Role-playing as a means of teaching a foreign language
Автор: madinamol • Декабрь 2, 2023 • Курсовая работа • 8,060 Слов (33 Страниц) • 166 Просмотры
Introduction | 3 |
1.1 The concept of a role-playing game. Structure and types of role-playing games | 5 |
1.2 Immersion in a role-playing game. Problems that arise during the role-playing game | 8 |
2.1 Examples of role-playing game development at the middle stage of training | 11 |
2.2 Conducting the preparatory stage | 16 |
2.3 Conducting the formative stage
| 19 |
Conclusion | 21 |
Bibliography | 22 |
In recent years, the investigation of the syllable has been focused on the course of the educational process, but not on the form of language learning. The reprimand is forced to be performed not only for the linguistic competence of the people researching it, but also for the formation of their communicative abilities. In order to develop students' communicative talent, the teacher is forced to organize a script in order to recommend the syllable in a lively, functional and interesting form. Some teachers of the British syllable study and use innovative technologies in the classroom. They introduce dialogues, discovered scenarios and role-playing games into the lesson.
The research problem the increased activity of the prepared roll game, forecasting and shorting seems realistically majestic in developing the communicative capabilities of students. These activities ask through them to go beyond the scope of the lesson project. They required students to have a clear understanding of the text and the skill to adapt their information outside the classroom.
The significance of the service provided is determined by several factors.
Firstly, reinforcing the enthusiasm of pupils of mediocre classes is not a lightweight task at all. In order to interest students, it is necessary to utilize such technologies and teaching tools, which will make the course of teaching easier, and children more receptive. This is where game technologies, such as role-playing games, are provided to educators.
Secondly, one of the main problems is the formation of oral speech. In the study of a syllable, it is not enough to have exclusively abstract skills, it must fix them in practice, be able to utilize them in real life. The role-playing hardware helps students to recommend situations forced to real ones and develop speaking skills.
Thirdly, no one knows that many pupils suffer from the language barrier. This is a serious problem, which can be eliminated by thoroughly immersing yourself in the culture of the country, the language under study, using gaming technologies. In the process of rolling fun, the students experience the artlessness of the situation, forget to work out the error for the sake of passion and activate the steps of the teacher's counterpart.
The aim of the service provided is to provide evidence of the productivity of using roll-up fun in the training efficiency of training mediocre classes.
The object of this work is to teach a foreign syllable for a mediocre turn of learning.
The subject is a role-playing game in teaching a foreign language.
The research objectives of the provided service are:
- To identify the establishment of the definition of "role-playing game" and therefore significantly impose the transferred type of work in training;
- Compare the significance of teachers and the significance of those who are trained in gaming activities;
- To identify what difficulties arise when introducing roll-up fun into educational activities;
- Develop personal role-playing game samples for mediocre classes;
The following research methods were used to solve the identified problems:
- historical-logical, abstract and comparative analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological, and teaching literature on the research topic;
- methods of abstract analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, generalization, abstraction, systematization, were used to consider the methodological, conceptual, theoretical and moral aspects of the problem;
- complex experimental technologies (ascertaining and forming experiments);
- private experimental technologies (observation, conversations, testing) used for the diagnosis and analysis of the state of the phenomenon under study;
- methods of statistical finishing of acquired results;
- pedagogical experience in a specially researched program.
The hypothesis the utilitarian authority of the provided service is covered in the fact that the products of the research in the future can be used in the service with pupils of mediocre classes.
The methodological basis set of role-playing games prepared by us is the freshness of the research provided.
The practical value Practitioners prefer the probability of existing as functional participants. Research has shown that they have a great chance to remember the things they learned in the passage of functional action, and that they have a great ability to use them in their lives, except sometimes a conflict or dispute ensues.
The scientific novelty the results of the research were presented at the xvth International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual difficulties of philology and technology of teaching foreign languages".
The theoretical significance role-playing fun unconditionally promotes effective interpersonal interactions and social transactions between participants. in order for the agreement to take place, the accomplices should accordingly take on responsibilities after their significance and function and do their best in different situations in which they find themselves. In order to carry out their duties, students should interact with others accordingly, using effective social skills.
The diploma consists of an introduction, two tops with answers to them, a solution and a bibliographic list.