Features of psychological training in powerlifting
Автор: Алёна Старик-Блудова • Май 8, 2022 • Реферат • 2,255 Слов (10 Страниц) • 383 Просмотры
Staryk-Bludova Alyona Yuriyivna
Graduate of Higher Education, Faculty of Law
Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
Peculiarities of psychological training of powerlifters are explored. At the present stage of sports development, the density of competitive activity increases, which imposes increased demands on the physical and psychological state of athletes. Insufficient psychological training of powerlifters leads to instability in stressful conditions, such as competition and, as a result, to the fact that some athletes demonstrate lower results in competitions than in training. However, most trainers devote insufficient attention to the psychological training of athletes in the training process. As a result of the analysis of scientific studies, the survey of coaches and athletes found that psychological training in powerlifting is paid insufficient attention.
Keywords: powerlifting, sportsman, sports training, сompetition, psychological training.
The term psychological training is often used to refer to a wide range of activities of coaches and athletes that are aimed at the formation and development of mental processes and personality traits of athletes and are necessary for successful training activities and competition performances. It is understood that psychological training contributes to the effective implementation of other types of training (general physical, special physical, tactical, technical), as well as a condition for a successful performance at the competitions. Psychological training - an aspect of the use of scientific achievements of psychology, implementation of its tools and methods to raise the effectiveness of sports activities.
Psychological preparation of the athlete is a multifaceted pedagogical process. It is carried out at the basic level in the preparatory period of training and at the special - in the training period and at the stage of preliminary training before the competitions [1, p. 17].
Sports activity, as well as any other, requires psychological support. The essence of it consists in ensuring the development and improvement of neuro-psychic mechanisms, regulating the course, experience and behavior. Thus, the psychological support of sports activities - a set of measures aimed at special development, improvement and optimization of systems that regulate mental functions of the body and the behavior of the athlete, solving this problem training and competition.
Participation in competitions is accompanied by significant physical and psychological stress caused by the increased demands on the level of sportsmanship, fierce competition rivals, as well as the influence of other external factors.
Intensification of the training process can cause a specter of adaptation of the athlete to significant pressures. There is a need for normalization of the mental state, prevention of negative influences of excessive mental tension and activation of renewal processes [4, p. 214-217].
The effectiveness of psychological means in the process of renewal of sports activity has long been known. However, the recommendations on the use of these devices are patchy and unsystematic.
Intensification of training and gymnastic activities requires appropriate intensification of renewal processes. It was found that the training process and peculiarities of zmagalnoho activity have their own laws and conditions, which at times does not allow to use traditional pedagogical and medical and biological means of renewal. Therefore, correct, purposeful use of psychological tools in the process of renewal of performance of athletes allows for high efficiency to activate renewal processes, to optimize the psychological state, which in turn increases the effectiveness of training and training activities.
Psychological training is divided into athlete and coach training. Psychological preparation of the athlete is divided into three closely related sections: Psychological preparation for the long-term stressful training process; general psychological preparation for the competitions; correction of mental conditions at the final stage of training for the competitions; special preparation for specific competitions.
A distinction is made between general and special psychological training. General psychological training is closely linked to the educational and ideological work with the athletes. This applies especially to the formation of ideological conviction, education of personality properties. The program of psychological training must include activities aimed at the formation of a sporting character. Sportsmanship is an important element of successful performance at the competitions, where it is justifiably revealed and consolidated. But it is formed in the training process.
Special psychological training is characterized by its focus on the formation and development of mental qualities and characteristics of the personality of athletes, which contribute to the success in specific, specific conditions of sports activities. It includes preparation for a specific competition, for a specific opponent, for a specific training phase. The main purpose of the special psychological preparation of an athlete for a particular tournament is to create a state of his/her psychological readiness for the performance in the competitions [2, p. 190].
Preparing for the long-term training process involves solving many problems related to the athlete's adaptation to continuous, systematic and extensive training activity. Training work is not only about enduring the exertion, but also a whole range of restrictions due to the eating, sleeping, resting and dosvil regime. With proper preparation, the athlete develops a desire to train, they are prepared for physical and mental stress, they show an interest in planning the training and, despite the importance of the pressures, do not try to make the task easier by various means. An essential role in preparing for the long term training process is played by the initial, output setting. The initial athletes expect a rapid increase in sport performance or acquisition of the necessary skills and attributes. As a rule, the coach always has the opportunity to demonstrate the success of others, and to tell them how many years of training are worth it.
Increasing the exposure to constant physical and mental stress in the continuous training process is greatly facilitated by group training.
Volitional training is closely linked to the general physical and special training of the athlete. The main factor in the formation of will is to consciously choose the most difficult and important, but effective way of solving training tasks and participation in the competitions. You have to be able to apply the best preparation, to use every minute rationally, to plan and follow the regime of the day, to do special tasks for the development of the will on the example of the "for character" challenge, Demonstrating to the supervisors the willingness to endure challenges, varied couples with partners, coach - everything allows to form the volitional readiness of the athlete, creates an aura of "easy victory", sometimes allowing to win the competition before they start.