Гуманитарные науки
52,657 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 1,141 - 1,170
Prepared by Bekov Ilnar CS-2229 Introduction This report focuses on a specific application of this concept: the creation of a circuit that uses an Infrared (IR) receiver, a Red-Green-Blue (RGB) Light Emitting Diode (LED), and an IR remote control. The primary objective of this project is to design and implement
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Richter (Судья)
Richter Ich möchte Ihnen heute das Richterarbeitsraum vorstellen. Mein Vortrag besteit aus folgenden Teilen: zUerst möchte ich auf die frage Wer ist Richter anrworten und welche Pflichte er hat. Dann möchte ich die Frage wie wird man Prüfungen besteht, um Richter zu werden. Am ende möchte ich BilaAz sagen. Wie
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Role of Indexes in US Healthcare
[Last Name] 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Role of Indexes in US Healthcare: Focus on National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data collection and organization require registers and indexes. Due to their capacity to gather information on patients, medical trends, and treatment outcomes, registries and indexes have
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Role-playing as a means of teaching a foreign language
Сontent Introduction 3 1. ROLE-PLAYING AS A MEANS OF TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 5 1.1 The concept of a role-playing game. Structure and types of role-playing games 5 1.2 Immersion in a role-playing game. Problems that arise during the role-playing game 8 2. THE USE OF ROLE-PLAYING GAMES AS A
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Romantic Hotel Villa Carona (Романтический отель Villa Carona)
ROMANTIC HOTEL VILLA CARONA The Romantic Hotel Villa Carona is a personally managed island of well-being situated above Lake Lugano in the Ticino. Escape the daily grind in a 200-year-old patrician manor in the village of Carona, where Hermann Hesse also spent many hours. Breakfast in the garden, relax on
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Rosbank - organizational structure
Rosbank - organizational structure. I am going to present to you the organizational structure of Rosbank (PJSC), which is one of the largest banks in Russia. It is consistently developing the universal business model and offers a variety of banking services via the wide network of branches. The bank strives
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Russia Russia is the world’s largest country, covering almost a seventh part of dry land. It occupies the territory of 17 million square kilometers both in Europe and Asia. In the north and in the east the country is washed by 12 seas The surface of the country is various.
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Russian wedding party
Not long ago I was at the Russian wedding party. I am studying English language I wanted to learn about the traditions of English wedding. So.. What is wedding? Wedding is a day when two people in love get married. Every country has its own traditions and customs of wedding.
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Rəqəmsallaşma prosesinin gedişatı
Rəqəmsallaşma prosesinin gedişatı Arzu D. Hüseynova, i.e.d., UNEC professoru, İqtisadiyyat Nazirliyi İqtisadi Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutunun İdarə Heyəti sədrinin birinci müavini, Cəmiyyətin gələcək inkişafını rəqəmsal texnologiya və innovativ inkişaf olmadan təsəvvür etmək olmur. Rəqəmsal texnologiyalar iqtisadiyyatın və cəmiyyətin bütün sahələrinə yayılıb. Bu gün bizi xarici mühitlə birləşdirən rəqəmsal texnologiyalardı. Biz otaqdan
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Rомплекс дидактических игр и упражнений по формированию грамматического строя речи у детей с тяжелыми нарушениями речи
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ ГЛАВА 1 ТЕОРЕТИКО – МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ПРОЦЕССА РАБОТЫ ПО ФОРМИРОВАНИЮ ГРАММАТИЧЕСКОГО СТРОЯ РЕЧИ У МЛАДШИХ ШКОЛЬНИКОВ С ТЯЖЕЛЫМИ НАРУШЕНИЯМИ РЕЧИ 1.1Характеристика грамматического строя речи младших школьников с тяжелыми нарушениями речи…………………………………………………..6 1.2Организация образовательного процесса по формированию грамматической стороны речи у младших школьников с тяжелыми нарушениями речи….……………………………………………………………12 ГЛАВА 2 УЧЕБНО
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Samuel Morse and his contribution to science and art
SAMUEL MORSE AND HIS CONTRIBUTION TO SCIENCE AND ART Samuel Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1791 in the family of the Calvinist pastor Jedidiah Morse who was a politically active person with some aspirations for education and religious virtues. All this influenced young Samuel and he started to
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Sberbank Russia
Sberbank Russia is the Russian state financial conglomerate, the largest transnational and universal bank of the Russian Federation - Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. We offer a wide range of banking services, which are aimed at satisfying four main groups of customers: 1. private individuals 2. small business 3. corporate
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School in the modern world (Школа в современном мире)
School in the modern world. We live in a technology world where machines do a lot of things. The task of education is to develop thinking and gain knowledge that will be useful in life. Biology and chemistry are now important for the development of medicine. To study, it is
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Schopenhauer's Pendulum: Oscillating Between Suffering and Boredom
Arthur Schopenhauer, the 19th-century German philosopher, offered a bleak yet compelling perspective on human existence. He famously depicted life as a relentless oscillation between two poles: suffering and boredom. This "pendulum," as we might call it, swings incessantly, offering no respite from its relentless rhythm. Understanding this dynamic is crucial
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Scratch бағдарламалау тіліне негізделген анимациялар мен ойындар жасау
Курстық жұмыс Scratch бағдарламалау тіліне негізделген анимациялар мен ойындар жасау Жоспар Кіріспе 1.1 Scratch тілінің пәрмендерінің тізімі. 1.3 Цель, задачи, содержание и связь предмета дошкольной педагогики с другими отраслями науки. 1.4 Средства и методы нравственного воспитания дошкольников 2. Практическая часть нравственного воспитания 2.1 Прибор методики для выявления уровня нравственного воспитания
