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The system of parts of speech in the English language

Автор:   •  Октябрь 2, 2023  •  Курсовая работа  •  20,340 Слов (82 Страниц)  •  245 Просмотры

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1.1. The concept of part of speech in linguistic researches        6

1.2. Views of linguists on the typology of parts of speech in modern English.        18

Conclusions to Chapter One        25


2.1. Occasionalisms in modern English        27

2.2. Lexicalization in modern English        44

Conclusions to Сhapter Two        58


REFERENCES        62



The scientific relevance of the topic. The science of linguistics is an ordered system of knowledge, therefore in its description, linguists distinguish two main components: the composition of concepts, denoted by the corresponding terms with which it operates, and a logical structure, the feature of which is the establishment of clear relationships and the nature of relationships between concepts (Сharleston, 1941, p. 31).

Parts of speech directly represent certain groups of vocabulary. The author's, or the so-called “conceptual” group “plays an important role in the development and dissemination of productive theoretical ideas, acting both as a tool for consolidating acquired knowledge and as a tool for scientific “discovery” (Griffiths, 2017, p. 55).

To interpret the concept of a part of speech in modern studies, the following parallel terms are used: lexical-grammatical classes of words, grammatical-semantic categories of words, grammatical classes of words, paradigmatic classes of words, formal classes of words, etc. (Finegan, 1999, p. 101). It is worth noting that linguists interpret the concept of part of speech differently, namely depending on scientific concepts.

There is a large number of opinions regarding the definition of the concept of a part of speech. Scientists are of the opinion that the term part of speech refers to lexical-grammatical classes of words that are distinguished on the basis of the commonality of syntactic, morphological and semantic features, while by most of them the leading feature is recognized as morphological, because each part of speech can be characterized by a system of grammatical (morphological) categories, which cover all the words of a certain part of speech or the nucleus of these words.

The problem of form and meaning, semantics and grammar, their primacy and interrelation belongs to one of the central ones in linguistics, which is due to the understanding of language as a dichotomous system that has a plan of content and a plan of expression. Throughout the history of the development of linguistics, this problem has been studied by representatives of various scientific directions: formally oriented, semantically-centred, structural-semantic, logical-psychological, and functional. This created a solid basis for its further research.

Modern research on morphology is marked by the increased attention to parts of speech as multilevel units in general and to their grammatical organization. The study of grammatical categories of English parts of speech sets the task of revealing the dynamics of functional changes inherent in nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in the English language, and describing the grammatical and structural features of these linguistic units.

The purpose of the research is to determine the patterns of changes in the functionality of parts of speech in modern English.

The set purpose implies the need to solve the following research tasks:

- to consider the concept of part of speech in linguistic researches;

- to describe views of linguists on the typology of parts of speech in modern English;        

- to determine transformations in the functionality of nouns in modern English;

- to characterize the verb as an object of transformations in modern English;

- to analyze adjectives and adverbs in the context of modern English transformations.

The object of the study is : the system of parts of speech in the English language.

The subject of research: regularities of changes in the functionality of parts of speech in modern English in pragmalinguistic aspect.

The work used such research methods as the analysis and synthesis for critical processing of literature selected by the topic and a detailed consideration of each language unit; descriptive method – to represent the features of changes in the functionality of parts of speech in the English language with the provision of an accurate and complete description of language units; comparative-typological method – when comparing and determining the characteristic features of changes in the functionality of parts of speech in the English language at the lexical, grammatical and syntactic levels; elements of the statistical method – to determine the frequency of use of the linguistic units in question; the procedure of quantitative calculations – to ensure the reliability of the obtained results.

The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that it initially systematizes the leading transformations of parts of speech in English.

The practical value of the research is provided by the results obtained: the main provisions and conclusions can be used to create a complete theoretical, functional and functional-communicative grammar of the English language, in the development of special courses and seminars on morphology for students of higher educational institutions; writing course, diploma and master's theses, compiling textbooks and teaching aids on the English language.

The structure of the study corresponds to its purpose and tasks. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters with conclusions to each of them, general conclusions and references.


1.1. The concept of part of speech in linguistic researches

The problem of parts of speech, the identification of their number, nomenclature and criteria features, despite more than two thousand years of its existence, still does not lose its relevance. This is evidenced by a huge array of scientific literature on part-of-talk topics. No less relevant is the definition of the concept of part of speech.


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