Автор: snurzhankyzy • Октябрь 1, 2019 • Лекция • 861 Слов (4 Страниц) • 349 Просмотры
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- ART DESIGN(АРТ-ДИЗАЙН)-piece design, conceptual, elite.
- BRANDING(БРЕНДИНГ) is an activity to create a long-term preference for a product, based on the joint enhanced impact on the consumer of all elements of the brand and branding policy of the company.
- HIEROGLYPH(ИЕРОГЛИФ)(Greek, “hieros” - holy, “glyphine” - cut out, “gram” - letter) - was used by the Greeks to mean “sacred signs” - symbols carved on stones by the ancient Egyptians.
- ILLUSTRATION(ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИЯ) - visualization of text in a book, magazine, newspaper.
- CATALOG(КАТАЛОГ)(late lat. Catalogus - list, list). Index of artists or works of art in alphabetical order.
- INTERIOR(ИНТЕРЬЕР)- the French word, it means "internal". Interior design is called interior decoration in different rooms - living rooms, palaces, public buildings.
- COPY(КОПИЯ)(lat. Copia - set, stock). A work of art repeating another work in order to reproduce it as accurately as possible.
- MODERN(МОДЕРН)(French moderne - the latest, modern) (“Art Nouveau”, “Art Nouveau”), style in European and American art con. 19 - beg. 20 in
- PALETTE(ПАЛИТРА)is a thin wooden board of a rectangular or oval shape with a hole. The artists need a palette to work with oil paints.
- COMPOSITION (КОМПОЗИЦИЯ)- (lat. Compositio) - composition, compilation; connection, connection
- TYPOGRAPHY(ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ)is the art of moving letters, numbers, quotes and more around on a page until it looks pleasing.
- BANNER(БАННЕР) - an advertising medium on the Internet in the form of an information block of a certain size. Usually a banner is a link to the advertiser's resource.
- COAT OF ARMS (ГЕРБ) - a heraldic image, which includes, as a rule, such attributes as a helmet and a cross.
- PICTOGRAM(ПИКТОГРАММА)- a stylized and easily recognizable graphic image, simplified in order to facilitate visual perception.
- STYLE (СТИЛЬ), commonality of the figurative system, means of artistic expressiveness, creative techniques, due to the unity of ideological and artistic content
- SKETCH (ЭСКИЗ) (French Esquisse - sketch).
- BACKGROUND (ФОН) (French. Fond - lit. "bottom", "deep part"). Any part of a pictorial or ornamental composition in relation to the “protruding” (especially first-hand) part included in it.
- FLORISTICS (ФЛОРИСТИКА )- the art of composing bouquets, decorating flowers and plants of one’s life with a person, one of the most ancient arts.
- TILT-SHIFT (ТИЛТ-ШИФТ) - a genre of photography in which objects, landscapes or people shot in full size on the photo print look more than miniature.
- STREET ART (СТРИТ-АРТ) (Eng. Street art - street art). The main type of street art is graffiti, otherwise spray art, but one cannot assume that street art is graffiti.
- ADVERTISING DESIGN (РЕКЛАМНЫЙ ДИЗАЙН) is more likely a commercial craft based more on profit than on art.
- ANGLE(РАКУРС) (French Raccourcir - shorten, shorten). A prospective reduction in the shape of the subject, leading to a change in its familiar shape.
- POP CULTURE (ПОП-КУЛЬТУРА) - Forms of entertainment that find their application in the market of mass production.
- PLAGIARISM (ПЛАГИАТ). Extradition of another person’s work for his or her illegal publication of another’s work under his own name, attribution of authorship.
- ORNAMENT (ОРНАМЕНТ). The word “ornament” is derived from the Latin word “ornamentum”, which translates as “decoration”. An ornament is a pattern with repeating patterns in a certain order.
- MONOGRAM (МОНОГРАММА)(Greek, - a simple line) - first meant an image drawn in one line, later - a sign made up of two or more connected letters, usually initials; Nowadays, so-called letters or images that are placed on household items to indicate their owner.
- LITHOGRAPHY (ЛИТОГРАФИЯ) - a widespread variety of graphic techniques associated with working on stone (solid limestone) or a metal plate replacing it (zinc, aluminum).
- CURSIVE(КУРСИВ) - a printed font with a slope of the main strokes of about 15 ° and rounded shapes of strokes and their connections, somewhat resembling a handwritten one.
- ILLUSTRATION (ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИЯ) - visualization of text in a book, magazine, newspaper.
- GRAPHEMA (ГРАФЕМА) - a written symbol used to express a unit of speech - a phoneme.
- GEOMETRIC ABSTRACTION (ГЕОМЕТРИЧЕСКАЯ АБСТРАКЦИЯ), one of the forms of abstract art, preferring compositions based on the strict rhythm of geometric or (in sculpture) stereometric figures.
- VANGUARDISM (АВАНГАРДИЗМ)(avant-garde), the collective name of artistic trends, more radical than modernism.
- ALLEGORY (АЛЛЕГОРИЯ) (Greek allegoria - allegory), the image of an abstract idea (concept) through the image.
- COLOR GAMMA (ГАММА ЦВЕТОВАЯ) - in the visual arts, the name of the external color features of color (see), the characteristic of the “optical” regularity, which combines the basic color shades of the work.
- KERNING (КЕРНИНГ) (English kerning) for typesetting - changing the spacing between letters, in order to achieve uniformity and visual harmony in the typing line.
- COLLECTION (КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ) (from lat. Collektio - collecting). The systematic collection of any homogeneous objects of scientific, historical or artistic interest.
- LETTERING (ЛЕТТЕРИНГ) (eng., "Lettering" - inscription) - hand-drawn, and not based on the designed font inscription. Font composition.
- BREAST SIGN (НАГРУДНЫЙ ЗНАК)- appeared as a patch on clothes, which served as a distinctive sign of servants or those who followed the king or the person of the royal family.
- POSTER (ПОСТЕР), or more familiar to us - a poster - large-format, image made for advertising, campaigning, informational or educational purposes.
- PUBLISH ART (ПУБЛИШЬ-АРТ) - the so-called folk (urban) design.
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