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  • Tourists Belarus

    Tourists Belarus

    Tourists coming to Belarus by bus, plane or train most often begin to get acquainted with Minsk and, of course, with its center. The capital of the republic pleases with cleanliness and tidiness, surprises with a combination of Soviet heritage and modernity of the Eastern European city. There are 150

    Слов: 473  •  Страниц: 2
  • Town and Country

    Town and Country

    Unit 3 - Town and Country Vocabulary 1. Look at the pictures and lists of words and complete the puzzle. Find the word that isn’t illustrated. Rural landscapes: cottage, field, footpath, gate, hedge, hill, lane, stream, village, wood Urban landscapes: advertisement, pavement, pedestrian crossing, postbox, road sign, roadworks, rubbish bin,

    Слов: 6,118  •  Страниц: 25
  • Tpeтий kpecтoвый пoхoд

    Tpeтий kpecтoвый пoхoд

    Tpeтий kpecтoвый пoхoд. Tpeтий kpecтoвый пoхoд (1189–1192) Учacтиe в 3 kpecтoвom пoхoдe 3-й kpecтoвый пoхoд. Пoдгoтoвka k пoхoдy Вecть o тom, чтo coвepшилocь нa Вocтoke, пoлyчeнa былa в Eвpoпe нe cpaзy, и движeниe нaчaлocь нa Зaпaдe нe paньшe 1188 г. Пepвыe извecтия o coбытиях в Cвятoй Зemлe пpишли в Итaлию.

    Слов: 8,903  •  Страниц: 36
  • Traditions et fêtes françaises

    Traditions et fêtes françaises

    Traditions et fêtes françaises En France on célèbre les fêtes réligieuses et les fêtes civiles. La fête nationale du 14 juillet, c’est l’anniversaire de la prise de la Bastille en 1789. C’est la fête de la Republique, la fête de la liberté. Il y a des défilés militaires, des bals

    Слов: 422  •  Страниц: 2
  • Transformation of farming lands in the zone of permissible radioactive contamination

    Transformation of farming lands in the zone of permissible radioactive contamination

    TRANSFORMATION OF FARMING LANDS IN THE ZONE OF PERMISSIBLE RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION Presentation of the problem. Under modern conditions of the high anthropogenic and agrarian pressure on the environment, the transformation of farming lands and agricultural areas is an essential instrument in the process of the formation of ecologically balanced land-use.

    Слов: 3,917  •  Страниц: 16
  • Transformations of the global economy: challenges and perspectives in the era of the digital revolution

    Transformations of the global economy: challenges and perspectives in the era of the digital revolution

    TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES IN THE ERA OF THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION Relevance. In a world marked by rapid technological advancements, the digital revolution is becoming a defining factor for the global economy. In light of this, our article is aimed at a systematic analysis of the

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  • Translated the English

    Translated the English

    Топ: Тексерілді ____________ Күні: ____________ Пәні: «Кәсіби шетел тілі» Сабақтың тақырыбы: Translated the English Сабақтың мақсат-міндеттері: 1. Сөздікпен жұмыс жасай білу. 2. Кәсіптік ағылшын тілінде жаза білу дағдысын қалыптастыру. 3. Тақырып бойынша аударманы білуге тәрбиелеу. Сабақтың түрі: Аралас сабақ Көрнекі құралдар: оқулық, трек-сызбалар Сабақтың барысы: І Ұйымдастыру кезеңі ІІ Үй

    Слов: 317  •  Страниц: 2
  • Translation


    Introduction: Translation is the process of rendering a source text into a target language, while preserving the meaning, style, and register of the original text. However, this process can be challenging due to differences in grammar, syntax, cultural references, and other linguistic and extralinguistic factors between the source and target

    Слов: 896  •  Страниц: 4
  • Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage

    Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage

    КУРСТЫҚ ЖҰМЫС КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА Қазақстан Республикасының Оқу-ағарту министірлігі Министерство просвещения Республики Казахстан «Тұран» университетінің колледжі Пəн бойынша/ Дисциплина: Теория и практика перевода Тақырыбы / Тема: Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage Орындаған топ оқушысы: Выполнила обучающийся группы: Тексерген / Проверила: Преподаватель Алматы 2023 CONTENTS

    Слов: 4,979  •  Страниц: 20
  • Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage

    Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage

    Қазақстан Республикасының Оқу-ағарту министірлігі Министерство просвещения Республики Казахстан «Тұран» университетінің колледжі Колледж университета «Туран» Мамандығы: 0512000 Аударма ісі Специальность: 0512000 Переводческое дело КУРСТЫҚ ЖҰМЫС КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА Пән бойынша/ Дисциплина: Теория и практика перевода Тақырыбы / Тема: Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage Орындаған топ оқушысы:

