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Features of irony translation

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Abdulkhamidov Askhad

Student of the Ala-Too International University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Linguistics (Translation and Translation Studies)

 Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek


Akimkanova Kunduz

Senior lecturer of the Ala-Too International University

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek


This article shows the peculiarities of the transfer of irony in inter-language translation. Both linguistic and cultural aspects of irony are considered. For clarity, examples from the literature are given, demonstrating that different cultures and linguistic environments perceive irony differently. The article is aimed at an audience interested in the study and translation of culturally dependent linguistic phenomena.

Keywords: Irony, inter-language translation, linguistic means, contextual dependence, puns, wordplay, ambiguity, criticism, multifaceted phenomenon.

Irony according to the dictionary "Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English": "a situation that is unusual or amusing because something strange happens, or the opposite of what is expected happens or is true" [1] Irony as a kind of comic is defined as a phenomenon when the funny is hidden under the mask of serious (as opposed to humor) and harbors a sense of superiority and skepticism. With irony, the negative meaning is hidden behind the external positive form of the utterance. [2]

When translating irony, especially from literary works, the translator must take into account following factors:

  1. Cultural differences:

Ex: In the statement "It's a piece of cake" (which means "it's easy"), the irony lies in a sarcastic context. In Russian translation, it is important to take into account such phrases and use equivalents that convey a sarcastic note, for example, "Это проще простого." [3]

  1. Linguistic means:

Ex: In the use of wordplay or ambiguity, as in the phrase "He's not the sharpest tool in the shed" (не самый яркий представитель). When translating, it is important to keep the wordplay and choose an analogue that will convey such irony. [4]

  1. Contextual dependence:

Ex: In the sentence "Nice job!" in the context of a sarcastic expression of approval. The translator should take into account the context and choose a wording that conveys a sarcastic attitude, for example, "Молодец!" [5]

Below, some examples of irony from popular literary works with their translation into Russian were provided:

  1.  “An Autobiography" by Agatha Christie:

Original version - “An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her.” [6]

Russian translation - "Археолог - лучший муж, который может быть у женщины; чем старше она становится, тем больше интереса он проявляет к ней."


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