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  • The structure and usage of complex sentences in the novel “Breathing Lessons” by Anne Tyler

    The structure and usage of complex sentences in the novel “Breathing Lessons” by Anne Tyler

    Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка Кафедра англійської філології Курсова робота з практичної граматики на тему: The structure and usage of complex sentence in the novel “Breathing Lessons” by Anne Tyler Студентки 3 курсу, групи ФА-33 Напряму підготовки 6.020303 Філологія. Мова і література (англійська) Бучинської Марії Керівник: кандидат філологічних

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  • The structure, tasks and powers of the police

    The structure, tasks and powers of the police

    Федеральное государственное казенное образовательное учреждение Кафедра иностранных языков Английский язык Реферат The structure, tasks and powers of the police (Структура, задачи и полномочия полиции) Выполнил: Научный руководитель: Проверил ___________ (подпись) «____» ______________ 2022 г. Санкт-Петербург 2022 Contents: Introduction 3 Fundamentals of the Russian police 4 Conclusion 10 List of literature

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  • The stylistic peculiarities of scientific terminology usage in the english language

    The stylistic peculiarities of scientific terminology usage in the english language

    QUALIFICATION PAPER on “THE STYLISTIC PECULIARITIES OF SCIENTIFIC TERMINOLOGY USAGE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE” Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 3 Chapter 1. The peculiarities of terms in scientific and technical literature…5 1.1. The functional style of scientific and technical literature and its vocabulary……………………………………………………………………… 5 1.2. The notion of term and its classification……………………… 22

    Слов: 13,844  •  Страниц: 56
  • The stylistic role of a simple sentence in the work by Kazuo Ishiguro “Clara and the Sun”

    The stylistic role of a simple sentence in the work by Kazuo Ishiguro “Clara and the Sun”

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University «Approved for defence» By the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ____________N.Solovyova ___ ____________2022 DIPLOMA WORK On the topic: «The stylistic role of a simple sentence in the work by Kazuo Ishiguro “Clara and

    Слов: 17,961  •  Страниц: 72
  • The system of consonants in the English language content

    The system of consonants in the English language content


    Слов: 6,625  •  Страниц: 27
  • The system of control at English lessons at primary school

    The system of control at English lessons at primary school

    DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Course project Discipline: “Foreign language teaching” Theme: The system of control at English lessons at primary school. Жасаған: 3 курс, 303 топ студенті Кадырханова Жанайым Тексерген: Otemyssova Zh.A___________________ Almaty 2024 Table of contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3 Chapter

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  • The system of parts of speech in the English language

    The system of parts of speech in the English language

    CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER ONE. MODERN APPROACHES TO THE DETERMINATION OF THE PART OF SPEECH IN ENGLISH 6 1.1. The concept of part of speech in linguistic researches 6 1.2. Views of linguists on the typology of parts of speech in modern English. 18 Conclusions to Chapter One 25 CHAPTER

    Слов: 20,340  •  Страниц: 82
  • The Tor Project Inc. Ақпараттық қауіпсіздігі

    The Tor Project Inc. Ақпараттық қауіпсіздігі

    САНДЫҚ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯЛАР МЕКТЕБІ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ ЖӘНЕ ДИЗАЙН ДОКЛАД Ақпараттық қауіпсіздік пәнінен: The Tor Project Inc. Ақпараттық қауіпсіздігі Баяндамашы: Бостанова А.Б. Тексеруші: Батырхан Серік К. Алматы 2023ж. Мазмұны Кіріспе ..............................................................................................................3 1. Ақпараттық қауіпсіздік............................................................................4 2. Tor Project деген не?.................................................................................7 2.1. Тарихы...........................................................................................8 2.2. Ақпараттық қауіпсіздігі...............................................................9 2.3. Tor дың әлсіз тұстары…………………………………...……..15 Қорытынды Кіріспе Менің докладым

    Слов: 4,189  •  Страниц: 17
  • The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the territory of the British Isles. It consists of 4 main countries which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and

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  • The UN Security Council discussed the situation in Guinea

