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Gadget (English gadget - device, device, trinket) is a small device designed to facilitate and improve life.In the modern world, technology is rapidly developing and becoming an integral part of our lives. In particular, these are tablets, smartphones, e-books, which are closely integrated into our everyday life, and we cannot imagine life without them. After all, with the help of gadgets, you can communicate with your loved ones, sit in social networks, take pictures, shoot the world around you, play games and do much more. But there is also a disadvantage of such devices – they absorb a person's attention at those moments when he needs to concentrate on something. For example, a student on a pair, instead of listening to the teacher, sits "on the phone", which is not useful. It would seem that the problem can be solved quite simply - to prohibit the wearing of gadgets in an educational institution. This is a conservative way, it is not a reflection of the development of the modern culture of relations. Using the example of our educational institution, the author will explain the cause of the problem and ways to solve it.  But there is a remark – this decision applies only to higher educational institutions.

It is worth starting with the fact that, if we draw analogies, then the problem posed is not a disease, but its symptom. The disease itself is the disinterest of some students in their studies, they go to couples "for show". Therefore, in order to achieve recovery, it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the disease itself. And before offering solutions, a small nuance – those conscious students who are interested in learning, mobile devices will not interfere in any way, because they know how to focus their attention in the right direction.

The conclusion from what was written above is a change in the curriculum, teaching methods so that a student who was not even interested in the subject at first, got carried away in the process and put down his smartphone. For example, to make the educational material more visual and practical. It is even better to conduct a survey of the students themselves on the topic "What would they like to improve in the classroom?", and then, based on the results, conduct trial pairs and identify what is effective and what is not.

Also, mobile devices can be used directly in the classroom so that students do not sit in social networks or "toys", but in the applications or questionnaires necessary for completing the task, etc.

The author realizes that, most likely, this solution to the problem is naive, but still hopes that the administration of the institute will take a rational grain from these arguments.

As you know, we live in the era of science and technology, where innovations and new inventions appear. Some become successful and some of them fail because consumer demands are tough and competition is very high. In this article you will learn about smart gadgets that make life much easier and more fun. For example, work tools, kitchen appliances, and even clothes can be smart. With the help of these products, everyday activities become easy and interesting. There are also many other smart technologies that are changing the world and making people's lives easier.

Let's start with the definition of the word gadget. A gadget is a different tool, like a device whose function improves and simplifies a person's life.

Currently, there is not a single task that gadgets cannot perform. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified our lives, but also made it more functional and luxurious. We cannot imagine life without a laptop, smartphones, cell phones, computers, microwaves, etc. Gadgets not only improve the world, they even entertain us and can be an integral part of our leisure. The word gadget today is more than we can imagine, because they have long been used even in medicine.

Today we use various electronic devices in our daily lives. In different cases, from cooking to music. Communication gadgets are a category of devices that control most of our everyday life. And, these are not the only devices that can improve the efficiency of life.

Just think about how they fill our day and night. An alarm clock helps you wake up in the morning so as not to be late for work. You turn on the light, go to the kitchen, where you make coffee with a coffee maker. Watch TV to find out the latest news, and at this time the robot is cleaning the floor in the apartment. Then, you get to work using the navigator to avoid all traffic jams. You answer calls and SMS on social networks from your smartphone.

They have firmly taken a place next to us so much that we can't imagine a day without them. Starting in the early morning and until we get to bed, we use different gadgets in different ways

With the development of technology, new sophisticated gadgets appear, which, for example, allow for medical operations and diagnostics, thereby increasing people's life expectancy. Even for small things, such as measuring blood pressure, sugar levels and others, there are various types of devices.

Countless gadgets are used in business and at work. It happens that the whole thing is built only thanks to them. With their help, you can make presentations, create graphics, make complex calculations and provide communication. All work and business processes turn around with incredible speed across the globe.

Useful devices have made our life pleasant. Fans, dryers, washing machines, sewing machines, air purifiers, lamps, vacuum cleaners – these are all gadgets. Wherever you look, you will be able to see the gadget. Even to take care of our hair, we will need a special device, such as a hair dryer, a hair straightener, and so on. They are also useful for people with disabilities.

Gadgets can also help save a lot of time. Previously, when using the phone, you had to sit in one place to talk to another person. But now you can be anywhere with your smartphone and talk wherever you want.

Currently, the constant development of applications on Android and iOS is prompting the gadget world to revolutionize. They are also designed for entertainment, for example, our favorite TV. All this is possible only thanks to technology. Cameras bring family and loved ones together to capture a smile on their faces, and then share it with others. Moreover, they help some people to avoid loneliness.

Since technology is a complex task, it forces the brain to work at full capacity. It used to be very difficult to start a business. It was necessary to have a lot of capital, a lot of knowledge and all this with limited access to business information. Today it is very easy to start a business even at home. Let's look at social networks that allow creative people to sell their services and products. This contributes to the growth of incomes of the population, which means an increase in the quality of life and ultimately leads to the creation of new jobs. Here is an example of the giant companies whose growth is obliged to modern technology: Yandex, Vkontakte, Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft.


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