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ICT role in key sectors of development of society

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Қазақстан Республикасының Ғылым және білім министрлігі Е. А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті Математика және ақпараттық технологиялар факультеті

«Қолданбалы математика және информатика» кафедрасы

Сланбекова Асылзат Ермановна

«Ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялар» пәні бойынша

виртуалды курсы

білім беру бағдарламасы: «6B07103-Теплоэнергетика»

Караганды 2021

The topic 1: ICT role in key sectors of development of society. Standard

in the field of ICT

Lecture plan:

  1. Understand program
  2. The Information and Communication Technologies.
  3. The theory of network

1. Understand program .

It is offered to understand a complex of the objects, actions and rules connected with preparation, conversion and delivery of information in case of personal, mass and production communication and also all technologies and industries which are integrally providing the listed processes as information and communication technologies.

Today concept IT includes microelectronics, development and production of computers and the software, communication and telephony, mobile services, ensuring access the Internet, providing information resources of the Internet, and also the various cultural phenomena connected with the listed spheres of activity and governed (as formalized, and informal), the regulating these spheres of activity.

Understand program, hardware-software and technical means as means of the modern information and communication technologies, and also the devices functioning on the basis of a microprocessor, ADP equipment, and also the modern means and systems of broadcasting of information, information exchange, providing operations on collection, a producing, accumulation, storage, processing, information transfer and a possibility of access to information resources of computer networks (including global).

The computer, PEVM, sets of a terminal equipment for a computer of all classes, local computer networks, input/output devices of information, means of input and handling the text and graphic information, means of archive storage of large volumes of information and other peripheral equipment of the modern computers belong to means of the modern information and communication technologies; devices for data transformation from the graphic or sound form of data representation in digital and back; means and devices of handling audiovisual information (on the basis of technologies of the Multimedia and "The virtual reality"); systems of an artificial intelligence; systems of a machine graphics, program complexes (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application program packages and so forth), etc.; the modern means of communication providing information exchange of users as at the local level (for example, within one organization or several organizations), and global (within the world information environment).

The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the moment are one of the most important factors of economic development and the international competitiveness therefore topical issue about the strategy of regulation and stimulation of the market of ICT. At the same time efficiency of state regulation of

this industry can be increased when accounting some peculiar features inherent in it (in particular, a big role of network outer effects and scale effect, value of industry standards).

Development of ICT is closely connected with the level of economic growth

  1. and therefore infocommunication technologies shall be one of points of effective macroeconomic policy.

The Information and Communication Technologies.

Return potential on use of ICT depends not only on quality of information and communication products and services, but, first of all, on availability of effective plans of implementation of ICT in activities of corporations and state bodies. Availability of ICT from the point of view of corporate, state and private consumers is substantially connected with the level of competition of the market of ICT. At the same time, there is a large number of factors which constrain distribution of ICT, and at the national and intercountry levels are problem components 'a digital gap (Digital Divide) – the unequal opportunities of access to ICT from outside less developed countries or separate groups in the countries aggravating other types of inequality (economic, social and cultural).

Let's stop on some aspects of state regulation of ICT specific to information and communication technologies and the network outer effects and industry standards connected with strong action.

Network effects represent additional advantages which are got by new consumers of a certain product or service owing to the fact that the large number of other consumers already uses the same product / service.

The theory of network

The theory of network outer effects well is suitable for the description of processes of distribution of information and communication technologies. It is explained, first, by the fact that an essence of ICT is the organization of process of exchange of information, and interest in these or those means of communication depends not only on expected costs for their acquisition and implementation (as in standard function of demand D=f {P}), but in very considerable degree from number of other users of these means who are considered as potential communication partners (t. e. Dt=f { P, Dp }, where Dt - demand in a current period, Dp - the aggregate satisfied demand of last periods, P - costs for acquisition of the communication medium). Secondly, an additional incentive factor is competitive pressure: the real or expected advantages got by users of ICT (for example, in the form of cost reduction) force competitors to use similar technologies.

Interest (demand) for this or that ICT its cash prevalence is decisive factor. At the same time, appeal (from the point of view of transactional expenses) specific products or services ICT depends on prevalence of the standards which are their cornerstone.

The standard in this case is understood as the set of characteristics of this or that product of ICT providing it compatibility with other similar products. A bright example of the standard are foreign similar interfaces of many computer programs.


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