    The UN Security Council discussed the situation in Guinea

    The UN Security Council discussed the situation in Guinea The UN Security Council held a meeting on the situation in Guinea. The Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Guinea, Joseph Mutaboba, presented a report on the events in this country. He drew attention to the well-organized presidential elections, which "became

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  • The United Kingdom of Britain

    The United Kingdom of Britain

    The United Kingdom of Britain The British people, or the Britons, are the citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the British Overseas Territories, and the Crown dependencies.[31][32][33] British nationality law governs modern British citizenship and nationality, which can be acquired, for instance, by descent from

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  • The United Kingdom’s approach to the European integration after the Second World War till 1973: attempts to build cooperation on special terms

    The United Kingdom’s approach to the European integration after the Second World War till 1973: attempts to build cooperation on special terms

    The United Kingdom’s approach to the European integration after the Second World War till 1973: attempts to build cooperation on special terms. Valentina Shabalova Abstract. This study is organized as follows: (1), it describes the attitude of the UK towards first post-war analogues of European integration, (2), it reviews the

    Слов: 6,187  •  Страниц: 25
  • The views of traditional economy ideologues of the Ancient East, Greece and Rome

    The views of traditional economy ideologues of the Ancient East, Greece and Rome

    Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education Topic of Essay: “The views of traditional economy ideologues of the Ancient East, Greece and Rome.” Moscow 2022 ________________ Contents INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER I. Economic Ideas of the Ancient East 4 CHAPTER II. The economic ideas of the Greeks 6 CHAPTER III.

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  • The vocabulary composition of language

    The vocabulary composition of language

    CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 1. Phonetic structure 4 1.1 The system of spelling 4 1.2 The changing in the system of vowels and consonants 7 2. Grammatical structure 15 2.1 The formation of plural nouns 15 2.2 The changing in the system of pronouns 17 2.3 The verb 18 3. The

    Слов: 9,922  •  Страниц: 40
  • The ways for increasing of the sensibility of lanthanides determination by luminescent method

    The ways for increasing of the sensibility of lanthanides determination by luminescent method

    THE WAYS FOR INCREASING OF THE SENSIBILITY OF LANTHANIDES DETERMINATION BY LUMINESCENT METHOD... [Pg.82] Individual parameters must be validated by the laboratories that produce them. The biocrystallisation method and the luminescence method have been validated for selected crops almost up to steps 5 and 6 (Busscher et al., 2004 Kahl

    Слов: 801  •  Страниц: 4
  • The Ways of Translating Phraseological Units

    The Ways of Translating Phraseological Units

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES The Ways of Translating Phraseological Units Course Paper Student: Zhumazhan B. Group: AI-31 Supervisor: Maral B. Dosmagambetova Karaganda 2022-2023 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………… 3 CHAPTER I THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS………...4 1.1 Meanings and definitions of phraseological

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  • The Ways of Translating Phraseological Units

    The Ways of Translating Phraseological Units

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES The Ways of Translating Phraseological Units Course Paper Student: Zhumazhan B. Group: AI-31 Supervisor: Maral B. Dosmagambetova Karaganda 2022-2023 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………… 3 CHAPTER I THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS………...4 1.1 Meanings and definitions of phraseological

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  • The Wolf of Wall Street

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    Задание к зачёту по дисциплине «Социальное проектирование» Группа: МБЗ-21-1 Плескачёва К.А. «The Wolf of Wall Street» Волк с Уолл-Стрит – кассовый фильм, биография, комедия, драма, покорившая миллионы сердец. Уолл-Стрит – это улица, на которой расположены основные фондовые и биржевые рынки ценных бумаг, гудит и во всеобщем диком ажиотаже. В 1987

    Слов: 577  •  Страниц: 3
  • The work of my dream

    The work of my dream

    The work of my dream Since I started university, I think my dream job would be network engineering. Network engineers are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining the infrastructure that connects different computer systems and devices. This work involves a wide range of activities, from configuring switches and routers to

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  • The World Bank. Всемирный банк

    The World Bank. Всемирный банк

    The World Bank The World Bank is an international financial organization established with the aim of organizing financial and technical assistance to developing countries. In the course of its development, the World Bank has undergone various structural changes, therefore the term "World Bank" was understood at different stages by different

