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Quantitative Methods in Management

Автор:   •  Май 31, 2023  •  Реферат  •  641 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  128 Просмотры

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You are the head of an innovative company or the innovation division of a large organization. The owner or top manager toset a task for you, to develop directions for improving the management system. The analytical report you presented on possible directions for improving the management system was supported by the owner and top managers of the company. In this regard, the owner and management set before you the task of starting preparations for the development of the project. As part of the preparation of the project, you analyzed possible options for improving the project, presented a concept describing the main tasks of the new management system, drew up a network schedule for the implementation of the project, identified potential options for organizational changes in the departments and divisions responsible for the implementation of tasks within the management system. . It's time for an interim report.


1. Describe the progress and results of the first stage of the project implementation, in accordance with the network schedule.

1 stage - involved the development of the concept and identification of potential options for organizational changes.

2 stage - involves testing the new management system in a pilot project. Established a dedicated team to oversee the pilot project and have identified a suitable location for the pilot. Also begun training the personnel who will be responsible for implementing the new management system.

2. Describe the main problems that you faced in the process of implementing the project with the justification of specific quantitative indicators.

One of the main problems we faced was resistance to change from some employees. Specifically, we found that some managers were reluctant to adopt the new management system and were resistant to the idea of changing the way they work. This resistance has slowed down the implementation process, resulting in delays and missed deadlines. We have also faced some technical difficulties in integrating the new management system with the existing IT infrastructure, resulting in some unexpected downtime.

3. Outline solutions to overcome these problems.

To address the resistance to change, we have launched an internal communication campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of the new management system. We have also offered training and coaching to managers who are struggling to adopt the new system, with the goal of helping them to better understand its benefits and integrate it into their work processes. To address the technical difficulties, we have established a dedicated IT team to work on the integration of the new system with the existing infrastructure. We have also introduced a more robust


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