Formation of the skills of expressing problematic monologue speech of students
Автор: Demi457 • Апрель 25, 2023 • Статья • 1,578 Слов (7 Страниц) • 307 Просмотры
In modern conditions of learning, the importance of the monologue increases even more. However, the formation of monologue speech remains a problem. Until now, the main criterion for the success of teaching native and foreign languages at school remains the assimilation of spelling norms by students. But for the majority of those who have graduated from secondary school, writing as a type of speech activity becomes the least common compared to speaking, listening, reading. It is very important here that the formation of monologue speech at school takes place in all lessons, but priority is given to the lessons of native and foreign language and literature, and among them - the lessons of speech development. It is on them that purposeful work is carried out on the formation of coherent speech. This is one of the main tasks of native and foreign language lessons. After all, the degree of their active and fruitful participation in industrial and social activities depends on how freely school graduates will be able to use language as a means of communication in their later life. Therefore, the need for speech development is now perceived as a social order of the modern education system. Teaching language as a speech activity means that a school graduate should be able to freely use oral and written speech in various life situations, master various types of speech activity - to write correctly, read fluently and consciously, speak well, correctly understand someone's oral utterance and be able to listen [1].
The process of teaching textual monologue speech should also be carried out with an emphasis on the student's personality, which will give personal meaning to the students' activities. Since today the unit of teaching a foreign language is not a word or a sentence, but a text, then in the process of teaching a foreign language, an analogy with the process of teaching a native language should be allowed, and the range of interests and cognitive needs should be expanded. The educational texts are accompanied by authentic texts that correspond to the age characteristics of the students and emphasize a personality-oriented approach to learning. In this regard, the pedagogical method of selecting "free texts" can play an important role in solving the problem of intensive actualization of cognitive needs, since the selected texts will make this process more conscious for the student.
A special place in the modern repertoire of pedagogical utterances is occupied by a problematic monologue. This is a genre of cognitive educational speech, which is an oral educational and scientific controversial (polemical) monologue aimed at improving cognitive activity. Its content is specially organized pedagogical and scientific information that causes cognitive difficulties (problem situation) and needs critical evaluation. The study of various types of pedagogical monologues (lectures, teacher's words) in the linguistic aspect has shown that it has a special form that can be traced at different levels of text organization. The specificity of the form of speech is associated with the deliberate use of influence techniques, which is caused by the desire to include listeners in intellectual speech interaction [2].
It should be noted that the problem of teaching monologue speech is one of the most pressing problems in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. A monological utterance is considered as a component of the communicative process at each level - couples, groups, masses, which at each stage is characterized by specificity and uniqueness. Teaching speaking as a production process that requires a student to construct an utterance conditioned by a communication situation is a complex methodological task, since mastering it involves the greatest difficulties for students and requires a lot of time and effort on the part of students and teachers.
When studying a problematic monologue, it is necessary to take into account the belonging of this type of utterance to the pedagogical and scientific discourse, which, as is known, is characterized by a craving for signs. Here, the use of visual and illustrative material is due to the need to give the subject of information an optimal and sufficiently complete form for understanding. Obviously, a monologue utterance in a learning situation can partly be considered oral, since the student perceives it not only by ear, but also visually. The type of connection between verbal and nonverbal components is mainly determined by the communicative intent of the speaker. In a situation of a problematic monologue, the interlocutor strives to ensure that the listener "extracts" or "reads" nonverbally presented information and correlates the sound monologue with his intellectual and linguistic actions [3].
Today it is obvious that knowledge is not transmitted, but acquired in the process of personally significant activity, and knowledge itself, without certain skills and abilities to use them, does not solve the problem of educating a person and preparing him for real activities outside the sphere of activity. school. As for the purpose of teaching monological utterance, it is the formation of monological speech skills, which are understood as the ability to motivate communicatively, logically consistently and coherently, fully and linguistically correctly express their thoughts orally.