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Scratch как средство разработки анимационных роликов школьниками
Содержание Введение 3 Глава 1. Анимация как средство обучения школьников……………………….6 1.1. Анимация: понятие и современные средства разработки анимационных роликов…………………………………………………………………………….6 1.2. Дидактические возможности анимационных роликов…………………...13 Вывод по 1 главе………………………………………………………………....26 1.3. Анимация как средство совершенствование управления образовательным процессом…………………………………………………………………………. Глава 2. Scratch как средство разработки анимационных роликов школьниками 28 2.1 программирования в Scratch
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Semantic Classifications
Semantic Classification of words Modern English has a very extensive vocabulary; the number of words according to the dictionary data is no less than 400 000. And these words can be classified in various ways. We are concerned only with the semantic classification of words. Classification into monosemantic and polysemantic
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Semantic-syntactic characteristics of the language of E.Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms"
CONTENT Chapter I. Literature Review………………………………………….…………7 1.1. Definition of functional semantics……………………………………………7 1.2. The role of functional semantics in literary analysis………………………………………………………………………….17 1.3. Previous studies on functional semantics in literature……………………20 Chapter II. Modal functions of figurative means in the language of E.Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms"………………………………….22 2.1.Subjective and objective realization of authorial modality
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SEO- специалист
МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский университет «Московский институт электронной техники» Домашнее задание по дисциплине «БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ЖИЗНЕДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ» на тему «SEO- специалист» Вариант 23 Выполнили ст. гр. Проверил: ст. преп. каф. ПЭ Никулина И.М. 2022 г. Оглавление Введение 3 Анализ БЖД на рабочем месте 4 1.
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Shipping goods
2. Shipping goods. - What is shipping goods? - It is the physical movement of goods from one point to another, such as the moving merchandise from the warehouse to the customer. The shipping process follows the manufacturing and the packing of goods and is controlled and overseen by a
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Showtime in Salt Lake
Text 8 Showtime in Salt Lake Amid extraordinary security, heart felt patriotism and a record worldwide television audience, the curtain rises on this year's long-awaited Winter Games. Everybody was a little jittery before the 19th Winter Olympics opened last weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah. There were fears of terrorism,
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Shylock’s character
Shylock’s character Shylock is one the most interesting and important person of the drama written by William Shakespeare “The Merchant of Venice”. His character is defined by his nationality and religion. According to the life in Venice, there is a religious and national confrontation between Christians and Jewish people. He
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Siemens компаниясының контроллері
Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия Ұлттық Университеті Ақпараттық технологиялар факультеті Жүйелік талдау және басқару кафедрасы «5В070200» - «Автоматтандыру және басқару» мамандығы Тақырыбы: Siemens компаниясының контроллері. Орындаған: Емберген Ұ.С. Тобы: АБ-35 Тексерген: Қасимова Б.Р. Нұр-Сұлтан 2019 Siemens компаниясының контроллері. Siemens AG– Германиялық мультиационалды конгломерат, штаб-пәтері Мюних, Германия.
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Sights of Belarus, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America
Sights of Belarus, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America "To travel is to live," said the classic of children's literature, Hans Christian Andersen. And we agree with him: new impressions, unforgettable emotions, cool photos - it’s easy to dilute a series
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Significance of financial literacy of the population to the economics of Kazakhstan
Essay Significance of financial literacy of the population to the economics of Kazakhstan Introduction The financial literacy index of the population of Kazakhstan in 2022 was 39.52%. For comparison, in the Scandinavian countries, the financial literacy index is 71%. Financial literacy is a set of people's knowledge in the field
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Significance of the great silk road in the era of late antiquity and the middle ages
Name: Alena Shapshay Group: A Specialization: Finance Course: second ESSAY SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GREAT SILK ROAD IN THE ERA OF LATE ANTIQUITY AND THE MIDDLE AGES. KAZAKHSTAN ROUTES OF THE GREAT SILK ROAD The Great Silk Road made a great contribution to the entire world history and to the history
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Significance of the research to the development of business of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Significance of the research to the development of business of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shaping successful business services in firms that dominate the goods industry Vildanov R. (Атыныз) Department of Business Informatics, University of International Business 6B06103 – Digital Marketing Mussalimova Z. M. April 26, 2023 Significance of the research
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Тема: Skepticism Имя: Ирбатыров Бахтияр Специальность: Международная и сравнительная политология Проверила: Асылбекова Жамиля Малик-Айдаровна Skepticism Skepticism is understood by many as blind denial, disbelief and ignorance. In fact, the essence of skepticism lies in knowledge, not in denial. Pyrrho of Elis was the first skeptic (c. 360 - 270 BC).
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Sleep, stages of sleep, dreams and interesting facts about them
Today I will talk about sleep, stages of sleep, dreams and interesting facts about them. •So , sleep is a special state of the brain and the whole body, characterized by muscle relaxation, a weak reaction to external stimuli.( екстенел стимюлай) Sleep is a complex phenomenon, and it is not
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