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4,268 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 631 - 660

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  • On the development of civil aviation in Russia

    On the development of civil aviation in Russia

    ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION IN RUSSIA L.S. SOBOL To increase the competitiveness of the national economy on the world market and to realize the country's transport potential, it is necessary to develop a modern transport infrastructure that will fully meet the existing needs and prospects of Russia's development,

    Слов: 788  •  Страниц: 4
  • One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations

    One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations

    Opinion Essay One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations Nowadays, there are a little more than seven thousand languages in the world, as for me, it's hard to imagine all people speaking only one language. It seems to me that it is impossible to create or choose

    Слов: 440  •  Страниц: 2
  • Orel i Reshka

    Orel i Reshka

    Orel i Reshka is a Russian educational TV program about travel. The premiere took place on the Russian TV channel Pyatnitsa. Each issue of the Orel i Reshka program is the discovery of a new country. Two hosts - a guy and a girl - go to a city (usually

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  • Orsk


    I am from Orsk, a city located in the Orenburg region of Russia. It is located on the western slope of the Southern Urals and is located near the Russian-Kazakh border. With a population of about 240,000 people, it is an important industrial and transport center of the region. One

    Слов: 303  •  Страниц: 2
  • Our University

    Our University

    МЕББМ «ҚАЗАҚСТАН-РЕСЕЙ КРМУ.png НУО «КАЗАХСТАНСКО-РОССИЙСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНАЛЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ» МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» MEBB «KAZAKHSTAN-RUSSIA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY» Development of the Topic “Our University” Goals: The main goal: - To know information about the history of our university. Tasks and objectives: -to gain and acquire new terms, phrases, words - to be capable to ask

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  • Outdoor advertising

    Outdoor advertising

    The proposed texts consider the opposing opinions regarding outdoor advertising. The first text advocates the benefits of screen advertising for advertising agencies and for its viewers and target audience. The second text, on the other hand, says that this type of commerce is undesirable and can be harmful. The first

    Слов: 260  •  Страниц: 2
  • Overview of the current software application information processing tools

    Overview of the current software application information processing tools

    ASTANA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY The Higher School of engineering and information technology 6B02201 History PAPER Overview of the current software application information processing tools Student: Tillabek Aqarys Group: History-23A Astana 2023 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER 1.The Evolution of Software Applications….……………………... 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 Unveiling the Digital Revolution The Versatile Ecosystem

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  • Oxygen


    OXYGEN 1. Oxygen is a most interesting as well as useful substance. We depend upon it for life as in its absence we suffocate; for heat because wood, coal and gas do not burn without it; and for light when oil, gas, or a candle is used. 2. Nearly 50%

    Слов: 792  •  Страниц: 4
  • Oʻzbekistonda auditorlik faoliyatini me'yoriy-huquqiy tartibga solish tizimi va uning elementlari

    Oʻzbekistonda auditorlik faoliyatini me'yoriy-huquqiy tartibga solish tizimi va uning elementlari

    O’ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI OLIY VA O’RTA MAXSUS TA’LIM VAZIRLIGI TOSHKENT MOLIYA INSTITUTI «Audit» fanidan KURS ISHI Mavzu: Oʼzbekiston Respublikasida auditorlik faoliyatini tartibga solishning huquqiy asoslari Bajardi: ХБАС-62 guruhi talabasi D.J.Sharipova Tekshirdi: i.f.n.,dots., F.T.Abduvaxidov Kurs ishi taqrizga topshirilgan sana «____» _______2023 y. Kurs ishi taqrizdan qaytarilgan sana «____» _______2023 y. Kurs ishi

    Слов: 4,856  •  Страниц: 20
  • Pablo Picasso

    Pablo Picasso

    The task of the course work is to study the artist's work and try his technique in practice. The study and analysis of other artists is very important for novice designers, it will help to determine which technique is suitable to your liking and will help to create your own

    Слов: 399  •  Страниц: 2
  • Parts of our body

    Parts of our body

    Тема: Parts of our body Мета: 1. Практична: активізувати вміння учнів щодо вживання структури I have got… I can… I cannot… ; 2. Навчальна: виявити рівень знань і умінь за темою уроку, формувати навички монологічного мовлення на рівні мікро висловлювання, формувати навички читання ; 3. Розвиваюча: розвивати вміння передавати зміст

