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Studying tourism at Buketov Karaganda Unversity

Автор:   •  Октябрь 5, 2020  •  Доклад  •  287 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  411 Просмотры

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Studying tourism at Buketov Karaganda Unversity

The study of tourism at the Karaganda University of Buketov is not bad, but more needs to be improved. In my opinion, there are some unnecessary subjects in the study of tourism at our university, and they should be removed and more subjects in the specialty added. If I were a retor of the KSU, I would introduce into the educational system for all faculties that study English lessons with a native speaker. Establish the exchange of students of foreign universities, create one foreign practice for the specialties of tourism. For the specialty tourism, do several types of practice, not just one. Do more practice than learning.

advert,advertisement, to advertise -релама,рекламировать

artwork - произведение искусства

banner - баннер

budget -бюджет

craft -ремесло

customers’ rights - права клиентов

demand - спрос

development - развитие

DIY (do-it-yourself) - Сделай сам (своими руками)

e-marketing - электронный маркетинг

government organisation - правительственная организация

heritage - наследие

landscaped garden - ландшафтный сад

lawn - лужайка

leaflet – листовка

locally - локально

market segmentation - сегментация рынка _________

marketing tool -__ инструмент маркетинга ___________________

to meet the needs -для удовлетворения потребностей ___________

mill-_ мельница_____________________________________

miniple - миниатюрный________________________________

multiple -_ множественный ______________________________

(non-)governmental organisation -неправительственная организация

pampered -_ избалованный _________________________

to protect - защищать ____________________________

search engine - поисковый


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