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Success in life

Автор:   •  Апрель 7, 2024  •  Эссе  •  708 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  138 Просмотры

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     Success in life is a comprehensive concept that can be seen as a result of the fullest possible self-realization of a person in various areas of Life, confirmed by the fact of social recognition.

Success is a function of many variables and can be divided into two main groups. The first is formed from variables related to the field of abilities, interests, inclinations, motives, health, social ability, etc. they can be physically regulated and shaped in the field of Family, Education. All this is related to internal factors. At the same time, the basic conditions for success are laid in the family, preparing a person for Life, responsible for his social ability, etc. The second group includes variables related to the recognition of the effects of self-realization from the outside, by society, at the level of the nearest MicroGroup and society as a whole.

   At the same time, a very complex relationship is established between individual success due to a person's self-realization and his public recognition.

Highly qualified professionals, specialists in various fields of activity (developers of new information technologies, highly paid specialists of large international companies, owners of various forms of enterprises, entrepreneurs, many senior employees, etc.) can be attributed to those who have achieved personal success in socially acceptable ways.

      The focus on achieving personal success in every way is at the heart of the corruption that is eroding Kazakhstan. Some people are so programmed for this that they are ready to take bribes and commit illegal actions as soon as the proper opportunity presents itself. It is clear that it is time to limit the preaching of individualism, which has already penetrated Russian society and given cancer metastases in the form of corruption. It is necessary to propagate the idea of achieving personal success in socially acceptable ways in modern systems of education and upbringing with the same tenacity with which the ideology of individualism was planted.

There are also some myths here. For example, it is believed that success is possible only if a person has a particularly pronounced talent: success is achieved only by those who are initially in the best circumstances, it is impossible to achieve success in a sincere way, it is achieved by those who are simply lucky. Some people believe that success depends mainly on appearance. But these are all myths. Ordinary abilities are enough, which, combined with dedication and efficiency, will bring success. Hard work is the foundation of complete and deserved success. The second type focuses primarily on achieving social, public recognition. Fortunately, there are still many people with this orientation. They often lead a rather ascetic lifestyle.

    Having received the necessary education and mastered professional activity, a person provides himself with a certain material well-being, Earnings, social status, integration into recognized social structures, etc. at the same time, many people, having achieved material well-being and having created a family, really identify such a state with success in life. Their needs, including the higher need for self-realization, are met. However, this is a dead end, a stop in development. Others consider the achievement of material well-being and family only as a basis for further self-realization. They are characterized by development and self-improvement, integration into more remote social environments (science, art, culture, politics, philanthropy, etc.). They have to participate in the social sphere, in working with people. In order to increase this possibility, it is necessary to deliberately form within the framework of the existing system of education and upbringing, to orient the younger generation to achieve harmony between personal and social.


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