Human capital as a factor of economic security of the country
Автор: ashabdanova • Май 12, 2023 • Контрольная работа • 2,056 Слов (9 Страниц) • 209 Просмотры
Gulnara Mussina
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University,
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Toktosunova Cholpon T.
Kyrgyz Economic Research University named
after Ryskulbekov,
Kyrgyzstan Republic,Bishkek
Shabdanova Aida
Kyrgyz Economic Research University named
after Ryskulbekov,
Kyrgyzstan Republic,Bishkek
Abstract — The problem of economic security is quite acute for every country. In order to counter challenges and threats, the Strategy of Economic Security of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2030 has been developed, in which the development of human capital is designated as one of the main directions of state policy. Undoubtedly, in modern conditions, the most important factor of economic security is human capital. The article examines the main threats to the economic security of the country associated with the concept of human capital, highlights the main directions of the theory of human capital, on the basis of which the authors substantiate a systematic approach to the study of human capital in order to identify negative factors that weaken the economic security of the country. Measures are proposed to smooth out or prevent the main threats to the economic security of the country.
Keywords – human capital, education capital, economic security, quality of life of the population, demographic policy, health capital, human potential development.
For the Kyrgyz Republic, the issues of ensuring economic security at the present stage are particularly relevant, since until the early 1990s there was no problem of ensuring national and economic security at all, since the republic was part of a single socialist state. The Soviet integration system, on which the structure of the economy of our republic was oriented, was completely destroyed. In a short time, the Kyrgyz Republic has turned from a sufficiently developed industrial-agrarian state into an agrarian country with a small-scale artisanal farming and an uncertain social infrastructure. Negative processes in the socio-economic sphere have had a devastating impact on the standard of living of the population, and despite the fact that the poverty level has decreased, more than thirty percent of the population in Kyrgyzstan is still poor, there is a high unemployment rate, low wages, social instability and, as a consequence, a high level of external labor migration, first of all, to Russia. In industrial production, the country has not yet reached the pre–reform level, the country has the lowest level of wages among the CIS countries, only Tajikistan is behind.
Currently, the issues of economic security of Kyrgyzstan are becoming more and more urgent. The contradictory consequences of the process of globalization of the world economy lead to more complicated conditions for economic activity, tougher struggle for possible markets and resources. In this situation, every country in the world is increasingly facing the issue of protecting its interests and realizing comparative advantages in the global world economic space. Thus, solving the problems of the country's economic security is one of the most important priorities of state policy and a condition for the effectiveness and stability of society.
The problem of economic security was first posed in USA in the 30s. Its relevance was determined by the severe global economic crisis and the need to develop rapid response measures to threats of this scale within the national economy.
The "Great Depression" of the late 1920s demonstrated the failure of the market mechanism of self-regulation in conditions of a high degree of concentration of production and the arms race. The role of the state in the distribution of GDP, the support of strategically important industries, the formation of prices and incomes, aggregate demand, consumption and accumulation increased significantly.
Approaches to understanding economic security have changed depending on changes in political and economic concepts of government. For a long time there was an understanding of economic security as one of the characteristics of the global military conflict between the socialist and capitalist systems, that is , economic security was considered as ensuring the viability of national economies in the conditions of hostilities and the "cold war wars". As a variation of this concept, there were approaches according to which economic security was interpreted as ensuring the survival of the country in the event of natural disasters and environmental disasters or in conditions of national and global crises.
Economic security refers to the state of protection of the national economy from external and internal threats, which ensures the sovereignty of the country, the unity of its economic space, conditions for the implementation of strategic priorities of Kyrgyzstan. [1]. To ensure the economic security of the country, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the economic security of the region. And for the region, in turn, it is critically important to ensure the safety of enterprises that make up the production basis of the region's economy, and households that provide the most important resource for the entire socio-economic system – labor, or more broadly – human capital. The main problem of ensuring the economic security of the state is the human factor, the quality of life of the population and the areas of its provision, such as education, healthcare, culture of the population.
By now it has become obvious that the security problem has not only technical, but also socio-economic and aspects. The socio-economic system has historical, geographical, ethnic, spiritual, political and economic boundaries. This, in turn, means that certain traditions of attitude to risk and safety, a culture of safety can be formed in its elements - from complete risk aversion, for example, to willingness to take risks. This property must be taken into account when developing programs to ensure the security of the socio-economic system. The current trends of globalization may lead to the fact that the whole of humanity will be considered as a socio-economic system. Therefore, maintaining stability not only in a single point of space, region or state, but also on the planet as a whole is becoming an increasingly urgent task. To ensure the economic security of the country, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the economic security of the region. And for the region, in turn, it is critically important to ensure the safety of enterprises that make up the production basis of the region's economy, and households that provide the most important resource for the entire socio-economic system – labor, or more broadly – human capital.