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  • Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil

    Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil

    Aufgabe 1 Veröffentlichung 1808 Gattung (Form) Drama (Tragödie) Der vollständige Titel „Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil“ Literarische Epochen, die das Werk beeinflusst haben Weimarer Klassik , Sturm und Drang , Romantik , Aufklärung Aufbau (Struktur) Das Drama wird durch 3 vorgezogene Texte eingeleitet 1. Die Hauptfiguren. Die Charakteristik. Was erfahren

    Слов: 782  •  Страниц: 4
  • Features of contractual relations with the participation of the state

    Features of contractual relations with the participation of the state

    The first variant of the legislative consolidation of the possibility of the Russian Federation's participation in contractual legal relations is its direct direct consolidation in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation – by allocating the appropriate type (subspecies) of the contract (for example, §4 Chapter 30 "Supply of goods

    Слов: 904  •  Страниц: 4
  • Features of ecotourism

    Features of ecotourism

    gEcotourism, or ecological tourism - a type of tourism that consists of travel to natural virgin and protected areas. Ecotourists try not to have a significant impact on the territory. Ecotourism promotes the education of tourists and allows you to raise funds for environmental activities, promotes the development of isolated

    Слов: 275  •  Страниц: 2
  • Features of irony translation

    Features of irony translation

    FEATURES OF IRONY TRANSLATION Abdulkhamidov Askhad Student of the Ala-Too International University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Linguistics (Translation and Translation Studies) Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek E-mail: Akimkanova Kunduz Senior lecturer of the Ala-Too International University Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek ABSTRACT This article shows the peculiarities of the transfer of irony in

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  • Features of psychological training in powerlifting

    Features of psychological training in powerlifting

    FEATURES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING IN POWERLIFTING Staryk-Bludova Alyona Yuriyivna Graduate of Higher Education, Faculty of Law Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs Peculiarities of psychological training of powerlifters are explored. At the present stage of sports development, the density of competitive activity increases, which imposes increased demands on the physical

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  • Features of the formation of neologisms in english

    Features of the formation of neologisms in english

    FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF NEOLOGISMS IN ENGLISH ФИО автора: КАФ-23-21 тобының студенті Аманкелді Зәуре Жанболатқызы Karaganda Buketov University (Караганда, Казахстан), Annotation. The purpose of the study was to find out the features of the formation of neologisms in English. The scientific work considers the reasons why some lexical

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  • Features of the psychological image of characters in the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

    Features of the psychological image of characters in the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

    Introduction............................................................................................................. 2 Chapter One. 1.1 Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald: The Great American dreamer and one of the best writers in the world .......................................................................................... 9 1.2 A novel in criticism. The study of the novel.………………. 14 Chapter Two 2.1 The main and secondary characters of The Great Gatsby. The Jazz Age

    Слов: 15,301  •  Страниц: 62
  • Female entrepreneurship in Ukraine: features and prospects

    Female entrepreneurship in Ukraine: features and prospects

    FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE: FEATURES AND PROSPECTS UDC 343.359.2(477) Nadya Krivosheya 3d year student of Finansial Faculty of S. Kuznets KhNUE Annotation. The article analyzes the characteristics of women's entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine. It is studied the types and forms of female entrepreneurship. The article defined the main reasons for

    Слов: 1,637  •  Страниц: 7
  • Fenol va farmaldegid monomerlarini kislotali muhitda polikondensatlab Novalak tipidagi fenol formaldegid oligomerlarini olinishi

    Fenol va farmaldegid monomerlarini kislotali muhitda polikondensatlab Novalak tipidagi fenol formaldegid oligomerlarini olinishi

    Labaratoriya №1 1-(Qism) Fenol va farmaldegid monomerlarini kislotali muhitda polikondensatlab Novalak tipidagi fenol formaldegid oligomerlarini olinishi. Reaktivlar: fenol, formalin (texn) , 1n lik xlorid kislotasi eritmasi ,urotropine. Kerakli asboblar: 100 sm3 sig'imli dumaloq tubli kolba, Libix muzlatgichi , 100 °C lik termometr, Vyurts kolbasi, chinni idish, shpatel, oyna. 100 sm3li

    Слов: 446  •  Страниц: 2
  • Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’siri. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’sirini o’rganish

    Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’siri. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’sirini o’rganish

