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Semantic-syntactic characteristics of the language of E.Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms"

Автор:   •  Июнь 2, 2023  •  Курсовая работа  •  11,982 Слов (48 Страниц)  •  235 Просмотры

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Chapter I. Literature Review………………………………………….…………7

1.1. Definition of functional semantics……………………………………………7

1.2. The role of functional semantics in literary analysis………………………………………………………………………….17

1.3. Previous studies on functional semantics in literature……………………20

Chapter II. Modal functions of figurative means in the language of E.Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms"………………………………….22

2.1.Subjective and objective realization of authorial modality in the language of the novel ……………………….………………………………………………..22

2.2.Modality of description of events and facts in the language of the novel ….25

Chapter III. Semantic-syntactic characteristics of the language of E.Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms"………………………..………….27

3.1.Variants of modeling metalinguistic directions …………….……………27

3.2.Semantic-syntactic functional model by L. S. Barkhudarov. ……………29




Appendix 1……………………………………………………………………44


The work deals with the peculiarities of the system of metalanguage means to create a literary text as an object. The relevance of research on bilingualism, hermeneutics, comparative typological aspects is determined by the increased importance of correcting some of the concepts, which are reflected in modern linguistics. Meta-linguistic substantiality of the fiction text is considered as one of the directions studies.

The expediency of the study is due to the need to study the process from a cognitive perspective, since at the present stage the position of linguistics in the construction of a general model of language preserves the permanence of formalization.

Recently the attention of researchers to the comparative typological study of languages on the material of fiction prose has increased significantly, due to the multidimensional analysis of the system of lexical and semantic means. The linguistic study of the mentioned means of the literary text, and the specificity inevitably leads to the understanding that the semantics must be regarded from a special position, primarily as an important aspect of language functioning.

Scientific novelty of the work is determined not only by the systematic aspects of research, important in the development of basic requirements for the semantics adequacy of artistic prose, but also by the identification of features of comparative analysis, embodying the figurative space of E. Hemingway's novel "A Farewell To Arms!", in an effort to understand the problem of the adequate transfer of language and style of the author of the artistic text and the choice of optimal values in the language representation of communicants.

The paper presents the results of observations on the interaction of linguistic, extralinguistic and sociolinguistic factors in the process of research, affecting the nature of interpreting the artistic source text in the text.

The object and subject of the study is the textual analysis of the language of the novel by E. Hemingway "A Farewell To Arms!", which is expressed in a comparative analysis in Russian and English, aspects of linguistic characteristics of images, events, as well as options for modeling metalanguage directions in the process.

The aim of the coursework  research is to classify the modal imagery realized by the author in the original language in the contextual comparison from the positions of the formal and semantic organization and features of functioning in the texts from English into Russian.

The aim of the research of the problem is determined by the specific tasks of the research:

- Revealing the social conditionality of the language of works, the manifestation of which is the realization of contextual forms of the language of the fiction text in English and Russian versions.

- The study of cases of semantic adequacy of a work of fiction, as well as the establishment of social specificity of the system of images in the language of the original.

- Analysis of modal functions of figurative artistic means in the language on the material of English and Russian texts.

- Determination of modality of the description of national pictures of the world in English and Russian languages.

- Consideration of semantic-syntactic features in the language of the novel and a comparative analysis of the semantics.

- Modeling metalinguistic directions in the process of fiction prose.

The material of this study was the text of the novel "A Farewell To Arms!" by E. Hemingway, as well as the texts. The corpus of the analyzed linguistic means is approximately 1,000 units.

The theoretical significance of the work consists in deepening the understanding of certain linguistic phenomena, in the statement and realization of a number of scientific problems; in revealing the differentiating features of the formation of the system of images in the texts of the English and Russian languages. This work analyzes the adequacy of the fiction text in the comparative and metalinguistic aspects.

The methodological basis of the coursework was the modern sociolinguistic concepts of language functioning in the process of communication, the provisions of the systemic nature of language. The achievements of receptive semantics, semiotics, ideas in the field of co-comparative-typological studies of languages were also taken into account.

In developing the theoretical positions we took into account the methodological foundations of Russian and foreign linguistics, represented by the works of V. N. Komissarov, L. S. Barkhudarov, A. D. Schweitzer, A. V. Fedorov, I. V. Arnold, O. S. Akhmanova, V. V. Vinogradov, V. V. Nalimov, Y. S. Stepanov, Y. Naida, A. Neubert, F. Palmer and others. The development of the problem of pragmatics of metalanguage is based on the scientific concepts of the school of pragmatic language research led by Professor G. P. Nemts.


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