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The role non-literary vocabulary in the vocabulary of modern english

Автор:   •  Июль 2, 2023  •  Статья  •  446 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  172 Просмотры

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Language is a living, dynamically developing system, a social tool that reflects current trends and tendencies in the blink of an eye. The language of a nation is the repository of its history and culture. Today language is of particular research interest, particularly its lexical side. The last centuries of world development have had a noticeable influence on the linguistic picture of the world. In the 21st century, the English language has undergone significant lexical changes Due to globalization and the rapid development of digital technology, we can observe perhaps one of the most productive periods of English language vocabulary replenishment. Anglicisms are being actively used by younger generations around the world and will continue to permeate our everyday speech as long as the United States has the most advanced economy in the world.

In addition to active neologization, the trend in linguistic circles in recent years has been to democratize English. By this notion is meant the process of penetration of non-literary layer of vocabulary into active vocabulary (also referred to in science as "reduced vocabulary"). As Galperin A.I. notes. [5, с 318]:

"The history of the English literary language represents vivid evidence of how the most democratic, progressive aspirations of the English intelligentsia were inseparably connected with the struggle, on the one hand, against the littering of the common language with jargonisms, vernaculars and barbarisms, and, on the other hand, against the reactionary-chauvinistic attempts to archaize the English literary language." However, today we can observe how the lexemes inherent in the spoken style have become part of fiction, press, television - almost all spheres of life, and according to scientists, this process is inevitable.

In linguistic circles, the question of colloquial vocabulary is very relevant. Recently in the humanities knowledge we can observe an anthropocentric approach to the study of language and culture, which has replaced the system-structural approach, and as noted by L. M. Borisova, a domestic philologist and linguist: "The functioning of reduced vocabulary is directly related to such popular areas of humanities knowledge as anthropology, as well as intercultural communication and linguoculturology." [4, с. 25-26].

Researchers point to several reasons for the popularization of the spoken language genre:

-the interests of the modern reader. In the 21st century people give preference to tabloid literature with a simple style of narration, simpleton expressions, bringing expressiveness, expressiveness and national flavor to the text, which bribes today's reader.

- the era of postmodernism, characterized by the integration of languages, a mixture of styles, chaos as a literary method

- social networks, in which people usually seek


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