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Shipping goods

Автор:   •  Июнь 6, 2023  •  Эссе  •  961 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  57 Просмотры

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2. Shipping goods.


- What is shipping goods?

- It is the physical movement of goods from one point to another, such as the moving merchandise from the warehouse to the customer. The shipping process follows the manufacturing and the packing of goods and is controlled and overseen by a shipping or logistics company.

Shipping types require different documentation, handling, arrival times and means of transportation.

There are many different types of ships, and the differences are mostly based upon the type of cargo the ship transports.

What types of shipping goods?

I know three types of delivery: by air, by land, by water. For example, Land shipping is one of the oldest forms of transporting goods. This is the most useful when it comes to delivering goods within a country or across neighboring borders. Trucks are typically used to transport goods via roads. However, it might take longer for the goods to reach the final destination. Another form of land transport is railways. Shipping to land is more suitable for products that are heavy. You can ship items like refrigerators, televisions, ACs, etc.using this mode of transport. Benefits of Land Transport 

  • Cheaper
  • Suitable for Bulky Goods
  • Extensive

- yes, I know about this types.  Almost everything can be shipped through the sea, however, it is not recommended to ship cargo through the sea when you want your product to be delivered fast.

Benefits of Sea Transport

  • Cheap
  • Safe
  • Suitable for all types

- Why is air transport more expensive than ground transport?

-Charges of fuel are more expensive for air transport. Hence, air transport is the most expensive.

-How long does it take to ship products via sea transport?

-It can take from weeks to months.

-Can I ship my individual parcels via sea transport?

-Freight transport is usually carried out via sea transportation.

Card 7

Discuss the importance of minutes in business meeting. 

[pic 1]

Take into consideration the following points: 


1. Explain the meaning of minutes.

2. Give some reasons why meeting minutes are important.

3. Do you think that writing minutes is a waste of time?

Meeting minutes are notes that are recorded during a meeting. They highlight the key issues that are discussed, motions proposed or voted on, and activities to be undertaken. The minutes of a meeting are usually taken by a designated member of the group. Their task is to provide an accurate record of what transpired during the meeting.

I. Meeting Details

  • Main Title (top of page) – “Business Meeting Minutes for [ORGANIZATION’S NAME];
  • Chairperson’s name;
  • Date;
  • Time; and
  • Location.

II. Attendees

  • List attendees.

III. Absences

  • List absentees.

IV. Call to Order

  • Approval of previous meeting minutes; and
  • Approval of the current business meeting agenda.

V. Old Business

  • List each discussion item outstanding from the previous meeting;
  • Describe any issues and/or solutions from the discussion(s); and
  • Record any decisions made by vote.

VI. New Business

  • List each new order of business under discussion;
  • Describe any questions, concerns, or issues from the discussion(s);
  • Log any reports or other documentation that is presented; and
  • Record any decisions made by vote.

VII. Other Items

  • Announcements;
  • Nominations;
  • Upcoming scheduled votes; and
  • Any other business matters that are discussed.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Record the time of the meeting’s end;
  • Chairperson and Secretary sign minutes; and
  • Minutes are distributed to all attendees and absentees.

Taking meeting minutes is important for documenting meeting details, such as what the group discussed, reports that were reviewed, proposed activities and future topics for the next meeting. These details allow those who were present to recall important information and prepare for future meetings. During a meeting, you may review performance reports and project progress with other teams to identify areas for improvement to optimize work processes. Meeting minutes record the key points and the strengths and weaknesses of particular project tasks which you can compare with previous meeting minutes. The meeting minutes also track who leads certain projects and tasks to see the status of performance. Time-stamped documents allow you to track progress over time with details on the work conducted.


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