Гуманитарные науки
52,657 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 1,471 - 1,500
What books do teenagers prefer and where do they find them
Двадцать первый век это век информационных технологий. В каждой сфере нашей жизни мы обращаемся к компьютерам, телефонам и планшетам. Бумажные носители почти утратили свою актуальность. Однако мы пользуемся различными книгами, брошюрами, журналами. Целью моего исследования было выявить, что и почему читают молодые люди среднего возраста. Я провела обзор литературы и
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What can I do to make my native town better?
What can I do to make my native town better? I'am from Arkhangelsk and love this city, because I was born in this place and spent my childhood with friends and graduated my favorite forty-fifth school, I passed the exams very well and went to the Northern Arctic Federal University.
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What do drawing and photography have in common? What is different between them?
Drawing and photography are both artistic mediums that allow individuals to capture and express their perceptions of the world. While they share certain similarities, such as the ability to create visual representations, they also possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. Understanding the commonalities and differences between drawing and photography
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What do you think about the future of Russia
МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования “ЮЖНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ” Институт математики, механики и компьютерных наук им.И.И.Воровича Эссе “What do you think about the future of Russia?” Выполнила: Герасимова В.С. Преподаватель: Крестьянинова О.М. по дисциплине иностранный язык(английский) What is the future? What it will become in some decades?
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What is a near miss?
What is a near miss? A near miss means dangerous proximity in the sky and reduced safe separation can lead to mid-air collision with fatal consequences [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] (последствия). Pilots have to monitor TCAS display to prevent potential hazard. Pilots must follow only the TCAS command because TCAS has less possibility
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What is education? Why are foreign languages important in education?
By Derbilova Darina What is education? Why are foreign languages important in education? Education plays a very important role in everyone's life. After all, an educated and literate person has more opportunities to realize himself and achieve high success than a person who does not have an education. Education is
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What is sociology?
лого-РГСУ-2015.png Российский государственный социальный университет ИТОГОВОЕ ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» _______________________Эссе______________________________ (тема практического задания) ФИО студента Фирсакова ДВ Направление подготовки Социология Группа СОЦ-Б-01-3-2017-2 Москва 2020 What is sociology? Sociology (FR. sociologie, Latin. Societas-society and Greek.- Logos-the science of society) — the science of society, individual
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What is the biological basis of our circadian rhythms and how is it relevant to our lifestyle?
What is the biological basis of our circadian rhythms and how is it relevant to our lifestyle? The cycle of sleep and wakefulness is perhaps the most important for human behavior as we spend a third of our lives by sleeping and cannot exist without it. As we sleep our
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What is the future flat
What is the Future Flat? In recent years, the concept of the future flat has gained significant attention and has become a topic of discussion among architects, designers, and futurists. The future flat represents a revolutionary shift in the way we perceive and inhabit living spaces, incorporating advanced technologies and
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What is your dream job?
Alikhan Bokeikhan University Лого корчневое с надписьюpng.png СРО Theme: What is your dream job? Performed by: Alimanova Alida Group: БТ-301 Checked: Djapasheva Aygerim Kabdulsamatovna “What is your dream job?” I, in turn, could not decide on a profession for a long time. But I knew for sure that she would
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What it Means to Do Gender Differently: Understanding Identity, Perceptions and Accomplishments in a Gendered World
Правительство Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» Факультет социальных наук Департамент социологии Реферат по статье «What it Means to Do Gender Differently: Understanding Identity, Perceptions and Accomplishments in a Gendered World» по дисциплине «Социология культуры» Выполнила студентка БСЦ133 группы: Мараховская
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What makes me feel happy? (Мені бақытты сезінетін не?)
What makes me feel happy? Happiness is something that you feel within. It’s characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction. For some, happiness means traveling a lot, buying a new car, home. And a child from an orphanage just wants to have a mom and dad, and this will make him
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What makes me happy in this life
What makes me happy in this life Often every person has thought about what makes him happy at a certain period of his life. Some people think that happiness is the health of their family and friends, including me, some people think it’s a normal salary at work, and some
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What problems can lack of sleep cause?
Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems can lack of sleep cause? What can be done about lack of sleep? Plan Step 1: Understand Task The task is asking you to write about 2 things: Firstly, you need to write about the problems caused
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When the wind of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills
Янтураев Даниил Александрович ГМУ 3-20-03 When the wind of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills. "When the wind of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills" says a Chinese proverb. And what do you do in such cases? Are you hiding or overcoming
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Why are the manhole covers round?
Option 6 -Why are the manhole covers round? In the Triassic period, when planet Earth was the realization to living things inhabiting it that the earth was not covered with secrets, Allosaurus, Styracosaurus, Ankylosaurus and Brontosaurus decided to start creating a mystery. The secret that they thought humanity would rack
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Why I chose to Pursue a master’s degree
Why I chose to Pursue a master’s degree A Master's degree is an opportunity to change or supplement your education. I entered the master's program immediately after her bachelor's degree. Classic. This has never been in the plans. I studied undergraduate in the field of scientific mathematics. But mathematics has
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Why I should change my eating habits
Essay "Why I should change my eating habits" Nowadays, everyone have some habits. They may not just be bad, but also positive. Especially when you're dealing with eating habits because it will never do to live without any feed. Therefore, everybody in his life comes to the question of why
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Why is it dangerous nowadays to go out on the street in the evening?
