The Role of Microorganisms in Food Industry
Автор: Aruzhannm • Октябрь 15, 2024 • Реферат • 2,426 Слов (10 Страниц) • 37 Просмотры
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Theme: The Role of Microorganisms in Food Industry
Student : Hailauova Madina
Almaty, 2024
2 Materials
3 Vacuum oven method applied to flours and ground wheat
icroorganisms are an important part of the food industry as these are helpful in food
preservation and production. Usually, microorganisms are used in making dairy
products (yogurt and cheese), fermented vegetables (olives, pickles, and sauerkraut),
fermented meats (salami), and sourdough bread. These are also utilized for the production of
wine and several other beverages. Recently in the food industry, the use of microorganisms
has started on a large scale for the production of chocolate, food color, from preserving fruits,
vegetables and meat, and as probiotics which are helpful for human health. Different types of
the microorganisms produce enzymes of nutritional value such as microbial transglutaminase
for fish production. As the human population is increasing, we need to adopt new techniques
for producing qualitative and nutritious food. These microorganisms can be used to cope with
the shortage of food supply. This review will brief the role of microorganisms in above
mentioned products as a leading step towards the modern food industry.
Currently, microorganisms produce feed proteins, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids and antibiotics, organic acids, lipids, hormones, agricultural preparations, etc. The main groups of microorganisms used in the food industry. In the food industry, microorganisms are used to produce a number of products. So, alcoholic beverages - wine, beer, cognac, alcohol - are obtained using yeast. Yeast and bacteria are used in the bakery industry, lactic acid bacteria, etc. are used in the dairy industry. Among the variety of processes caused by microorganisms, one of the significant is fermentation (the conversion of carbohydrates and other organic compounds into new substances under the influence of enzymes produced by microorganisms.
Bacteria. They are used as causative agents of lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, acetonobutyl fermentation.
Cultural lactic acid bacteria are used in the production of lactic acid, in bakery, in the production of fermented milk products, sometimes in alcohol production. Lactic acid microorganisms can cause two types of fermentation: - homoenzymatic fermentation - during the decomposition of carbohydrates (lactose), mainly lactic acid and heteroenzymatic acid are formed - in addition to lactic acid, other substances are formed (diacetyl, acetoin, aroma-forming, SO2, volatile fatty acids, alcohol, etc.) Lactic cocci belong to the family Streptococcaceae and are represented by 3 genera: - lactococci (Lactococcus), streptococci (Streptococcus), leukonostocci (Leuconostoc).
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Lactic acid sticks Are widespread in the environment (found in dairy, bread, meat, fish products, in water, sewage, beer, wine, fruits, salty vegetables, silage, sour dough, on human and animal mucous membranes).
Currently, 67 species of lactic acid sticks are known; when identifying, in addition to morphological, cultural and biochemical properties, genotypic features are taken into account (the content of guanine with cytosine in DNA). They belong to the family Lactobacteriaceae (according to some classifiers Lactobacillaceae, but do not form a spore), the genus Lactobacterium (the name Lactobacillus is also used), which is divided into three groups: thermobacteria, streptobacteria, betabacteria.
Thermobacteria (Bulgarian and acidophilic bacillus) are obligate homoenzymatic lactobacilli, the optimal temperature is 40-50 ° C, very active acid-forming agents. In the production of rye bread, lactic acid bacteria (homo- and heteroenzymatic) play an important role. Homoenzymatic lactic acid microorganisms participate only in acid formation, and heteroenzymatic along with acid formation have a significant effect on the loosening of the dough, being goose formers.
Lactic acid bacteria of rye bread also have a significant effect on the taste of bread, since it depends on the total amount of acids contained in the bread and their ratio. In addition, lactic acid affects the formation process and structural and mechanical properties of rye dough. In the dairy industry, the following types of microorganisms are used that are directly involved in the formation of the composition and properties (quality) of dairy products: lactic acid cocci and bacilli, as well as the specific microflora of certain types of dairy products - bifidobacteria, acetic acid bacteria of kefir fungus, propionic acid bacteria.
Lactococci are part of the starter for fermented milk drinks, sour cream, cottage cheese, sour cream oil, cheeses),
- thermophilic streptococcus - is part of the starter for fermented milk, dumplings, yogurt, Mechnikovskaya yogurt, and is also used in the production of low-fat fermented milk drinks (consistency) and accelerated cottage cheese, cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating),
- leukonostocks are used for aroma formation in the production of fermented butter, cheeses, less often fermented milk drinks, sour cream, cottage cheese.
Thermobacteria are used in the production of yogurt, yogurt Mechnikovskaya (Bulgarian stick); since acidophilic bacillus is able to take root in the intestine and suppress the development of putrefactive, it is used to produce acidophilic drinks with a therapeutic effect, etc.
Bifidobacteria - according to modern nomenclature belong to the Actinomycetaceae family (radiant fungi, combine the properties of bacteria and fungi), the genus Bifidobacterium (from lat bifidus - bifid). Currently, 24 species of bifidobacteria have been identified. The most studied are: B.bifidum (type), B. adolescentis, B.longum, B.breve, B.infantis. The optimal temperature is 36-38 ° C (min. 20, max. 50), the optimal pH level is 6-7 (at less than 5.5, the growth stops). Carbohydrates are fermented with formation of acetic and lactic acid (3:2), milk is fermented at introduction of growth substances. Bifidobacteria are used in the production of functional products. Meaning: representatives of the normal (eubiotic) microflora of humans and many animals (different species), in infants - over 90%, protection against putrefactive and pathogenic microflora, synthesis of vitamins, amino acids, bactericidal substances.