    O'ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI OLIY TA'LIM, FAN VA INNOVATSIYALAR VAZIRLIGI CHIRCHIQ DAVLAT PEDAGOGIKA UNIVERSITETI TABIIY FANLAR FAKULTETI MUSTAQIL ISH Fan: Enzimologiya Mavzu: Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’siri. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’sirini o’rganish Bajardi: Y.B.Pirnazarov Tekshirdi: P.Mirxamidova CHIRCHIQ-2023 Reja: Kirish 1. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’siri 2. O’rganish tarixi 3. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’sirini o’rganish 4. Spetsifiklikning o’ziga xos

    Слов: 1,955  •  Страниц: 8
  • Filmo tėvas refleksija

    Filmo tėvas refleksija

    Iš pradžių filmas primena trilerį ir atrodo, kad viskas, kas vyksta, tėra tik dalis klastingo dukters plano - išsiųsti tėvą į senelių namus, susitvarkyti gyvenimą ir persikelti į Paryžių. Bet vėliau paaiškėja, kad viskas nėra taip paprasta. Tai ant tiek sudėtinga, kad net filmo kūrime dalyvavę žmonės nebuvo visiškai tikri,

    Слов: 1,118  •  Страниц: 5
  • Financial and economic processes: problems of theory and practice

    Financial and economic processes: problems of theory and practice

    Tungyshbai Akerke Omirtaikyzy Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov Scientific instructor Kernebaev A. S. Doctor of PhD., Shohabaeva A.S. Master's degree FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROCESSES: PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE The Abstract: The article rendered concrete interrelation between the modern crisis processes and current problems of the theory and

    Слов: 1,996  •  Страниц: 8
  • Financial Companies

    Financial Companies

    Week 1 1. Types of Financial Companies Commercial Banks- highly regulated, accept deposits and make loans. Investment Banks- help to issue securities in Primary Market. Large Investment Banks facilitate mergers and acquisition. Insurance companies- accept premiums and underwrite insurance policies. 2. Regulatory Arbitrage As commercial banks are the most regulated,

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  • Financial security through savings and investments in cryptocurrency

    Financial security through savings and investments in cryptocurrency

    Картинки по запросу uib logo RESEARCH PROJECT Financial security through savings and investments in cryptocurrency Keshubayeva Samira, marketing Rakhimbayeva Alina, marketing Gladkikh Yana, marketing Kudasbek Zere, marketing Ryskalieva Madina, marketing University of International Business Almaty, 2023 Financial security through savings and investments in cryptocurrency INTRODUCTION Financial well-being is an important

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  • Finding My Place: Navigating the Challenges of Immigration

    Finding My Place: Navigating the Challenges of Immigration

    There is an old and famous joke anecdote among Russian immigrants: One kind man died and went to Heaven. He lived there without any worries. Suddenly, devils come, racing through Heaven in a chariot, and shout, "Come with us! We have drinks, girls, and everything you ever wanted! Let's go!!!"

    Слов: 675  •  Страниц: 3
  • First impression

    First impression

    First impression There is no doubt that most of our relationships, job interviews, presentations depend on first impression we make on different people. From this opinion that you made on person, he will decide to cooperate with you further or not. Thus, it is very important to create positive first

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  • Flowchart Kaspersky Antivirus

    Flowchart Kaspersky Antivirus

    IWST #7 Flowchart Kaspersky Antivirus Prepared by: YerkuatD. Course:1st course Specialty: General medicine Groupe: 103 A Submitted to:Zhubankyzova I., ICT department Almaty, 2022 Kaspersky Antivirus (English Kaspersky Antivirus, KAV) is an antivirus software developed by Kaspersky Lab. Provides the user with protection against viruses, Trojans, spyware, as well as unknown

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  • Flowers for Algernon

    Flowers for Algernon

    Название книги: Flowers for Algernon Автор: Daniel Keyes 1. Слова Значение Перевод Слова Значение Перевод perplex be a mystery or bewildering to запутывать patronizing characteristic of those who treat others with arrogance покровительственный feebleminded deficient in intellectual development слабоумный vacuous devoid of matter пустой cynical believing the worst of human

    Слов: 462  •  Страниц: 2
  • FlyingFox Case Study

    FlyingFox Case Study

    FlyingFox Case Study FlyingFox Note. All organizations and individuals mentioned in this case study are fictitious, and no reference to any true organization or individual is intended or implied ________________ Description FlyingFox Airlines was founded in 1990 after the merger of two companies; Foxways (originally based near Birmingham) and HighlandHighways

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  • Food acids

    Food acids

    Lecture 11 Food acids 1. Characteristics of acids food 2. Food acid and their influence on the quality of products Food contains various organic acids, which are combined into a group of food acids. Food acids accumulate in plant raw materials as a result of biochemical transformations at the stage

