The phraseological expressions in English and Russian languages
Автор: TanyaZhukova • Май 12, 2023 • Курсовая работа • 16,840 Слов (68 Страниц) • 244 Просмотры
1.1 Phraseology – an outline.………………………………………………….7
1.1.2 The notion “idiomaticity”. Idioms and collocations.………………………9
1.1.3 Structural models of idioms. Method of idiomatic analysis.………………...12
1.2 Identification and usage of collocations…………………………………….17
1.2.1 Phraseologisms and phrases in the studied language.…………………….20
2.1 Phraseological units and sets of phrases in English…………………………25
2.1.1Some distinctions American English and British English…………………
2.2 Permutation of wording in the process of translation…………………………………………………………………………32
2.3. The relevance of phraseological expressions in EFLContexts……………….35
English is one of the most fascinating, controversial servilesin the school curriculum. The fact that English is the language we speak also makes it a topic closely related to our personality, and this is one of the explanationsfor why it often evokes feelings of passionateviews. Another important reason is that all teachers should be English teachers, as we impart knowledge in all subjects through listening, speaking, reading, and writing.We need to note that English is an international language as it is known and used by almost all countries. It is a compulsory subject and should be taught to students from primary schoolto university.
The majority of computational lexicons express the general qualities of each particular word, although most people concur that one may identify a word by the "company that it keeps." Collocations are a lexical phenomenon of linguistic, lexicographic, and statistical natural language paradigm utility. They cover word pairs and phrases that are frequently employed in language but for which there are no universal syntactic or semantic norms that must be followed. A speaker of the language cannot become fluent without using them as they are so commonly used in speech. But because they defy categorization, they have long been the focus of linguistic and lexicographic research in an effort to define them and add them to dictionaries of the language.
Also, they can be observed in language and utilized in many statistical methods of processing natural language. They appear more than once in a language, certain phrases can be obtained by identifying words that are common in a relatively large language pattern; therefore, the assimilation of phrases belongs to a general class of corpuscular approaches to language. Using the same algorithm for corpuscles specific to different domains, it is achievable to identify and represent the major aspects.There are situations in our lives where people often use idioms and phrases. We hear when someone says something is clear or I have to hold Tom tight. Young people often ask, "What does this sentence mean?". They ask “How shall we translate it?" Accordingly, people face great difficulties in translating phraseological units.
Many statistical approaches to processing natural language use them because they may be seen in language. Specific collocations can be learned by noticing words that commonly appear together in a sizable sample of language since they occur frequently in language; as a result, collocation learning belongs to the general category of corpus-based approaches to language. A particular sublanguage's distinctive collocation can be recognized and represented by using the same algorithm for several domain-specific corpora.
However, English learners are more interested in how to expand their vocabulary and increase the number of words they can remember. They don’t pay enough aatention to the extent of understanding of the certain word.
Semantics is one of the sciences of the English language. In semantics, we can learn many aspects of English so that students can fully understand English. Collocation is one of the most significant aspects of word semantics. In order to understand a particular word, English learners need to know the phrases, word combinations, expressions and so on. Students use the dictionary at their level of knowledge while reading the descriptive text. Students may understand what they are reading, but they do not know what it really means.In addition, students do not understand the phrases that are often used in the text of the story. They may find it, but they don't know what the word or phrase might mean.
Thus, students still have a low level of analysis or understanding of the phrase in the text, they still do not understand the meaning of the word, i.e. the phrase.English is especially rich in expressions - expressions of a language (or dialect) that do not follow logical and grammatical rules.
Relevance of the research. It is significant forsuch reasons:
First and foremost, it is commonly known that the role of English expressions has effectively expanded in recentyears. Secondly, they are typical features of the English language with a verbal type of expression and are necessary to be understood in order to master English. Phraseological collocations are also one of the most difficult problems to be investigated thoroughly nowadays.
And the last but very important reason for studying this problem is that to show the peculiarities of translation phraseological units, their cross-disciplinary analysis and corpus-based translation studies and to introduce how these structures can affect second languagelearner.
Object of the work is an analysis of using phraseological units.
Subjectof the work: The phraseological expressions in English and Russian languages.
Purpose of theresearchis an attempt to examine the aspects of phraseological units and the cases of their usage and to determine the great importance of phraseological units and some difficulties of translation phraseological units