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Steven King

Автор:   •  Апрель 18, 2023  •  Статья  •  268 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  66 Просмотры

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Steven King

  1. In the book version of «It», the kids from the Losers Club, after defeating the monster for the first time in 1958, have a special ritual to cement their bond. More specifically, an underground orgy with six boys and one girl in the person of Beverly Marsh, who was then 11 years old.
  2. Steven once admitted that he tried writing +18 stories to earn a living, but did not succeed much in this particular genre.
  3. In 1974, Stephen King got hooked on cocaine and became very addicted to alcohol, while writing about a dozen of his best works (Carrie, It, The Shining, Dead Zone, Confrontation, Christina, etc.) This continued until 1987, until his wife gave the writer a hard ultimatum: "Either drugs or me."
  4. King in several of his works used the pseudonym Richard Bachman, who had at his disposal a whole biography, appearance and, finally, death.

A vigilant reader, bookstore clerk Steve Brown, "saw through" the pseudonym, discovering that Bachman writes exactly like King. The meticulous man went to the US Library of Congress and found a document stating that Stephen King was the author of Richard Bachman's novels. He complained to King's publishers about the outrage that was taking place.

This whole story seems not entirely clear and there are two options for such behavior:

1. In those days, some publishing houses had restrictions on the publication of books. One writer - one book a year. Well, the irrepressible thirst to create did not stop King.

2. A multi-way hype, in order to further increase interest in his person, this story was started with pseudonyms and their revelations.


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