Әзіл-оспақты мессенджерлерді аударудың лингвомәдени аспектілері
Автор: 87086196756 • Апрель 3, 2024 • Курсовая работа • 9,151 Слов (37 Страниц) • 103 Просмотры
Алматы қаласы Білім басқармасы
№1 Алматы қазақ мемлекеттік гуманитарлық-педагогтік колледжі
Курстық жұмыс
Тақырыбы: Әзіл-оспақты мессенджерлерді аударудың лингвомәдени аспектілері
Студент: Амирова Жібек
Курс: 3
Мамандық: 0512000 -«Аударма ісі»
Біліктілік: 0512013 - «Аудармашы»
Топ: 31 «А»
Парақтардың саны:30
Студенттің мәлімдемесі |
Мен, ұсынылған жұмысты өзімнің жазғанымды, ал қолданылған дереккөздерінің нақтылығын растаймын. Студенттің қолы ________ « __» ________20____жыл |
Баға ______ (__________)
Қорғау уақыты ___ ___________ 2021 жыл
Ғылыми жетекші____________ Күнтубай А.A
I.Theoretical foundations of the study of humor as a sociocultural phenomenon 4
1.1 Semantic composition of the word 4
1.2 Definition of humor as a sociocultural phenomenon 8
1.3 Main difficulties in translating humorous texts 15
II. Modern English abbreviations in electronic correspondence 21
2.1 History of the formation of abbreviations in electronic correspondence 21
2.2 Types of English abbreviations in electronic correspondence 22
2.3 Frequently used English abbreviations used in electronic correspondence 23
Humor is an extremely important aspect in modern cross-cultural communication, both to improve the communication of representatives of different cultures, to make it effective and comfortable, and to undermine communication. The latter may be due to the fact that what is considered absurd in one culture may become unacceptable in another.
The relevance of this study is related to the problems of intercultural and interethnic relations, which have attracted the attention of many researchers. In modern society, in all spheres of human life, intercultural communication is developing quite rapidly: in the political sphere, in the sphere of cultural, commercial and scientific activities, which is why it is necessary to understand the basics of communication and mutual understanding In our study, trying to consider the national features of humor on the example of English Internet messengers.
Many works of Russian and foreign linguists are devoted to the study of humor. In most studies, humor is considered a sociocultural phenomenon. However, the humor of a nation is an ever-changing area of the language and speech of a particular people. The analysis of modern text material, both in English and in Kazakh, determines the novelty of the research.
The object of research is humorous texts and their translation into the Kazakh language.
The subject of the study is the linguistic and cultural aspects of the translation of humorous Internet messengers.
The purpose of the study is to study the main difficulties of translating humorous texts.
1. Consider the main elements of the semantic composition of the word.
2. Define the concept of "humor" as a socio-cultural phenomenon.
3. Identify common difficulties in translating humorous texts.
4. Study the history of the formation of abbreviations in electronic correspondence.
5. Consider the types of abbreviations in the correspondence.
6. Analyze frequently used English abbreviations used in electronic correspondence
The nature of the tasks to be solved determined the choice of research methods: descriptive, analytical, typological, comparative, and contextual translation methods.
I. Theoretical foundations of the study of humor as a sociocultural phenomenon
1.1 Semantic composition of the word
The word is the basic unit of language, which is the form of existence of the concept and the expression of emotion and attitude. A word in a language is polysemantic, i.e. it represents a set of lexical and semantic variants (LSV). On this basis, V. V. Vinogradov considers the word in the language as a system of forms and meanings. "LSV is a word in one of its meanings, i.e., a two-sided language sign that is the unity of sound and meaning, preserving the identity of the lexical meaning within its inherent paradigm and syntactic functions. The lexical meaning of a word is understood as the realization of a concept, emotion, or relationship by means of a language system." [8, p. 117]