Features of the formation of neologisms in english
Автор: ErmekovNR • Декабрь 24, 2023 • Статья • 2,205 Слов (9 Страниц) • 151 Просмотры
ФИО автора: КАФ-23-21 тобының студенті Аманкелді Зәуре Жанболатқызы
Karaganda Buketov University
(Караганда, Казахстан),
Annotation. The purpose of the study was to find out the features of the formation of neologisms in English. The scientific work considers the reasons why some lexical innovations take root, while others fall out of use after a relatively short period of time. The main issue in this study was the translation of the neologisms. And more precisely - clarification of the meaning of a new word.
My article also shows the ways of translating neologisms. It talks about the different ways of forming new words in English, such as compounding, conversion, borrowing from other languages, and so on.
Key words: neologism, structure of neologism, word composition, conversion, fusion, reverse derivation, transcription, transliteration
It is known that a living language is in a state of continuous change and development, and, first of all, vocabulary is subject to this due to its greater dynamism compared to other areas of the language. In 2008, about 1000 but were added to the Oxford English Dictionary- dictionary entries. The main task of the ongoing lexical changes is to provide the means to solve various communication problems.
New words appearing in the language are called neologisms. The term "neologism" is applied to two categories of words.
Firstly, to the neoplasms, that is, to the newly created ones on the language material, in full accordance with the existing word forms in the language call models to words or phrases denoting a new, previously unknown, non-existent concept. Secondly, newly created synonyms for words already existing in the language are considered neolog-gisms. However, such neologisms carry connotative connotations, i.e. with-the prevailing semantic and stylistic shades of the word, which are applied to its main meaning, and also in some cases can give words a completely new meaning.
An example of such semantic transformations is the word green. Until relatively recently, this word had the meaning "green" in relation to color as such. Now it is often used in the context of discussing ecological problems and can have the plural form, thereby acquiring the meaning of "environmentalists" .
Especially many neologisms appear in the scientific and technical language as a result of the rapid progress of science and technology. And also in the field of newspaper journalism. Neologisms, like many figurative words and phrases, are born quickly and unexpectedly and are used when describing something in a particular case. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that neologisms have different levels of stability, frequency of use and prospects for their further functioning in the language.
Based on the research of English and American lexicologists, there are several reasons why some lexical innovations take root, while others go out of use after a relatively short period of time. If a new word is too complex in its structure and presents a certain difficulty in spelling or pronunciation; and also if it appeared under the influence of a momentary trend or some subculture, then, as a rule, it does not take root in the language. Conversely, a word will have a better chance to gain a foothold in the language if it sounds funny or even represents a rhyme, for example, like "boy toy". In addition, the fate of a new word may be influenced by the mass media and the Internet, if this word begins to appear quite often on the pages of newspapers and websites, as well as sound on television and radio. Gradually, the concepts expressed in such words become familiar and are no longer perceived as new, and as a result are firmly included in the vocabulary of the language.
Considering neologisms from the point of view of translation practice, it should be noted that new words present a significant difficulty, since their translation requires not only time, but also the presence of a whole complex of various knowledge, skills and abilities, including the ability to make the right translation choice based on the analysis of linguistic and extralinguistic factors.
The main difficulty in translating neologisms is understanding the meaning of a new word. It is impossible to find many of these words in dictionaries, since they are born much faster than dictionaries are updated. In addition, their use often does not correspond to the standard. Thus, choosing an equivalent to convey the meaning of the newly appeared layer becomes a difficult task. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that translation is a complex process. To accurately convey an authentic thought, it is necessary not only to find the most suitable words in the translation language, but also put them in the appropriate grammatical form. In most cases, stylistic factors are also added to this, which cannot be discounted in any way.
And so, the first stage in the translation of neologisms is to identify and comprehend their meaning. This problem can be solved in several ways, which we will consider further.
1. Search for meaning in dictionaries.
The easiest way to translate a word is to find it in the dictionary. But in relation to neologisms, this tactic does not work in most cases, because dictionaries for objective reasons cannot fully reflect all newly appearing words. Despite this, it is still worth trying, since the dictionary may contain some similar structures that can help in translating the word you are looking for. An English-English explanatory dictionary can be a good helper in finding the meaning of a neologism. In many well-known dictionaries there are sections "New Words" (New Words Section). Many neologisms can be found in dictionaries and sections devoted to slang. Internet sources are also a good help, for example, www.ats-group.net/dictionaries/dictionary - neologisms. html.
2. Understanding the meaning of the neologism from the context.
As practice shows, the translator often has to find out the meaning of the neologism from the context. When translating in writing, the context is usually quite informative.
Speaking of context, we must not forget that there is a difference between a narrow context anda wide context. By a narrow context, we mean the context of the presentation, that is, the linguistic units that make up the immediate environment of this neologism. A broad context is a set of linguistic units surrounding a given lexical unit for the limits of this sentence, in other words, in the proposals adjacent to it.