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  • Utilization of waste

    Utilization of waste

    In fact, utilization of waste has become one of the major issues for humanity for the last 20 years. The fastest growing developed countries have already faced serious difficulties in the recycling area. This essay will look at possible causes of such an issue and cover the methods of alleviating

    Слов: 275  •  Страниц: 2
  • V. Frankl “logoterapiya”si: hayotning, muhabbatning, erkning va mas’uliyatning ma’nosi muammo sifatida

    V. Frankl “logoterapiya”si: hayotning, muhabbatning, erkning va mas’uliyatning ma’nosi muammo sifatida

    O’ZBEKISTON XALQARO ISLOM AKADEMIYASI MUMTOZ SHARQ FILOLOGIYASI FAKULTETI DIN PSIXOLOGIYASI VA PEDAGOGIKA KAFEDRASI PSIXOLOGIYA (DIN SOTSIOPSIXOLOGIYASI) BAKALAVR YO’NALISHI “DIN PSIXOLOGIYASI” FANIDAN KURS ISHI MAVZU: “V. Frankl “logoterapiya”si: hayotning, muhabbatning, erkning va mas’uliyatning ma’nosi muammo sifatida” Bajardi: Psixologiya (din sotsiopsixologiyasi) yo’nalishi 3-kurs talabasi Maxmudova Munisaxon Ilmiy rahbar: “Din psixologiyasi va pedagogika”

    Слов: 1,611  •  Страниц: 7
  • Vakuumli gazoylini katalitik kreking jarayonining texnologik hisobiga misol G-43-107

    Vakuumli gazoylini katalitik kreking jarayonining texnologik hisobiga misol G-43-107

    1 .2 Vakuumli gazoylini katalitik kreking jarayonining texnologik hisobiga misol G-43-107 Hisoblash uchun dastlabki ma'lumotlar: * xomashyo bo'yicha o'simlik unumdorligi t/y; * o'rnatishning ishlash muddati t r = 340 kun; * katalizatorning aylanish nisbati K c = 4,11; * katalizator bilan xom ashyoning shartli aloqa vaqti t = 4 s;

    Слов: 1,713  •  Страниц: 7
  • Value engineering на основі етики

    Value engineering на основі етики

    1.Value engineering на основі етики і естетики клієнта. Поняття цінності угоди. Поняття естетики. Естетика в психографічному профайлінгу. Когнітивна ергономіка. Нейроестетика. Value engineering - це системний, організований підхід до забезпечення необхідних функцій у проекті з найменшими витратами. Інженерія цінностей сприяє заміні матеріалів і методів менш дорогими альтернативами, не жертвуючи функціональністю. Він

    Слов: 538  •  Страниц: 3
  • Vasily Terkin

    Vasily Terkin

    "Vasily Terkin" 1.About the author: Alexander Tvardovsky (1910-1971) was a prominent Soviet poet and editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Novy Mir. Born in Russia, he gained recognition for his patriotic poems during World War II. Tvardovsky is best known for his epic poem "Vasily Terkin" and for promoting works that

    Слов: 434  •  Страниц: 2
  • Verbal means of influence in mass media texts

    Verbal means of influence in mass media texts

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE Kyiv National Linguistic University Interpreters`/Translators` Department Chair of the English Philology and Translation TERM PAPER IN COMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS VERBAL MEANS OF INFLUENCE IN THE ENGLISH AND UKRAINIAN TEXTS OF MEDIA DISCOURSE Name Group Academic Supervisor Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor L.D. Yakymchuk Kyiv-2019

    Слов: 8,731  •  Страниц: 35
  • VI-XII ғасырдағы Қазақстан жеріндегі мемлекеттер

    VI-XII ғасырдағы Қазақстан жеріндегі мемлекеттер

    Қазақстан Республикасы білім және ғылым министрлігі Әл - Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университеті Картинки по запросу әл фараби университет Факультеті «Экономика және бизнес жоғары мектебі» Кафедрасы «Қаржы және аудит» СӨЖ Тақырыбы:VI-XII ғасырдағы Қазақстан жеріндегі мемлекеттер Орындаған:Жұмағали Ақбота Тобы:Есеп және аудит Тексерген:Ноянов Е.Н Алматы, 2023ж ЕРТЕ ОРТА ҒАСЫРЛЫҚ КЕЗЕҢ (VI-IX ғ.ғ)

    Слов: 751  •  Страниц: 4
  • Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns

    Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns

    Summary on: «Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns» Dnipro - 2023 Violent crime is a negative social phenomenon of a criminal-legal nature, which in the conditions of objective reality manifests itself in a multitude of socially dangerous manifestations, the commission of which is determined by violent motivation. The most important

    Слов: 616  •  Страниц: 3
  • Virtual Reality in Software Engineering: Affordances, Applications, and Challenges

    Virtual Reality in Software Engineering: Affordances, Applications, and Challenges

    Фамилия, имя, № группы Мельникова Светлана, группа Z8432K Название статьи на английском языке Virtual Reality in Software Engineering: Affordances, Applications, and Challenges Ссылка на статью Abstract—Software engineers primarily interact with source code using a keyboard and mouse, and typically view soft ware on a small number of 2D monitors.

