Activities of Interpol and Europol
Автор: Vlada10 • Ноябрь 26, 2023 • Реферат • 2,286 Слов (10 Страниц) • 171 Просмотры
Федеральное государственное казенное образовательное учреждение
Высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский университет Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации»
Кафедра иностранных языков
Английский язык
Activities of Interpol and Europol
(Деятельность Интерпола и Европола)
курсант 121 учебного взвода
рядовой полиции
Пекин С. А.
Преподаватель кафедры
иностранных языков
Тарасова Александра Васильевна
In the modern world, the number of international crimes is increasing every year. Therefore, there is an urgent need to combine efforts to solve this problem. Only with the help of joint activities of States will it be possible to solve such problems as terrorism and drug trafficking, numerous economic crimes, counterfeiting and forgery of documents, theft of objects of historical, scientific, cultural and other value. Interpol or, in other words, the international Criminal Police Organization makes a great contribution to the preservation of international law and order. It is an organization that, thanks to its structure, legal framework and technical equipment, is able to effectively and efficiently coordinate international police cooperation. Interpol is a kind of intermediary in the interaction of the criminal police services of all the countries that make up it.
He coordinates and cooperates with their activities, provides the necessary information, develops a unified strategy and tactics. In recent years, the role of Interpol in international cooperation on combating terrorism and other types of transnational crime with the UN, Europol, ICAO and other international organizations has significantly increased, as evidenced by Interpol legal acts, numerous cooperation agreements, as well as mentions of Interpol and its significance in a number of international conventions. Interpol has unique tools and mechanisms necessary to organize assistance to Member States, international organizations, their bodies and the world community as a whole in combating acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
Thus, Interpol, carrying out its activities aimed at countering international crime and terrorism, makes a serious organizational and legal contribution to strengthening international law and order at the present stage.
Interpol, or the International Police Organization, is one of the greatest interstate crime-fighting agencies. Its main goal is to help establish justice and maintain order throughout the world. Through cooperation with national law enforcement agencies, Interpol ensures the exchange of information and coordination of actions in order to prevent and suppress criminal activity.
The International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO, or Interpol) is the leading international organization in the field of coordination of international police cooperation (in 1971, the intergovernmental status of Interpol was recognized)[1].
Interpol includes over 180 states, including Russia as the successor of the USSR, which joined Interpol in 1990. Since 1992, the headquarters of Interpol is located in Lyon (France) Interpol is the international center for the registration of persons who have committed a crime, and the coordinator of the international search for persons suspected of committing a crime and missing persons, As well as the search for stolen valuables, the Interpol Statute prohibits activities of a political, military, religious or racial nature or interference in such activities[2].
The permanent administrative and executive body of Interpol is the General Secretariat. It contains computer data banks for:
- persons who have committed ordinary crimes;
- crimes classified by category, place and method of commission;
- drug seizures, detected counterfeit banknotes;
- stolen art objects;
- fingerprints;
- photos of criminals and missing persons.
One of the main functions of Interpol is to conduct operations to search for criminals and arrest them. As part of its tasks, Interpol uses a system of Yellow and Red Notices, which helps in the search and detention of dangerous criminals who have committed serious crimes and are leaving their country. Thanks to such operations, Interpol makes a significant contribution to the detection and prosecution of criminals who otherwise could have avoided trial.
The coordinating role of the General Secretariat is that it regularly prepares and sends information through the Interpol NCB to the police authorities of the Interpol member States.
The National Central Bureau of Interpol (NCB of Interpol of Russia).
It is a unit formed in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the participation of the Russian Federation in the activities of the International Criminal Police Organization — Interpol" and the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Regulations on the National Central Bureau of Interpol" performs the functions of the Interpol representative office in Russia. In accordance with the established procedure, the NCB of Interpol accepts, processes and sends to the General Secretariat and national Bureaus of Interpol of the States requests, investigative instructions and reports of law enforcement and other bodies of Russia for the search, arrest and extradition of persons who have committed a crime, as well as for the search and arrest of proceeds of crime transferred abroad, stolen documents, other ORM and procedural actions in cases that are in the proceedings of these bodies. A network of branches of the NCB Interpol has been established in the country in most of the Interior Ministries, the Police Department, and the Department of Internal Affairs of the subjects of the Federation.