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The outstanding scientist linguist V.I. Dal

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State budgetary professional educational institution Voronezh region "Liskinsky Agrarian and Technological College"

by discipline: "English"
on the topic: “The outstanding scientist linguist V.I. Dal "

Completed: student 1 course group V-12
Tereshchenko Ekaterina
Checked by: teacher
Bagazhova O.A.

Liski 2021

Table of contents

Life and work of Zinaida Vissarionovna Ermolyeva        3

Biography        3

Dangerous self-study of cholera-like        4

Obtaining a lysozyme enzyme preparation        6

The discovery of the penicillinum strain        7

Life and work of Zinaida Vissarionovna Ermolieva

• Biography

Outstanding microbiologist, creator of a number of domestic antibiotics, full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences Zinaida Vissarionovna Ermolyeva made a huge contribution to Russian science.

Many of you have long been familiar with Yermolyeva: she is the prototype of Dr. Tatiana Vlasenkova in V. Kaverin's trilogy "Open Book" and the main character in the play by Alexander Lipovsky "On the Threshold of Mystery" - Svetova.

Ermolyeva is a Don Cossack by birth. She was born in 1898 on the Frolov farm in the Don region. Studied in Novocherkassk

The story of Tchaikovsky's death determined Zinaida Yermolyeva's final choice of her future profession: she would become a doctor.

Scientific discoveries, academic degrees and titles were still ahead, but even then Zinaida Vissarionovna had something that she retained until the end of her life - Yermoliev's character: strong will, inexhaustible thirst for knowledge, purposefulness, enviable efficiency. Many years later, Academician Yermolyeva recalled: “As a student, I climbed through the window into the laboratory at barely light. Everything around was closed, but I wanted to devote an extra hour or two to the experiments. "

Ermolyeva is especially fascinated by microbiology. After graduating from the university, Zinaida Vissarionovna was left as an assistant at the Department of Microbiology. At the same time, she is in charge of the bacteriological department of the North Caucasus Bacteriological Institute. The young scientist is more and more interested in an essentially new field of microbiology - the biochemistry of microbes. "New", "little-studied" - these words will constantly be mentioned in connection with the name of Yermolyeva.

• Dangerous research of cholera-like on oneself

Ermolyeva has always shown interest in the pressing concerns of her contemporaries. So, for example, when in 1922 a cholera epidemic broke out in Rostov-on-Don, Zinaida Vissarionovna not only studies this terrible disease from textbooks, but also observes it in real life. By that time, the classical Vibrio cholerae was already known and studied. But practice suggested that he had "brothers", the so-called cholera-like. Where and how to find them? How to neutralize? The questions remained unanswered.

The young researcher started looking for these answers. She has successfully carried out a large series of laboratory experiments. But a decisive experiment was needed: human experience. Ermolyeva conducts a life-threatening experience with self-infection on herself. In her minutes, we read: "The experience, which almost ended tragically, proved that some cholera-like vibrios, being in the human intestines, can turn into true cholera vibrios that cause disease." It was a scientific discovery.

Research continued. The results of one of them - studies of the chlorine resistance of cholera and Don water vibrios - were used as the basis for sanitary standards, which provided for the constant presence of residual chlorine in the water supply network as an important means of preventing a dangerous disease. Ermolyeva isolated and studied vibrio, which had an unusual ability to glow in the dark (it was later named after her). She succeeded in unraveling the nature of this phenomenon in Moscow, where in 1925 she headed the department of biochemistry of microbes at the Biochemical Institute (now named after A.N.Bach).

In the same year, Ermolyeva organized the first laboratory of microbial biochemistry in our country. One after another, her scientific articles come out of print. She deals with toxins and ... is seriously studying French and German, because in 1928 she will have scientific trips to France to the world-famous Microbiological Institute. Pasteur and Germany, where prominent microbiologists of that time worked. But it turned out, and the student already had something to say. It was then that the first publications of Ermolyeva appeared in German microbiological journals.

• Obtaining a preparation of the enzyme lysozyme

Among a number of interesting results of research carried out by Yermolyeva in the 1930s, the most important was the production (jointly by I.S.Buyanovskaya) of a preparation of the enzyme lysozyme and the development of methods for its practical application. For a long time, scientists came to the conclusion that, firstly, there is an antagonism between microorganisms and, secondly, every living organism has a system of protection against microbes. But what are these remedies?

In 1909 the Russian microbiologist P.N. Laschenkov obtained a substance from a chicken egg that retarded the development of certain microbes. Later, the Englishman Alexander Fleming discovered this substance in the tissues of the heart, liver, lungs, as well as in human saliva and tears. He called it lysozyme, but did not attach any practical significance to it.

Ermolyeva was able to develop a method for the isolation and concentration of lysozyme, establish its chemical nature and use it in practice. She also discovered new sources of lysozyme: radish, horseradish, turnip ... This is how the healing properties of the most ancient traditional medicines were explained. Much later, in 1970, Yermolyeva, together with her students, was able to obtain crystalline lysozyme, which became widely used in surgery, ophthalmology, and pediatrics. For the first time in medical practice, Ermolyeva proposed the use of lysozyme for the treatment of certain eye diseases, diseases of the nasopharynx.


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