It is well known that nowadays it is very dangerous to go out in the evening or at night on the street. There is a danger of being robbed, beaten, raped or even killed. Self-defense course become increasingly popular, it is necessary for a girl or a woman to carry
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Why love conquers all
Love is the most powerful and mysterious feeling. All of us look for someone we could be in love with to the rest of our lives. Being loved is one of our basic needs, such as need for sleep and food. This feeling is out of our control, we just
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Wie die Tiere einmal lesen wollten
1.Тема: Wie die Tiere einmal lesen wollten. „Wir gehen in den Zoo“ 2. Мета: навчальна: активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми «Im Zoo», удосконалити навички говоріння на основі опрацьованої теми. Розвиваюча: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності учнів: пам'ять, увагу, уяву, асоціативне та логічне мислення. Виховна: виховувати в учнів культуру поведінки. Стимулювати
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William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison (December 10, 1805 – May 24, 1879) 2 слайд * William Lloyd Garrison was one of the most passionate, dedicated abolitionist in the 19th century. * Who is abolitionist? Someone that works toward a complete end to slavery. 3 слайд * Garrison was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts
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Work in bailiffs. Bailiff-executor
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ТУЛЬСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Кафедра Иностранных языков Текст по профилю специальности в области научного исследование объемом в 25.000 п. зн. Work in bailiffs. Bailiff-executor. 40.04.01 Уголовный процесс, криминалистика, оперативно — розыскная деятельность Выполнил: _________________ Магистрант кафедры ПиПД Кокотко
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Work with talented and gifted
Курстық жоба (жұмыс) Н 2-1-35-2021 1 баспа 05.01.2021 logo_DU2.png ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫҢ БІЛІМ ЖӘНЕ ҒЫЛЫМ МИНИСТРЛІГІ М.Х. Дулати атындағы Тараз өңірлік университеті «Ұстаз» институты_____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________факультеті/институты ______________________________________________________________________ «Әлем тілдері» кафедрасы КУРСТЫҚ ЖҰМЫС Орта мектепте ағылшын тілін оқыту әдістемесі пәні бойынша Тақырыбы: «Work with talented and gifted» _ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Білімгер Айтбай Л.А.
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World community. International organization. Major characteristics of the United nations
1. World community. International organization. Major characteristics of the United nations. Unit 2.3. PLAN ПЛАН International organization is the process by which states establish and develop formal, continuing institutional structures for the conduct of certain aspects of their relationships with each other. Particular international organizations may be regarded as manifestations
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World without money
World without money Money is not just paper, it is a multitude of possibilities. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do without money in today's world. Money is part of our lives. What is world without money? We can look at the advantages and disadvantages of world without money. People can
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Worldwide problems with gasoline and traffic fumes
Reflection - Summary Isroilov Fayzulla Management Information System, Webster University in Tashkent ESLG 4250: Research Writing and Library Skills Feruza Boymirzaeva February 27, 2023 Worldwide problems with gasoline and traffic fumes Given their severe impacts on human health and contribution to climate change, the negative effects of fuel and traffic
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WSJ Jobs Summit
According to a panel of executives at the WSJ Jobs Summit, white-collar jobs are rapidly changing as artificial intelligence (AI) programs like ChatGPT become more prevalent in the workplace. The executives believe that AI is the next revolution and cannot be ignored. The use of generative AI, such as ChatGPT,
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XATB “Orient Finans” Yunusobod filialida ish yuritish, hujjatlarni rasmiylashtirish va saqlash jarayoni
Mundarija 1 XATB “Orient Finans” tarixi va tashkiliy tuzilishi.……………….……… 3 2 XATB “Orient Finans” Yunusobod filialida kadrlar bilan ishlash tizimida kadrlarni rejalashtirish jarayoni……………….…………………………... 3 XATB “Orient Finans” Yunusobod filialida kadrlarni tanlash va ishga yollash jarayonlari……………………………………….………………... 4 XATB “Orient Finans” Yunusobod filialida ish yuritish, hujjatlarni rasmiylashtirish va saqlash jarayoni ………………………………… 5
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XIV-XV ғ. Валахия княздігінің саяси тарихы
Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті Гуманитарлық ғылымдар факультеті Тарих кафедрасы Курстық жұмыс Тақырып : XIV-XV ғ. Валахия княздігінің саяси тарихы Қабылдаған: т.ғ.к Төлегенов.Е Орындаған:5В020300, 2 курс студенті Азизов.С Туркестан 2019 Мазмұны Кіріспе...................................................................................................... 3-4 бет 1.Валахия княздігінің құрылу тарихы және княздері......................... 5-20 бет 1.1.Валахия княздігінің құрылуы.......................................................... 5-6 бет 1.2.Валахия
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