    Слов: 5,131  •  Страниц: 21
  • Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage

    Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage

    Қазақстан Республикасының Оқу-ағарту министірлігі Министерство просвещения Республики Казахстан «Тұран» университетінің колледжі Колледж университета «Туран» Мамандығы: 0512000 Аударма ісі Специальность: 0512000 Переводческое дело КУРСТЫҚ ЖҰМЫС КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА Пән бойынша/ Дисциплина: Теория и практика перевода Тақырыбы / Тема: Translation of international and pseudo-international words, specific ways of their usage Орындаған топ оқушысы:

    Слов: 5,131  •  Страниц: 21
  • Translation Peculiarities of Attributive Clusters

    Translation Peculiarities of Attributive Clusters

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES TRANSLATION PECULIARITIES OF ATTRIBUTIVE CLUSTERS Course Paper Student: Supervisor: Karaganda 2022 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………... 3 CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of attribute clusters…………………….. 5 1. The concept of attribute clusters………………………………………… 5 2. Attributive construction as a phrase………………………………………

    Слов: 12,408  •  Страниц: 50
  • Translation transformations

    Translation transformations

    Translation transformations are interlanguage transformations, element rearrangement of the source text, another expression of meaning, or rephrasing in order to achieve a translation equivalent. Most linguists hold the view that all translation transformations are divided into lexical, grammatical and stylistic. Grammatical transformations include the following methods such as rearrangement, elimination

    Слов: 810  •  Страниц: 4
  • Translation transformations and techniques in literary texts

    Translation transformations and techniques in literary texts

    Introduction Translation of fiction, or as it is commonly called literary translation, is a special type of translation. Literary translation is undoubtedly more complicated than other types of translation, for example, technical translation, where information is usually conveyed in special terms. In literary translation, precise formulations fade into the background,

    Слов: 5,649  •  Страниц: 23
  • Travel


    Технологическая карта практического занятия Учебная дисциплина: Иностранный язык (английский) Преподаватель: _____________________________ Класс: 9 Время урока: 45 минут Тема: Travel Тип занятия: практическое занятие Вид занятия: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений Цель: овладение знаниями, умениями и навыками, умением решать задачи для коммуникации, а также найти способы приобретения навыков и умений

    Слов: 700  •  Страниц: 3
  • Travelling. Work Hard, Travel Easy

    Travelling. Work Hard, Travel Easy

    12. Travelling. Work Hard, Travel Easy. Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity. Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people's life in other countries. While on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world

    Слов: 2,047  •  Страниц: 9
  • Trend


    Active Vocabulary: 23, Grammar Structures: 4, Linkers: 10. Total: 626 words Even the ancient Roman poet Publius Ovidius Nazon said that we admire antiquity but live in modernity. Indeed, our world is developing every day. Something new is being created, research and scientific discoveries are being made. Absolutely every field

    Слов: 623  •  Страниц: 3
  • Trendy vo vzdelávaní zamestnancov v spoločnosti DEUTSCHE TELEKOM IT SOLUTIONS SLOVAKIA

    Trendy vo vzdelávaní zamestnancov v spoločnosti DEUTSCHE TELEKOM IT SOLUTIONS SLOVAKIA

    TRENČIANSKA UNIVERZITA ALEXANDRA DUBČEKA V TRENČÍNE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNO-EKONOMICKÝCH VZŤAHOV Trendy vo vzdelávaní zamestnancov v spoločnosti DEUTSCHE TELEKOM IT SOLUTIONS SLOVAKIA Seminárna práca Autor: Miriam Vidová Hodnotenie: Študijná skupina: 2 Predmet: Aktuálne trendy v personálnom manažmente Ročník: druhý Vyučujúci: doc. Ing. Adriana Grenčíková, PhD. Ing. Richard Rigó Študijný program: LZDI Akademický

    Слов: 3,820  •  Страниц: 16
  • Trust Formula

    Trust Formula

    Trust Formula Sociology is the science that concentrates on society, human social behavior, patterns of human relationships and social life. Indeed, humans play a big role in political and economic factors of life, since every process builds on people. However, not all people understand the importance of the science. What

    Слов: 343  •  Страниц: 2
  • Trusts. Доверительное управление имуществом

    Trusts. Доверительное управление имуществом

    РЕФЕРАТ Деловые переговоры на иностранном языке в профессиональной деятельности НА ТЕМУ Trusts 2019 г. The list of contents Introduction 3 The essence of trust management of property, the subject of the contract and an essential term of the contract 4 The parties and the object of the contract 7 Conclusion