    Слов: 4,782  •  Страниц: 20
  • Visual Paradigm қосымшасын жүктеу және орнату жұмыстарын жүргізу

    Visual Paradigm қосымшасын жүктеу және орнату жұмыстарын жүргізу

    Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті Ақпараттық технологиялар факультеті Ақпараттық жүйелер кафедрасы Ақпараттық жүйелерді жобалау мен жасаудың әдістері пәнінен 1 – лабораториялық жұмыс есебі Тақырыбы: Visual Paradigm қосымшасын жүктеу және орнату жұмыстарын жүргізу Орындаған: Андрей Н. М. АЖ-39 тобы Тексерген: Омарова Г. С. Жұмыстың мақсаты: Visual Paradigm қосымшасы туралы жалпылама мәлімет

    Слов: 476  •  Страниц: 2
  • Vocabulary


    Unit 1. Vocabulary Benefit /ˈbenəfɪt/ (выгода, преимущество) - an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something (I never had the benefit of a university education – Я никогда не получал пользы от обучения в университете) Field /fiːld/ (область, сфера) - a subject that people study or an area

    Слов: 338  •  Страниц: 2
  • Vocabulary tasks

    Vocabulary tasks

    Vocabulary tasks 1. Find English equivalents for the following in the text and use them in the sentences of your own Преследование- a persecution, забвение (полное небытие)- an oblivion, контролировать – to monitor, острота ума (умственная острота)- a mental acuity, живой (бдительный, острый) ум- a quick mind, нежелание (неохота)- a

    Слов: 911  •  Страниц: 4
  • Volunteering for Work Abroad

    Volunteering for Work Abroad

    This text is titled "Volunteering for Work Abroad. This text talks about the importance of volunteering to leave a positive change in struggling target communities. The author writes that many volunteer trips are organized with the needs of the target communities in mind, rather than the volunteers themselves. This speaks

    Слов: 265  •  Страниц: 2
  • Vowels in english and russian languages

    Vowels in english and russian languages

    Vowels in english and russian languages. Phonetic structure of each individual language is different, even if the languages have some kind of resemblance (in writing) or belong to the same language group. English and Russian languages, and all belong to different branches of Indo-European family of languages, and so differences

    Слов: 812  •  Страниц: 4
  • VR-технология как элемент геймификации в профессиональном образовании

    VR-технология как элемент геймификации в профессиональном образовании

    УДК 377 VR-ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ КАК ЭЛЕМЕНТ ГЕЙМИФИКАЦИИ В ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОМ ОБРАЗОВАНИИ П.М. Видяйкина Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет им. К. Минина Д.А.Таурова Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет им. К. Минина Аннотация. В настоящее время можно заметить активное развитие и внедрение информационных технологий во все сферы общества. Данный процесс не обошел стороной и сферу образования.

    Слов: 1,010  •  Страниц: 5
  • Walter Scott. Jane Austen

    Walter Scott. Jane Austen

    An increase in the number of circulating libraries around the end of the 18th century ensured that a growing reading public could satisfy its thirst for prose. With the notable exceptions of Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) and Jane Austen (1775-1817), relatively little fiction of lasting worth was being written in

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  • Walter Streeter

    Walter Streeter

    W.S. “W.S.” comes from “The Complete Short Stories of Leslie Poles Hartley”. Leslie Poles Hartley was an English novelist, short-story writer, and critic whose works fuse a subtle observation of manners traditional to the English novel with an interest in the psychology. L. P. Hartley was the author of over

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  • War and its effects on society

    War and its effects on society

    War and its effects on society Mariia Kolykhalova War and its Effects on Society in Ein Bild, das Clipart, Grafiken, Darstellung enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung Written by Mariia Kolykhalova Kantonsschule Trogen, 5ad 17th May 2023 ________________ The novel "1984" by George Orwell depicts a dystopian society in which the ruling

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  • Was bedeutet alternierender Strom

    Was bedeutet alternierender Strom

    1. Подготовить сообщение на тему: «Was bedeutet alternierender Strom? (Что такое переменный ток?) Der Wechselstrom wird als elektrischer Strom bezeichnet, der den Perioden entspricht, die sich in Richtung und Modul ändern. Auch Wechselstrom gilt als Strom, der in einphasigen und dreiphasigen Netzwerken Auftritt. Für bestehende Geräte, die Konstantstrom verbrauchen, wird

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  • Was isst man auf dem Oktoberfest

    Was isst man auf dem Oktoberfest

    Was isst man auf dem Oktoberfest? 1. Жареная курица Grill Händl Dies ist einer der beliebtesten Snacks für helles Bier. Normalerweise wird in Zelten ein halbes Hähnchen für eine Portion angeboten. Это одна из самых популярных закусок к светлому пиву. Обычно на одну порцию в шатрах предлагается половинка курицы. 2.