    Слов: 488  •  Страниц: 2
  • Passenger train in Japan

    Passenger train in Japan

    1. Passenger train in Japan. 2. Train Sunrise Izumo/Seto, which connects Tokyo to the Shimane Prefecture in Western Japan and Takamatsu on Shikoku island. In fact, there are two trains: in the evening the train departs from Tokyo, is divided into two parts in Okayama, and in the morning two

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  • Past simple

    Past simple

    Когда мы используем Past Simple Мы используем простое прошедшее время, когда говорим: 1. О событиях или действиях, которые произошли в прошлом и время совершения которых истекло. То есть действие или событие является законченным. (он купил машину в прошлом году, они ездили отдыхать в прошлом месяце, собрание было на прошлой неделе)

    Слов: 809  •  Страниц: 4
  • Patriotism


    Some people say patriotism causes problems and in negative overall. Other feel that it is beneficial for society at large Patriots are those people who develop feelings of affection and love for the country, nation, and traditions. Such individuals are ready to do anything to protect and serve it. Some

    Слов: 285  •  Страниц: 2
  • Peaлизaция cтихoв и пeceннoгo peпepтyapa нa cpeднeй cтyпeни oбyчeния инocтpaннoмy языкy

    Peaлизaция cтихoв и пeceннoгo peпepтyapa нa cpeднeй cтyпeни oбyчeния инocтpaннoмy языкy

    Миниcтepcтвo oбpaзoвaния и нayки Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции Фeдepaльнoe гocyдapcтвeннoe oбpaзoвaтeльнoe yчpeждeниe выcшeгo oбpaзoвaния «Кaзaнcкий (Пpивoлжcкий) Фeдepaльный yнивepcитeт» Инcтитyт филoлoгии и мeжкyльтypнoй кoммyникaции им. Львa Тoлcтoгo Выcшaя шкoлa pyccкoй и зарубежной филологии Кaфeдpa oбpaзoвaтeльных тeхнoлoгий и инфopмaциoнных cиcтeм в филoлoгии Cпeциaльнocть (нaпpaвлeниe): «Пeдaгoгичecкoe oбpaзoвaниe (с двумя профилями подготовки: инocтpaнный язык (aнглийcкий) и

    Слов: 7,857  •  Страниц: 32
  • Pedagogy test for bachelor

    Pedagogy test for bachelor

    1. What sciences are “Education” being studied alongside at the present time? A) Philosophy, sociology, economics B) Philosophy, psychology, geography C) Sociology, geography, economic D) Economics, philosophy, math E) Math, astronomy, sociology 2. What aspects of interpretation does modern pedagogical theory consider for the content of education? A) value, system,

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  • People and Society (Люди и общество)

    People and Society (Люди и общество)

    Автор: …………….. Образовательное учреждение: школа № XX с углубленным изучением языка Предмет: английский язык Класс: 9 Тема: People and Society (Люди и общество) Тип урока: урок закрепления новых знаний Время реализации: 40 мин. Цели урока: развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции; развитие и воспитание у школьников понимания важности иностранного языка в современном

    Слов: 680  •  Страниц: 3
  • Performing measurements using the Leica RTC360 laser scanner

    Performing measurements using the Leica RTC360 laser scanner

    Non-commercial joint stock company «Karagаnda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov» Department of "MD and G" Laboratory work №3 Discipline: «Automated methods of geodetic measurements and laser scanning» Topic: «Performing measurements using the Leica RTC360 laser scanner.» Аccepted: Baigali.R.K. . « » 20 y. Fulfilled: CAF-21-2 . и Baidildina Zh.N.

    Слов: 1,492  •  Страниц: 6


    TEXT 1 PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION The question of personal identity is, of course, a crucial one while detecting and prosecuting a crime. Are the man in the dock and the man who committed the crime one and the same person? To prove this the law has always relied a good deal

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  • Personal Traits of Character and Choosing a Profession

    Personal Traits of Character and Choosing a Profession

    Choosing a profession is a significant decision that may impact the rest of our lives. The decision we make is influenced by several factors, including personal traits of character. In my opinion, personal traits of character play an important role in choosing a profession. To begin with, personal traits of

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  • Petr Kratochvíl: Městský veřejný prostor

