Гуманитарные науки
52,657 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 1,201 - 1,230
State system of the Russian Federation
GRAMMAR SECTION Read and translate the text in a written form. State system of the Russian Federation The Russian Federation is set up by the Constitution of 1993. Under the Constitution Russia is a presidential republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them
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STEAM: Ideas to incorporate it into our English language classes Mukhametzhanova Karlygash Seitkarimovna An English teacher Department of Foreign Languages and Teaching Methods Almaty Kazakh Humanitarian Pedagogical College №1 Abstract: The integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) into English language classes is an innovative approach that enhances
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Steganography. Стеганография
Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Chair of Foreign Languages Semester work №1 Steganography Made by: students of РЕТ-16-4 group Matsutsa E.E. Rakhimova A.A. Checked by: Yerzhanova J.B Almaty, 2019 Content Introduction 3 1. Text………………………………………………………………………………….4 Steganography 4 Translation……………………………………………………………………………..6 2. Tasks………………………………………………………………………………..8 2.1 Dictionary 8 2.2 Questions 8 3. Lexical and
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Stella oft sees the very face of woe... та особливості його відтворення у перекладі
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STEM - освіта як напрям модернізації освітнього середовища
STEM - освіта як напрям модернізації освітнього середовища. Анотація: в статті піднімаються питання модернізації освітнього середовища України, формування ключових компетенцій учнів на уроках фізики, інформатики та ІКТ. Автор характеризує STEM-систему навчальних предметів як основу підготовки учнів, майбутніх працівників в області високих технологій, розглядає цілі STEM освіти, а також ідею створення
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Stereotypes have a huge impact on our lives. We depend on them in many ways. Today we would like to discuss some of them and how they affect our perception of people. Appearance stereotypes are divided into different groups. For example, people are being judge by their hair color. If
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Steven King
Steven King 1. In the book version of «It», the kids from the Losers Club, after defeating the monster for the first time in 1958, have a special ritual to cement their bond. More specifically, an underground orgy with six boys and one girl in the person of Beverly Marsh,
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Stock market in the conditions of war
STOCK MARKET IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR In economically developed countries, the stock market is the most effective and optimal way of attracting investments into the national economy, a mechanism for the distribution and redistribution of funds between economic sectors for their development. Without the stock market, it is impossible
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Stormy weather
Stormy weather A person is always in interaction with the environment and depends on nature, but in the modern world humanity creates global environmental problems and ignores them. We use non-renewable resources, the amount of waste and emissions is constantly increasing, as well as the amount of plastic in our
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Strategy Justification Process
Strategy Justification Process A company's progress toward its strategic goals can be hampered if it does not have solutions in place to translate strategy into operations and monitor progress related to strategy implementation. This is important because we are currently dealing with such a volatile environment that without the appropriate
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Termenul de "stres" a fost introdus pentru prima dată în fiziologie și psihologie de Walter Cannon în lucrările sale clasice despre răspunsul universal "luptă sau fugi". În 1936, celebrul cercetător al stresului, fiziologul canadian Hans a publicat prima sa lucrare privind sindromul general de adaptare, dar pentru o lungă
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Strong ties
План конспект № 1 Тема: Strong ties Цели: Образовательные: -уметь высказывать свое мнение в устной форме; - развивать умения и навыки аудирования; - активизировать лексико-грамматический материал в устной речи; - обобщить знания лексики по теме. Развивающие: - мотивировать учащихся к изучению английского языка; - формировать умения воспринимать на слух связный
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Student Air Travel Association
Student Air Travel Association The Student Air Travel Association (SATA) is an international membership association of student travel agencies who share a commitment to provide affordable and accessible travel to young people. Recognising that student travellers are a unique customer niche, SATA began more than 30 years ago to provide
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Student's Working Day
Student's Working Day I am Frank. Now I am a first-vear student of Pennsylvania University. I would like to describe my usual working day. My lectures and practicals begin at 8 o'clock. So, I get up at half past six. My alarm clock wakes me up and my working day
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Study of Unemployment rate in Vietnam
Study of Unemployment rate in Vietnam Tran Ngoc Huyen Trang – IFF20-3 Abstract After the global economic crisis 2017-2021, Viet Nam economies experienced indirect and direct impacts on their economic, finance and banking system, and especially on unemployment rate. Unemployment is one of the important variables that need to be
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Studying tourism at Buketov Karaganda Unversity
Studying tourism at Buketov Karaganda Unversity The study of tourism at the Karaganda University of Buketov is not bad, but more needs to be improved. In my opinion, there are some unnecessary subjects in the study of tourism at our university, and they should be removed and more subjects in