    Слов: 334  •  Страниц: 2
  • Water quality

    Water quality

    Качество воды Качество воды — это термин, используемый для описания химических, физических и биологических характеристик воды, обычно в отношении ее пригодности для определенной цели. Хотя для определения качества воды используются научные измерения, нелегко сказать, что «эта вода хороша» или «эта вода плохая». В конце концов, воды, которой можно мыть машину,

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  • Ways of expressing the future tense in modern English

    Ways of expressing the future tense in modern English

    Theme: Ways of expressing the future tense in modern English Способы выражения будущего времени в современном английском языке Table of Contents Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Future Tense in the Tense System of English 1 1.1. Tense System of the English Language 1 1.2. Future Tenses in English 1 1.3. Other

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  • Ways of learning english through inf information technologies

    Ways of learning english through inf information technologies

    WAYS OF LEARNING ENGLISH THROUGH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Аннотация. В этой статье рассматриваются наиболее распространенные на данный момент способы изучения английского языка с использованием информационных технологий. Для каждого человека, информационные технологии открывают множество возможностей для комфортного изучения английского языка. Размещенный видеоматериал от носителей языка, видеоуроки, курсы, возможность просмотра фильмов с субтитрами

    Слов: 1,229  •  Страниц: 5
  • We can`t get through this world without our share of trouble

    We can`t get through this world without our share of trouble

    Англійська мова Есе на теми 1. We can`t get through this world without our share of trouble (here is talked about the empathy between very different people, empathy is the strongest support to the people in very hard times) Every time and, especially, the last years the whole world is

    Слов: 1,173  •  Страниц: 5
  • We can`t get through this world without our share of trouble

    We can`t get through this world without our share of trouble

    Англійська мова Есе на теми 1. We can`t get through this world without our share of trouble (here is talked about the empathy between very different people, empathy is the strongest support to the people in very hard times) Every time and, especially, the last years the whole world is

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  • We don’t know the difference between needing something and wanting something

    We don’t know the difference between needing something and wanting something

    We don’t know the difference between needing something and wanting something You can get everything you need,as long as you really need it. Ray Bredbery A need is something that you cannot do without;and desire is what we want,but we could live without it. A person has not so many

    Слов: 452  •  Страниц: 2
  • Wedding ceremony in Kazakhstan

    Wedding ceremony in Kazakhstan

    Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университеті InShot_20210909_151233019 Факультет: Қазақ тілі және әлем тілдер институты Курс: 3 Пән: Академиялық мақсаттағы ағылшын тілі Тақырып: Wedding ceremony in Kazakhstan Орындаған: Ергалиева.Э 303 Тексерген: Нысанбек Қызғалтақ 2022 жыл Wedding ceremony in Kazakhstan Betrothed - the parents and relatives of a guy who has decided to

    Слов: 710  •  Страниц: 3
  • Weddings in Russia

    Weddings in Russia

    Russia has long wedding laws and traditions that began to form since the end of the 10th century when the country was christianized and were finally developed to the XV century. Wedding ceremonies might be quite different depending on the location, but one could talk about established traditions. In the

    Слов: 285  •  Страниц: 2
  • Wer sind Sie Kanzler Scholz?

    Wer sind Sie Kanzler Scholz?

    Wer sind Sie Kanzler Scholz? Asrutdinova D. N. Starovojt Jel. Jev. Studentinen des Zollwesen 2. Studie jahres Wissenschaftliche Betreuerin Bondarenko T. N. Ph. D. in Philologiy Dozentin des Jehstuhls fiё Fremdsprache Moskauer regionale Tehnologische Universität namens A. A. Leonow, Koroljow, Moskauer Region, Russland Jusammenfassung In diesem Artikel handelt es sich

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  • What better gift made with your own hands or bought in the store?

    What better gift made with your own hands or bought in the store?

    Yuliya Glushkova What better gift made with your own hands or bought in the store? Really exist two points of view: to buy a gift at shop or make your own hands. Many believe that it is better to buy a beautiful gift and packaged in the store, others consider

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