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  • The World Health Organization

    The World Health Organization

    The World Health Organization, established in 1948, is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) responsible for international public health. It has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and offices in more than 150 countries. The WHO works with governments, partners, and communities to promote health, prevent diseases, and improve

    Слов: 299  •  Страниц: 2
  • Theoretische Grundlagen der Bildung lexikalischer und grammatikalischer Kompetenz des Unterrichts

    Theoretische Grundlagen der Bildung lexikalischer und grammatikalischer Kompetenz des Unterrichts

    Die Grundlage jeder Sprache ist ihre lexikalisch – grammatische Zusammensetzung. Deswegen ist die lexikalische Kompetenz ein Bestandteil der fremdsprachigen Kommunikationskompetenz, deren Zweck die Bildung der Fähigkeit ist die Aufgabe zu lösen und Interaktion mit den Muttersprachlern der im Einklang mit Normen auch kulturellen Traditionen unter Bedingungen zwischen direkter indirekter Kontakte

    Слов: 589  •  Страниц: 3
  • Theory and practice of modeling types of academic writing

    Theory and practice of modeling types of academic writing

    ABSTRACT On dissertation work of Moldabayeva Karlygash Ergazievna “Theory and practice of modeling types of academic writing”submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) the specialty “8D02301-Philology” General description of the work: Academic writing is associated with the three main missions of the modern university: research, education and socio-

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  • Theory and practice of Translation

    Theory and practice of Translation

    Қазақстан Республикасының білім және ғылым министрлігі Көкшетау гуманитарлы-техникалық колледжі Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan Humanitarian and Technical College КУРСТЫҚ ЖҰМЫС COURSE PAPER Пәні: “Аударманының теориясы және практикасы” Тақырабы:”Көркем аударманың ерекшеліктері” The discipline: “Theory and practice of Translation The theme: English Tenses Орындаған 3 курс 37ПД тобының

    Слов: 11,480  •  Страниц: 46
  • Theory of organization

    Theory of organization

    Theory of organization SLIDE 3. Leadership is the process of inspiring, motivating and directing others to work hard to accomplish important common tasks. Effective organizational leadership is a key for success of organization because of creating and implementing right strategy. SLIDE 4. Effective leadership is essential for the success of

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  • There are several professions whose main language is English

    There are several professions whose main language is English

    4 slide There are several professions whose main language is English. Существует несколько профессий, основным языком которых является английский. 1.IT sphere. Knowledge of English is needed here, because almost all new software and news about technical innovations are published in English. 1. ИТ-сфера. Здесь нужны знания английского языка, так как

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  • There is no place like home

    There is no place like home

    МИНИСТЕРСТВО СПОРТА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Сибирский государственный университет физической культуры и спорта Кафедра «Связи с общественностью и иностранные языки» АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК “There is no place like home” Выполнил (а): студент(ка) Шкерина Елизавета Руслановна Проверил: кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры «Связи с общественностью и

    Слов: 266  •  Страниц: 2
  • There place, where I work

    There place, where I work

    There place, where I work One famous thinker said that the more valuable and happier a person’s life is, the more people he will benefit. It seems to me that my job is exactly this, and it makes me happy because I work as a teacher. I think that to

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  • This article describes about drug allergy

    This article describes about drug allergy

    This article describes about drug allergy. Drug allergy encompasses a spectrum of immunologically-mediated hypersensitivity reactions with varying mechanisms and clinical presentations. The most effective strategy for the management of drug allergy is avoidance or discontinuation of the offending drug. If there are alternative options, it is worth noting the drugs

    Слов: 339  •  Страниц: 2
  • This is a review of the movie "1 + 1"

    This is a review of the movie "1 + 1"

    1+1» - французская комедийная драма 2011 года, основанная на реальных событиях . Режиссёрами являлись Ольвье Накаш и Эрик Толедано Главные роли исполняют Франсуа Клюзе и Омар Си, удостоенный за эту актёрскую работу национальной премии «Сезар» В России фильм вышел в прокат 26 апреля 2012 года По статистике 2011 года, «1+1» стал самым прибыльным фильмом, побившим предыдущие рекорды

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