Гуманитарные науки
52,657 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 1,111 - 1,140
Prospects for the development of artificial intelligence systems
South Kazakhstan medical academy Department of “Medical Biophysics and Information Technology» GLOSSARY Theme: Prospects for the development of artificial intelligence systems Prepared: Abilaeva A. Group: 106 TFP Adopted: Khalmetova Sh. Shymkent, 2018 GLOSSARY Email Eng. email, e-mail, from the English. electronic mail) - Technology and Service for sending and receiving
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Przywództwo jako zasób niematerialny
Przywództwo jako zasób niematerialny Przywództwo jest istotnym zasobem niematerialnym dla organizacji. Przez przywództwo rozumie się zdolność jednostki lub zespołu do wpływania na innych, motywowania ich i skierowania ich wysiłków w kierunku osiągnięcia wspólnych celów. Przywództwo jako zasób niematerialny: 1. Potrzeba stabilizacji i bezpieczeństwa (Przywódca powinien umiejętnie zarządzać tą potrzebą poprzez
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Psixologiya fanidan Mustaqil ish
Psixologiya fanidan Mustaqil ish Topshiriqlar jarayoni: -Diqqat -sezgi -Idrok -Xayol -Xotira -Tafakkur -Intellekt va kreativlik Esse yozish. 15 ta test savollari. 15 ta glassariya tuzish 20 sahifadan iborat taqdimot tuzish Mavzularni konspektlash. Diqqat Reja: 1.Diqqat faniga kirish. 2.Diqqatning nerv-fiziologik tushunchalari. 3.Diqqatning turlari. 4.Diqqatning mexanizmlari. 5.Shaxsda diqqatning o’sishi. Kishi aqliy faoliyatning
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Psychological experiments
Slide 1 I’m gonna give a talk about the most famous psychological experiments that were conducted for the whole history. Slide 2 Solomon Asch conducted an experiment proving that a person will conform the standard if necessary. Nobody conducted such experiments before. As on the picture there was a room
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Psychological portrait of the main character based on the film “Catch Me If You Can”
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT OF THE MAIN CHARACTER BASED ON THE FILM “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN” FRANK ABEGNALE Sahin Aliya C20-393 Kirichenko Alexander Viktorovich Psychology and Pedagogy ________________ TABLE OF PLAN INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………….….2 LOGIC OF THE TASK………………………………………………………..3 SYSTEMS OF ARGUMENTS AND EVIDENCE…………………………...4 PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT OF FRANK ABIGALE
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Pumped Up Kicks
Pumped Up Kicks All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You'd better run, better run, out run my gun All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet Эй, детишки в навороченных кроссовках, Лучше бегите, спасайтесь от моего ружья!
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Python программасы көмегімен раушан гүлін салу
Алматы, 2021 Мазмұны: КІРІСПЕ....................................................................................................................3 І бөлім Гүлдер әлемі туралы жалпы түсінік 1.1. Гүлдер әлемі туралы қысқаша мәлімет............................................................4 1.2.Раушан гүлі туралы ақпарат...............................................................................4 ІІ бөлім Python программасы көмегімен раушан гүлін салу 2.1. Python программасы туралы қысқаша мәлімет...............................................5 2.2. Python программасында раушан гүлін салу...................................................6 ҚОРЫТЫНДЫ........................................................................................................8 ПАЙДАЛАНЫЛҒАН ӘДЕБИЕТТЕР..................................................................9 Кіріспе Қазіргі заман технологияның дамуымен ерекшеленеді.
