The role of the corporate secretary
Автор: Dilnaz050505 • Май 3, 2023 • Реферат • 289 Слов (2 Страниц) • 153 Просмотры
The role of the corporate secretary in relation to shareholder meetings under UK law includes ensuring that the meeting is properly convened, attending the meeting, recording the minutes, managing the voting process, and advising on procedural matters. The corporate secretary also plays a key role in ensuring that the meeting is conducted in compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, and in facilitating effective communication between the company and its shareholders.
The corporate secretary's duties under UK law in relation to shareholders meetings include:
1. Preparing for the meeting: The corporate secretary is responsible for ensuring that the meeting is properly convened, including drafting the notice of the meeting, preparing the agenda, and ensuring that all relevant documentation is provided to shareholders in a timely manner.
1. Attending the meeting: The corporate secretary is typically present at the shareholders meeting, and is responsible for ensuring that the meeting is conducted in accordance with the company's articles of association and any relevant legal requirements.
2. Recording the minutes of the meeting: The corporate secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate and comprehensive minutes of the meeting are taken and kept, in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. These minutes should record the business transacted, any resolutions passed, and any other matters discussed at the meeting.
3. Advising on procedural matters: The corporate secretary may be called upon to provide advice and guidance to the chair of the meeting and the shareholders on procedural matters, such as the conduct of the meeting, the timing of votes, and the interpretation of the company's articles of association.
4. Facilitating shareholder participation: The corporate secretary is responsible for ensuring that all shareholders have the opportunity to participate fully in the meeting, including