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Subject and Aims of Typological Studies of Native and Foreign Languages. Language Typology and Others Branches of Linguistics
Lecture 1. Subject and Aims of Typological Studies of Native and Foreign Languages. Language Typology and Others Branches of Linguistics. 1. Introduction to the course. 2. General and special typology. 3. Aspects of typological investigations. 4. Branches of language typology. 5. Typology and other branches of linguistics. 1. Introduction to
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Subject, tasks and theoretical issues of the history of linguistics
1. BASIC QUESTIONS IN THE HISTORY OF LANGUAGE I. Subject, tasks and theoretical issues of the history of linguistics. II. Scientific directions in the history of linguistics and systematization. III. Questions of periodization of the history of linguistics. I. Within the framework of any science, its history is studied, which
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Success in life
Success in life Success in life is a subjective term that means different things to different people. In general, success can be defined as the achievement of one's goals and desires leading to a fulfilling and happy life. However, achieving success is not always easy and it requires careful planning,
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Success in life
Success in life is a comprehensive concept that can be seen as a result of the fullest possible self-realization of a person in various areas of Life, confirmed by the fact of social recognition. Success is a function of many variables and can be divided into two main groups. The
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Summarising and Paraphrasing
Summarising and Paraphrasing. Stages of summarising Summarising is a flexible tool. You can use it to give a one-sentence outline of an article, or to provide much more detail, depending on your needs. Generally, a summary focuses on the main ideas and excludes examples or supporting information. In every case,
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Summary rewiew
Summary rewiew I wish to express my opinion on the article, which is presented below, from the site skillbox.ru. This article talks about the profession "advertising and public relations". “ "Advertising and public relations" is an independent specialty, which is taught at the university. It is located at the intersection
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Summary «To Sir, With Love»
Summary «To Sir, With Love» The text is headlined «To Sir, With Love» written by Guinan diplomatist E.R. Braithwaite. It's published in 1959. The text is based on real events describing the experience of working as a teacher at the East End school in London. At the beginning of the
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ASTANA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Mathematics PAPER Supercomputers Student: ___Kebekov Aman_________________ Group: ______Mathematics 23a_____________ Supercomputers represent the pinnacle of computational power, enabling scientists, researchers, and engineers to tackle some of the most complex problems across various fields. This paper explores the evolution, applications, challenges, and future prospects of supercomputing technology. 1. Evolution
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Suv nuqtalari bo‘yicha gidroizogips xaritasini tuzish. Xaritadagi asosiy oqim elementlarini aniqlash
6-7-8- amaliy Suv nuqtalari bo‘yicha gidroizogips xaritasini tuzish. Xaritadagi asosiy oqim elementlarini aniqlash. Grunt suvlarining sathi u yoki bu maydonlar bo‘ylab doimo bir xil bo‘lmasligini hamda yillar, fasllar mobaynida o‘zgarib turishini hisobga olib, ma’lum davrlar uchun gidroizogips xaritalar tuziladi. Bu xaritalar asosini grunt suvlari sathining bir xil mutlaq yoki nisbiy
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Swieto Niepodleglosci Polska (День Незалежності Польщі)
Конспект виховного заходу «Swieto Niepodleglosci Polska» Тема: Swieto Niepodleglosci Polska (День Незалежності Польщі) Дата проведення: 11.11.2022 року. Мета: дати учням знання про Незалежність Польщі; формувати національну свідомість, уявлення про незалежну Польську Республіку; вивчити символіку держави; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів, образне мислення, уяву, пам'ять; розвивати вміння уважно слухати музику та відчувати
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SWOT analysis "Cosplay and manga"
Swot analysis on topic MANGA AND COSPLAY Introduction: Manga, the popular Japanese comic book medium, has sparked a cultural phenomenon that goes beyond its pages. Cosplay, the practice of dressing up as manga characters, has become a vibrant and creative subculture that allows fans to embody their favorite characters. Cosplayers
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Swot аналіз особистості у конфлікті
SWOT-аналіз особистості у конфлікті Сильні сторони (Strengths) Які характеристики виділяють Вас на тлі інших? Це можуть бути будь-які риси характеру, особливості темпераменту, навички спілкування, освіта; Я відповідальна, прямолінійна, емоційна, щира, оптимістична особистість. Я часто проявляю дикторські якості, та намагання завжди бути кращою та першою У яких конфліктах у вас найбільше
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SWOT-analysis Unicorn LLC
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution for Higher Education NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Graduate School of Business[a] Course project SWOT-analysis Unicorn LLC. Product: Virtual control room 38.03.02 «Management» and 38.03.01 «Economics» «International Bachelor's in Business and Economics» The project was implemented by: Smirnova Ekaterina Linnik Daria Kupreeva Viktoria
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SWOT-анализ Алтайского края
Задания 1. Методом SWOT-анализа рассмотрите такую проблему, как развитие туризма в Алтайском крае. Выявите сильные и слабые стороны региона, потенциальные возможности и угрозы в решении проблемы. Дайте обоснованные выводы и пути решения. Таблица 2 SWOT-анализ Алтайского края На основании проведенного SWOT-анализа можно сделать вывод, что Алтайский край - один из
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