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Pабствo в Севеpнoй Амеpике
Введение Pабствo в тoй или инoй фopме существoвалo всегда вo всех частях света. Ни oднoй pасе не удалoсь избежать этoй жуткoй фopмы pазвития oбщества. Сoединённые Штаты с самoгo начала вoзникли как pабoвладельческoе гoсудаpствo. Pабствo былo неoтъемлемoй частью амеpиканскoгo oбpаза жизни. Амеpиканскoе pабoвладение не былo неким пoдoбием античнoгo pабства. Oнo
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Q-Tobin and investments
ÐаÑÑинки по запÑоÑÑ uib logo RESEARCH PROJECT Q-Tobin and investments Ryskalieva Madina, marketing University of International Business Almaty, 2023 Q-Tobin and investments INTRODUCTION Neoclassical and James Tobin's theory (also known as the Q-theory) are the two basic investing theories. According to the neoclassical theory of investment, a firm's need for
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Qualitative indicators for assessing the effectiveness of PR communications
Qualitative indicators for assessing the effectiveness of PR communications For this analysis, we will focus on Apple Inc., a global technology company known for its innovative products and strong brand presence. Apple is actively promoting its brand in the digital environment through various PR communications strategies, including product launches, event
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Quantitative Methods in Management
You are the head of an innovative company or the innovation division of a large organization. The owner or top manager toset a task for you, to develop directions for improving the management system. The analytical report you presented on possible directions for improving the management system was supported by
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Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria Victoria (24 May 1819-22 January 1901) was the Queen regnant of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (айленд) from the 20(твентн) June 1837 (эйтин фоти сэвэн), and the first Empress of India of the British Raj from the (фест)1 May 1876(эйтин севенти снк), until(антил) her death.
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Radio, television, space
Radio is cool things, it less you listening to music, news and many other. Radio is a technology for transmitting data, sound, or images through electromagnetic waves. It was invented at the end of the 19th century and has since become an integral part of modern life. The first steps
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Rational consumer behavior
MAEI “Gymnasium №1” Research Project Rational consumer behavior Presenter: Artem Baniukhov Student of 11-G class Supervisor: Lazutina E.A. English teacher Novosibirsk, 2023 Plan of the project 1. Goals and objectives of the project 2. To whom the project is directed 3. Language level 4. Concept of rational consumer behavior 5.
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Reading Differences from Children’s Picture Books: Constructing and De-constructing Images and Texts
Essay example from Reading Differences from Children’s Picture Books: Constructing and De-constructing Images and Texts Yuna Nam Before reading My Five Senses again, I will read Emmanuel Lévinas’ Totality and Infinity in order to see how Lévinas’ had claimed ‘touch’ and ‘vision’ in his text. Inasmuch as the movement of
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Real time clock and timer counter
Real time clock and timer counter ________________ Real time clock and timer counter In today's digital era, precise timekeeping is a crucial requirement in various applications ranging from consumer electronics to industrial automation systems. Real-Time Clock (RTC) and Timer Counters play a vital role in enabling accurate timekeeping and event
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Recycling We live in a 21st century and global problems are on the agenda. These global problems require global response. One of the steps is recycling. Protection of the world is based on the rule of 3 R’s: recycling, reuse and reduce. The first reason to refer to recycling is
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Reflection on the topic “Language and Culture”
Pamukkale University INO 5004 WORLD ENGLISHES AND CULTURE Reflection on the topic “Language and Culture ”. Written by: Baturkhanova Merey 23131701 Checked by:Pro.Dr. Turan PAKER Denizli 2023 I believe that the language you speak and the culture you live in are very closely related. After all, language is a huge
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Reflection Task
Reflection Task Undoubtedly, this course has been immensely enriching, equipping me with a multitude of invaluable skills. Among these, I've acquired a proficient understanding of crafting well-structured essays, adeptness in conducting thorough research to procure essential information, and the ability to accurately paraphrase entire sentences. These newfound abilities are poised