    Слов: 2,126  •  Страниц: 9
  • Tsampa (Цампа)

    Tsampa (Цампа)

    Tsampa A national dish that is considered Tibetan bread. Tsampa is the main part of the Tibetan diet. The simplest flat Tibetan bread is baked from flour, water, and a pinch of salt in large, heavy pans with or without butter. It is a flour made from lightly toasted barley

    Слов: 446  •  Страниц: 2
  • Turkestan


    I want to tell you about how I went to Turkestan with my classmates at 1 a.m. I myself am from the city of Kentau and going to Turkestan was like a risk. My classmates and I, 5 people, first hung out in a burger joint, and when we came

    Слов: 434  •  Страниц: 2
  • Turkey


    Turkey The Republic of Turkey is located in the South-Eastern Europe and South-Western Asia on a total surface area of 783,562 km². It is the only country situated in both Europe and Asia, bordering Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia (see Exhibit 1). Turkey has a total

    Слов: 692  •  Страниц: 3
  • Türkiye Bölgeleri

    Türkiye Bölgeleri

    Türkiye Bölgeleri (devamı). İç Anadolu Bölgesi Түркияның геог экономиялық тұрғысында бөлінетін аймақтардың ішінде іш анадолы болгесі(ішкі анатолия аймағы) теңізбен шектеспейтін 3аймақтың бірі .Өзінің аталуына сәйкес елдің ішкі өңірінде яғни орталығында орналаскан . Ел астанасы Анкараның осы аймақта орналасуы-өңірге озіндік ерекшелік береді.Бұл өңірдің баска ерекшелігі-айтарлықтай аумақты камтып жаткан(Konya Ovası)жазық даласымен ерекшеленеді.

    Слов: 488  •  Страниц: 2
  • Turkiye burslari

    Turkiye burslari

    Dear reception department! I am Miss Ayaulym Rahymbai! I am writing about myself for the universities that are part of the "Turkiye burslari" program and for my interest in winning a grant. With your permission, let me tell you a little about myself. & First of all, before submitting my

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  • Türkmənistan Konstitusiyası

    Türkmənistan Konstitusiyası

    Plan: * Türkmənistan Konstitusiyası * Türkmənistanda qanunverici və icraedici hakimiyyət * İcraedici hakimiyyət * Prezident * Nazirlər Şurası * Qanunverici hakimiyyət * Xalq Məsləhət Məclisi * Türkmənistan Məclisi * Türkmənistanda fəaliyyət göstərən siyasi partiyalar ________________ Türkmənistan 1990-cı ildə Sovet İttifaqının parçalanmasından sonra Mərkəzi Asiyada müstəqillik əldə etmiş beş dövlətdən biridir.

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  • Turli mezonlarga muvofiq yer osti suvlarini tasniflash

    Turli mezonlarga muvofiq yer osti suvlarini tasniflash

    1.Turli mezonlarga muvofiq yer osti suvlarini tasniflash. Yer osti suvlarining ko‘p tasniflari mavjud va ular turli mutaxassislar tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. Yer osti suvlari qatlamlarning yoshi, tog‘ jinslarining litologik hususiyatlari, suvning tarkibi, uning xarorati, gidrodinamik ko‘rsatkichlar, qatlamlarni yotish sharoitlari, suvlarning kelib chiqishi va boshqa omil va belgilar yer osti suvlarining tasnifini

    Слов: 406  •  Страниц: 2
  • Two famous personalities

    Two famous personalities

    1 тема: Two famous personalities There are many people in history who have been real leaders and Famous personalties. Let’s talk about the leaders at the USA and Britain. George Washington was the first President of United States. He became (бикейм) President in 1789 севентин эйти найн years after the

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  • Type of speech

    Type of speech

    1 My theme is Types of speech 2 In Outline I will present the types of speech, and their 4 types, as seen in the picture is 1 Informative speech. 2 Persuasive speech. 3 Demonstrative speech. 4 Entertaining speech. But before we sort out these types of speech, we need

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  • Types and functions of repetition in the genre of short story

    Types and functions of repetition in the genre of short story

    Title Page Types and functions of repetition in the genre of short story. ________________ Content Introduction 1 CHAPTER TYPES AND FUNCTIONS OF REPETITION IN THE GENRE OF SHORT STORY. 1.1. Types of Repetition in Short Story 1.1.1. Word Repetition 1.1.2. Sound Repetition 1.1.3. Structural Repetition 1.2. Functions of Repetition in

    Слов: 5,260  •  Страниц: 22

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