but has also triggered a process of standardization. This article
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Glocalization in marketing
GLOCALIZATION IN MARKETING Complexity and diversity make the world more stable. A global world with identical political, economic, and any other elements could have more, not less conflict. Globality is getting localized, and locality can be globalized, too. These two trends do not contradict each other: on the contrary, their
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Glossary 1. ART DESIGN(АРТ-ДИЗАЙН)-piece design, conceptual, elite. 2. BRANDING(БРЕНДИНГ) is an activity to create a long-term preference for a product, based on the joint enhanced impact on the consumer of all elements of the brand and branding policy of the company. 3. HIEROGLYPH(ИЕРОГЛИФ)(Greek, “hieros” - holy, “glyphine” - cut out,
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GMO (ГМО-культур)
A learner presents their side/makes a conclusion provides 3 arguments with examples and reasons makes error-free sentences pronounces all the words correctly interacts with a partner (uses phrases of agreement and disagreement) speaks fluently without pausesA learner presents their side/makes a conclusion provides 3 arguments with examples and reasons makes
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Goal-ді Perform Group
Edrfvgbhjnkm,fr Frhjnmrfv 2011 жылдың ақпанында Goal-ді Perform Group сатып алды[2][3][4]. 2012 жылы Ұлыбританияның салық және кедендік алымдар басқармасы осы веб-сайтта ақысыз жұмыс істейтін интерндерді пайдалану туралы тергеу жүргізді[5]. 2016 жылдың тамызында Perform Group DAZN деп аталатын спорттық бейнелерді онлайн тарату қызметін іске қосты. 2018 жылдың қыркүйегінде Perform Group екі компанияға
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Goals and objectives of land protection. Land protection authorities
P.6-7 Goals and objectives of land protection. Land protection authorities. Land protection includes a system of legal, organizational, economic, technological and other measures aimed at protecting land as part of the environment, rational use of lands, prevention of unjustified withdrawal of lands from agricultural and forestry turnover, as well as
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Goblin mode
The editors of the Oxford English Dictionary chose "goblin mode" as the main word of 2022. "Goblin mode" is a slang expression that describes a pattern of behavior that rejects societal norms and expectations. She is characterized by laziness, sloppiness and greed. The term was first used on Twitter in
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Goldman Sachs
Зміст Вступ……………………………………………………………………………….…3 Розділ 1.Біографія Маркуса Голдмана…………….……………………………….4 Розділ 2.Goldman Sachs……………………………………………………………...5 2.1. Як важливо мати правильного зятя………………………………………….5 2.2. Маркус Голдман і Семюел Сакс. Початок………………………………….6 2.3. Goldman Sachs 1906-1969. Вейнберг і Леві ………………………………..8 2.4. Goldman Sachs не програє ……………………………………………….......9 2.5. Goldman Sachs і інвесттрасти 1920-х………………………………………..9 2.6. Goldman Sachs і американська іпотека…………………………………….11 2.7. Goldman
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Google is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products. Google was founded in 1998. The company is providing snacks and gourmet meals in the canteen, annual skiing trips or games rooms at the office, the philosophy behind such perks is the same - getting staff
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Google Earth Engine
Қазақстан Республикасының білім және ғылым министрлігі әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университеті Факультеті: «География және табиғатты пайдалану факультеті» Кафедрасы: «Картография және Геоинформатика» Реферат Тақырыбы: Google Earth Engine Орындаған: Дулат Нурасыл Тексерген: Оспан Ә.Ғ. Алматы Earth Engine - бұл планетарлық масштабтағы бұлтқа негізделген деректерді талдау платформасы. Бұл Google-дің орасан зор мәселелерін зерттеу
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Google-это прежде всего люди
GOOGLE - ЭТО В ПЕРВУЮ ОЧЕРЕДЬ ЛЮДИ Аннотация: В данной статье изучается процесс, который побуждет других людей и даже себя к деятельности для достижения личных или целей организации или другими словами мотивация персонала. [5] В статье рассматривается американской корпорация «Google», которая является ярким примером мощной мотивации персонала Ключевые слова: мотивация
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Gościniec abo krótkie opisanie Warszawy 1643
Praca Pisemna Autor: Adam Jarzębski był polskim kompozytorem wczesnego baroku, skrzypkiem, poetą i pisarzem. Jarzębski urodził się w Warce, ale większość jego życia upłynęła w Warszawie Temat: Gościniec abo krótkie opisanie Warszawy 1643. Tekst został napisany w 1643 r. To pierwszy przewodnik po Warszawie. W tekście tym możemy przeczytać o
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Government Relations (GR) как многомерный объект анализа и специфическая сфера управления и коммуникации
Видео-лекция на тему: Government Relations (GR) как многомерный объект анализа и специфическая сфера управления и коммуникации Взаимодействие государства и общества (государство-бизнес, государство-гражданские ассоциации, государство-организации публичного сектора) имеют многообразный и динамичный характер. В последние годы появилась особая отрасль деятельности фирм, гражданских ассоциаций и организаций публичного сектора по налаживанию отношений с органами
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GRADS бағдарламасы көмегімен ұзақ пакеттік тапсырмаларды орындау
Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті География және табиғатты пайдалану факультеті Метеорология және гидрология кафедрасы ЛАБОРАТОРИЯЛЫҚ ЖҰМЫС №6 Тақырыбы: GRADS бағдарламасы көмегімен ұзақ пакеттік тапсырмаларды орындау Орындағандар: Аяпберген Н. Жұмағұлова С. Сералы Г. Мақсутова С. Қабылдаған: Абаев Н.Н. Алматы 2015 жыл Лабораториялық жұмыс №6 Жұмыстың мақсаты: Бойлық, ендік шегіндегі мәліметтер файлын
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In our country graffiti is not as widespread as, for example, in European cities, but it is also present in our lives. I have seen graffiti not only in Minsk, but also in other Belarusian cities. And it is quite beautiful and impressive. There is no graffiti near my house
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Grammar “Verb of the senses”
CLASSROOM OBSERVATION/FEEDBACK FORM Date of observation: 06.02.2022 Class: Grade 8Б Teacher:Akmaral signature_______________ Observer: Zhassan signature_______________ Observation venue:Secondary school named after Kenet Azirbayev Teaching point(s):Unit 6 Grammar “Verb of the senses” LESSON QUALITY:(achievement of objectives, organization, sequencing, pacing, use of AV aids, etc.) The lesson objectives were well accomplished and the
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Grammar-Translation Method
HOME ASSIGNMENT 3 Tasks for systematizing and deepening knowledge 1. What are the goals of teachers who use the GTM? There are two main goals to grammar–translation classes. One is to develop students' reading ability to a level where they can read literature in the target language.The other is to
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Grange Park
Task 1 Two pictures illustrate how the Grange Park have changed from 1920 year comparatively to the present moment. Overall, there are significant differences between the old and the new park plans. To begin with, the central part of the park area has changed prodigiously. Nowadays, there is a square
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