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Автор:   •  Октябрь 1, 2019  •  Лекция  •  861 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  349 Просмотры

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  1. ART DESIGN(АРТ-ДИЗАЙН)-piece design, conceptual, elite.
  2. BRANDING(БРЕНДИНГ) is an activity to create a long-term preference for a product, based on the joint enhanced impact on the consumer of all elements of the brand and branding policy of the company.
  3. HIEROGLYPH(ИЕРОГЛИФ)(Greek, “hieros” - holy, “glyphine” - cut out, “gram” - letter) - was used by the Greeks to mean “sacred signs” - symbols carved on stones by the ancient Egyptians.
  4. ILLUSTRATION(ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИЯ) - visualization of text in a book, magazine, newspaper.
  5. CATALOG(КАТАЛОГ)(late lat. Catalogus - list, list). Index of artists or works of art in alphabetical order.
  6. INTERIOR(ИНТЕРЬЕР)- the French word, it means "internal". Interior design is called interior decoration in different rooms - living rooms, palaces, public buildings.
  7. COPY(КОПИЯ)(lat. Copia - set, stock). A work of art repeating another work in order to reproduce it as accurately as possible.
  8. MODERN(МОДЕРН)(French moderne - the latest, modern) (“Art Nouveau”, “Art Nouveau”), style in European and American art con. 19 - beg. 20 in
  9. PALETTE(ПАЛИТРА)is a thin wooden board of a rectangular or oval shape with a hole. The artists need a palette to work with oil paints.
  10. COMPOSITION (КОМПОЗИЦИЯ)- (lat. Compositio) - composition, compilation; connection, connection
  11. TYPOGRAPHY(ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ)is the art of moving letters, numbers, quotes and more around on a page until it looks pleasing.
  12. BANNER(БАННЕР) - an advertising medium on the Internet in the form of an information block of a certain size. Usually a banner is a link to the advertiser's resource.
  13. COAT OF ARMS (ГЕРБ) - a heraldic image, which includes, as a rule, such attributes as a helmet and a cross.
  14. PICTOGRAM(ПИКТОГРАММА)- a stylized and easily recognizable graphic image, simplified in order to facilitate visual perception.
  15. STYLE (СТИЛЬ), commonality of the figurative system, means of artistic expressiveness, creative techniques, due to the unity of ideological and artistic content
  16. SKETCH (ЭСКИЗ) (French Esquisse - sketch).
  17. BACKGROUND (ФОН) (French. Fond - lit. "bottom", "deep part"). Any part of a pictorial or ornamental composition in relation to the “protruding” (especially first-hand) part included in it.
  18. FLORISTICS (ФЛОРИСТИКА )- the art of composing bouquets, decorating flowers and plants of one’s life with a person, one of the most ancient arts.
  19. TILT-SHIFT (ТИЛТ-ШИФТ) - a genre of photography in which objects, landscapes or people shot in full size on the photo print look more than miniature.
  20. STREET ART (СТРИТ-АРТ) (Eng. Street art - street art). The main type of street art is graffiti, otherwise spray art, but one cannot assume that street art is graffiti.
  21. ADVERTISING DESIGN (РЕКЛАМНЫЙ ДИЗАЙН) is more likely a commercial craft based more on profit than on art.
  22. ANGLE(РАКУРС)  (French Raccourcir - shorten, shorten). A prospective reduction in the shape of the subject, leading to a change in its familiar shape.
  23. POP CULTURE (ПОП-КУЛЬТУРА) - Forms of entertainment that find their application in the market of mass production.
  24. PLAGIARISM (ПЛАГИАТ). Extradition of another person’s work for his or her illegal publication of another’s work under his own name, attribution of authorship.
  25. ORNAMENT (ОРНАМЕНТ). The word “ornament” is derived from the Latin word “ornamentum”, which translates as “decoration”. An ornament is a pattern with repeating patterns in a certain order.
  26. MONOGRAM (МОНОГРАММА)(Greek, - a simple line) - first meant an image drawn in one line, later - a sign made up of two or more connected letters, usually initials; Nowadays, so-called letters or images that are placed on household items to indicate their owner.
  27. LITHOGRAPHY (ЛИТОГРАФИЯ) - a widespread variety of graphic techniques associated with working on stone (solid limestone) or a metal plate replacing it (zinc, aluminum).
  28. CURSIVE(КУРСИВ) - a printed font with a slope of the main strokes of about 15 ° and rounded shapes of strokes and their connections, somewhat resembling a handwritten one.
  29. ILLUSTRATION (ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИЯ) - visualization of text in a book, magazine, newspaper.
  30. GRAPHEMA (ГРАФЕМА) - a written symbol used to express a unit of speech - a phoneme.
  31. GEOMETRIC ABSTRACTION (ГЕОМЕТРИЧЕСКАЯ АБСТРАКЦИЯ), one of the forms of abstract art, preferring compositions based on the strict rhythm of geometric or (in sculpture) stereometric figures.
  32. VANGUARDISM (АВАНГАРДИЗМ)(avant-garde), the collective name of artistic trends, more radical than modernism.
  33. ALLEGORY (АЛЛЕГОРИЯ) (Greek allegoria - allegory), the image of an abstract idea (concept) through the image.
  34. COLOR GAMMA (ГАММА ЦВЕТОВАЯ) - in the visual arts, the name of the external color features of color (see), the characteristic of the “optical” regularity, which combines the basic color shades of the work.
  35. KERNING (КЕРНИНГ) (English kerning) for typesetting - changing the spacing between letters, in order to achieve uniformity and visual harmony in the typing line.
  36. COLLECTION (КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ) (from lat. Collektio - collecting). The systematic collection of any homogeneous objects of scientific, historical or artistic interest.
  37. LETTERING (ЛЕТТЕРИНГ) (eng., "Lettering" - inscription) - hand-drawn, and not based on the designed font inscription. Font composition.
  38. BREAST SIGN (НАГРУДНЫЙ ЗНАК)- appeared as a patch on clothes, which served as a distinctive sign of servants or those who followed the king or the person of the royal family.
  39. POSTER (ПОСТЕР), or more familiar to us - a poster - large-format, image made for advertising, campaigning, informational or educational purposes.
  40. PUBLISH ART (ПУБЛИШЬ-АРТ) - the so-called folk (urban) design.


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