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  • Food chemistry: honey and counterfeits

    Food chemistry: honey and counterfeits

    State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 1584" FOOD CHEMISTRY: HONEY AND COUNTERFEITS Автор: Крупнова Виктория Владимировна, ученица 11 класса ГБОУ Школы №1584, г. Москва Научный руководитель: Берёзкина Елена Семёновна, учитель биологии ГБОУ Школа №1584 Научный консультант: Сергеева Татьяна Альбертовна, учитель английского языка Научный консультант: Вакурова

    Слов: 4,360  •  Страниц: 18
  • Foregrounding constructions in the English languages

    Foregrounding constructions in the English languages

    CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 1.The notion of the foregrounding and foregrounding constructions 5 2. Foregrounding constructions in the English languages 14 2.1Repetition 17 2.2 Split of the sentences 19 2.3 Inversion 23 2.4 Parcellation 25 2.5 Emphatic split of the verb 26 2.6 Negative emphatic constructions 26 2.7 Pseudo-comparative constructions 27

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  • Foreign policy of the Republican administrations of the USA

    Foreign policy of the Republican administrations of the USA

    Lecture №7 Foreign policy of the Republican administrations of the USA (1920-1933) Despite the growing popularity of isolationism, President Warren G. Harding and his Secretary of State Charles Hughes understood that the strengthened international authority of the United States opens up new opportunities for American diplomacy. In 1921-1922, representatives of

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  • Forging


    When does forging not involve fraud when you're talking about metal. Many industrial machines contain steel parts that have to withstand great stress.The metalworking method that produces the strongest steel parts is forging. Heating the metal then forming it to the required size and shape. Steel forgings are made from

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  • Formation of the skills of expressing problematic monologue speech of students

    Formation of the skills of expressing problematic monologue speech of students

    FORMATION OF THE SKILLS OF EXPRESSING PROBLEMATIC MONOLOGUE SPEECH OF STUDENTS In modern conditions of learning, the importance of the monologue increases even more. However, the formation of monologue speech remains a problem. Until now, the main criterion for the success of teaching native and foreign languages at school remains

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  • Forms of organizations

    Forms of organizations

    Forms of organizations Organization as bureaucracy Whether in business or government organizations, a dominant form of any administration is bureaucracy. Bureaucracies are generally defined as organizations that large and hierarchical in structure that provide each employee with a clearly defined role and area of responsibility. Организация как бюрократия Будь то

    Слов: 328  •  Страниц: 2
  • Frame оf reference. Mоtiоn in оne dimensiоn (Рамка ссылки. Мотив в одном измерении)

    Frame оf reference. Mоtiоn in оne dimensiоn (Рамка ссылки. Мотив в одном измерении)

    Frame оf reference. Mоtiоn in оne dimensiоn This theme is abоut hоw things mоve in a straight line оr mоre scientifically hоw things mоve in оne dimensiоn. This is useful fоr learning hоw tо describe the mоvement оf cars alоng a straight rоad оr оf trains alоng straight railway tracks.

    Слов: 13,049  •  Страниц: 53
  • Francesco Marconi

    Francesco Marconi

    Turiba University Faculty of Business Administration Yakov Sevostyanov UVA1D1 REVIEW OF THE FRANCESCO MARCONI ORGANIZATION Study paper Department of Commerce Advisor: Juris Ozols, Dr. Phys., doc. Riga, 2016 ANNOTATION The study paper describes the “Francesco Marconi” media organization which belongs to "New Style Studio" which successfully conquering the industry for

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  • Franchising


    Franchising is a form of business organization when the owner of a company (franchisor) transfers the right to sell goods or services to another company (franchisee) for a fee. Franchising is one of the most popular types of market relations. According to statistics, there are more than 16.5 thousand franchisors

    Слов: 559  •  Страниц: 3
  • Front office operations - 2.2 Guest check in procedure

    Front office operations - 2.2 Guest check in procedure

    KAZAKH ABLAI KHAN UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND WORLD LANGUAGES HOTEL VS MOTEL Theme: «Front office operations - 2.2 Guest check in procedure» Discipline: PKYAM Student: Yana Porokhnya Vladimirovna ФММК: РДиГБ - 3 курс, 306 группа Teacher: Arstanova Akerke Temirkhankyzy ALMATY 2022 HOTEL VS MOTEL Watch the videos and compare

    Слов: 514  •  Страниц: 3

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