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Reform of the legal services market,: contemporary representation in court
Find a paper dealing with your field of studying and write an abstract (150 to 250 words). Solsayeva Marha Bek-Khanovna Master's student P. A. Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Management- RANEPA branch REFORM OF THE LEGAL SERVICES MARKET: CONTEMPORARY REPRESENTATION IN COURT. Currently, in accordance with section 5 of the
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Reisen (Путешествия)
Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt verbringen ihren Urlaub auf Reisen. Es ist immer interessant, etwas Neues zu entdecken, einen anderen Lebensstil zu sehen, verschiedene Menschen zu treffen, verschiedene Lebensmittel auszuprobieren und viele Fotos zu machen. Ich reise gerne, lerne andere Länder und Städte kennen. Der Schlüssel für eine
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Relief Reconstruction from SAR Stereo Pairs
Relief Reconstruction from SAR Stereo Pairs Authors: Philippe Paillou and Margrit Gelautz Abstract We present a method for improving relief reconstruction from SAR (Synthetic-aperture radar) stereo images, relying on preprocessing of input data with an optimal filter. This filter strongly reduces speckle noise and enhances relief structures, leading to better
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Remote education – new age of education
Remote education – new age of education Iskakov Yerassyl Kairatovich Department of Information systems, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University 6B06103: Information systems theory discipline Mr. Seitenov Altynbek Serikovich September 13, 2023, Practice work-1 ________________ Remote education – new age of education Introduction Before we start talking about remote education, I
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Report about academic (introductory) internship at the PUE "Gusarov Group"
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “SCHOOL OF BUSINESS OF BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY” Department of Marketing REPORT about academic (introductory) internship at the PUE "Gusarov Group" from 04.04.2022 to 30.04.2022 Performed by a student _____________ Sidorova N.I. 1st course, 133 marketing group Research supervisor _____________
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Report about academic (introductory) internship at the PUE "Gusarov Group"
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “SCHOOL OF BUSINESS OF BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY” Department of Marketing REPORT about academic (introductory) internship at the PUE "Gusarov Group" from 03.04.2023 to 29.04.2023 Performed by a student _____________ Berzhanina V.A. 1st course, 233 marketing group Research supervisor _____________
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Research Findings and Product Concept
Title: Research Findings and Product Concept Introduction: This report presents the research findings and outlines our product concept and business plans. The research was conducted to gain insights into consumer preferences and market opportunities, guiding our product development and business strategy. Research Methodology: We conducted a combination of primary and
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Residuals vs Fitted
Assignment 4 1. (a) To simulate a dataset containing 100 random observations for which the assumptions of a simple linear regression model are appropriate, we need an independent variable(x) and response variable(y). y=5*x + random error Simulation of independent variable (x) x <- rnorm(100, 20, 2) Simulation of random error:
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Résumé sur le chapitre “Une bourgeoisie absente”
Rusina Alina LLCER Russe 2ème année Histoire de l’Empire Russe TD Devoir à rendre n°1, octobre 2022 Résumé sur le chapitre “Une bourgeoisie absente” В книге американского ученого, профессора русистики и русской истории Гарвардского университета Ричарда Пайпса «Россия при старом режиме» ставится под сомнение существование в России буржуазии – движущей
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Retelling: The man of property
собственник this story is about married couple Soames and Irene. many people would consider such a marriage quite successful but they didn't think so. Soames was on his way back home where Irene didn't expect him to see. He changed into his park clothes and went into the drawing-room. There
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Retifikatsion kolonnadagi gasoil fraksiyasini bosimni avtomatlashtirish
TOSHKENT KIMYO-TEXNOLOGIYA INSTITUTI YOQILG’I ORGANIK BIRIKMALAR KIMYOVIY TEXNOLOGIYASI FAKULTETI 21-19 GURUH TALABASI RAHIMBERDIYEV TURSUNALINING NEFT VA GAZNI QAYTA ISHLASHDA AVTOMATLASHTIRISH VA MODELLASHTIRISH FANIDAN KURS ISHI Mavzu:Retifikatsion kolonnadagi gasoil fraksiyasini bosimni avtomatlashtirish ________________ Mundarija 1 Kirish 3 2 Asosiy qism 6 3 Obyekt xarakteristikasi 12 4 Boshqarish tizimli funksiyasi 13 5
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