    Petr Kratochvíl: Městský veřejný prostor

    KDA/TA4 2022/2023 Zápočtová esej Petr Kratochvíl: Městský veřejný prostor Zhaidarbek Medetbek Uulu Kniha Petra Kratochvíla s názvem "Městský veřejný prostor" je důležitým příspěvkem do oblasti urbanismu a veřejného prostoru. Tato kniha poskytuje přehled současného stavu a vývoje městského veřejného prostoru a ukazuje, jakým způsobem lze využít veřejný prostor k zlepšení

    Слов: 577  •  Страниц: 3
  • Pharmaceutical development, should we comply with GxP

    Pharmaceutical development, should we comply with GxP

    Pharmaceutical Development and GxP Compliance Pharmaceutical development is a critical process in the life sciences sector that involves the discovery, testing, and regulatory approval of new drugs. Ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of these products is paramount, which is where GxP—short for "Good Practice"—comes into play. GxP comprises a

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  • Pharmacy Education in the USA

    Pharmacy Education in the USA

    Pharmacy Education in the USA For 6 years of study, students study pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicology, pharmaceutical administration, biostatistics, pharmacokinetics, and therapy. The main difference from the Ukrainian education system is the possibility of a real choice of disciplines (and not nominal, as we have), the formation

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  • Physical basis of solar batteries and their application in the energy sector

    Physical basis of solar batteries and their application in the energy sector

    Physical basis of solar batteries and their application in the energy sector. Khodiev Alisher Abrorovich Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev Abstract. Solar panels are one of the most promising sources of renewable energy in the modern world. They convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy,

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  • Pierwszy kryzys finansowy 1857-1858 lat

    Pierwszy kryzys finansowy 1857-1858 lat

    Pierwszy kryzys finansowy 1857-1858 lat Kryzysy finansowe pojawiają się nagle w całym kraju lub na całym świecie. W rezultacie ludzie tracą pieniądze, firmy bankrutują, a pracownicy tracą źródło dochodu. Nierzadko dochodzi do znacznie bardziej tragicznych wydarzeń w życiu ludzi. Jest to złożone i wielowarstwowe zdarzenie, które może być trudne nie

    Слов: 932  •  Страниц: 4
  • Pluses and minuses of technology. Prospects for the future

    Pluses and minuses of technology. Prospects for the future

    Pluses and minuses of technology Prospects for the future In today's world, technology plays a key role in all areas of society. On the one hand, their constant development opens up limitless opportunities for progress, improves the quality of life of people and helps to solve global problems. On the

    Слов: 615  •  Страниц: 3
  • Pointed-Tip Rock Hammers - Rock Pick

    Pointed-Tip Rock Hammers - Rock Pick

    Pointed-Tip Rock Hammers - Rock Pick The pointed-tip rock hammer is used mainly by geologists who are working in areas underlain by igneous and metamorphic rocks. Names given to this hammer include: pick hammer, rock picks, prospector's hammer, hard-rock hammer and pointed-tip hammer. The flat end of this tool is

    Слов: 397  •  Страниц: 2
  • Polistirol


    Giriş Yüksək molekulyar birləşmələr kimyası hazırda sürətlə genişlənən elmi fənlərdən biridir. Polimerlər müasir dövrdə insan fəaliyyətinin hər bir sahəsində istifadə olunur. Polimerlərdən hazırlanan materiallar qədim zamanlardan bəri mövcuddur. Polimer maddələr 100.000 il əvvəl məlum olsa da, sintetik materialların yaradılması 19-cu əsrin əvvəllərində başlamışdır. Qədim dövrlərdən bəri polimer materiallar insanların gündəlik

    Слов: 887  •  Страниц: 4
  • Poluarea aerului atmosferic în Republica Moldova

    Poluarea aerului atmosferic în Republica Moldova


    Слов: 2,205  •  Страниц: 9
  • Pop-Culture and Youth Socialization

    Pop-Culture and Youth Socialization

    Adam Mickiewicz University Pop-Culture and Youth Socialization Aulbek Aiganym Introduction to Sociology Daria Hejwoz - Gromkowska prof. UAM dr hab. The Evolution of Pop-Culture and Youth Socialization: Unraveling Influences, Trends, and Impacts Across Decades The ever-evolving force that is pop-culture stands as a dynamic influencer, molding the experiences and perspectives

    Слов: 1,435  •  Страниц: 6

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