Автор: Lisenok07 • Апрель 28, 2023 • Сочинение • 328 Слов (2 Страниц) • 180 Просмотры
Marketing is a set of processes that ensure the promotion of goods and services for the purpose of making a profit. Marketing is based on four main components: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. In my opinion, the key to successful and effective marketing is to plan and organize your business properly. In order for a product to sell itself, it must be safe and useful for a person.
For our generation, it may be required to produce and sell more variety of clothing, entertainment, healthy food.
The tasks of pharmaceutical marketing include increasing customer satisfaction, constant market research, identifying demand and unmet needs, forecasting the need for goods, and assessing the competitiveness of manufactured products. To achieve success in marketing, you need to create your own website, order advertising on social networks, use online reviews, place company ads. In the end, I want to say that at present marketing is very important for a company, without it it is difficult to promote a company.
In my opinion, the important conditions for starting a new business include a strong currency, a healthy economy, a stable political situation, low taxes.
The economy is stable. For the country as a whole, the Gdp has grown by 2,4%. Exports are falling. In terms of jobs, the unenployment rate as it is stilt 3,4%. In order to stimulate the economy and attract foreign investment from abroad, the government is offering new tax incentives.
Having a sound financial plan is the key to success in building a profitable business. Do not save on staff, the more qualified the staff, the more customers there will be. It is necessary to organize a business in the area that you like the most, in which you really understand and you like to do it.
Of course, in the future I would like to open my own business, but at the moment I still don’t know what I would connect it with. But to start my own business, I need financial stability.