Pablo Picasso
Автор: 0707228 • Декабрь 12, 2023 • Сочинение • 399 Слов (2 Страниц) • 102 Просмотры
The task of the course work is to study the artist's work and try his technique in practice. The study and analysis of other artists is very important for novice designers, it will help to determine which technique is suitable to your liking and will help to create your own individual style for future works.
I chose to study the works of the French and Spanish artist-Pablo Picasso.
Pablo Picasso is a talented artist, he was considered the best among those who lived for the last century. Everything about the artist himself has never been easy... His unusual fate-biography was programmed from the very moment of his birth: on October 25, 1881, at 15 Place de la Merced in Malaga. The baby was stillborn. His uncle, Dr. Salvador, who was present at the birth, acted in the most shocking way in this, famatic situation - he calmly lit a Havana cigar and blew acrid smoke into the baby's face. Everyone screamed in horror , including the newborn.
Pablo Picasso takes his rightful place among the most famous artists of the last century. His manner is unique and diverse, it can not be confused with anyone else's. It was Picasso who inspired and created Cubism. He left a colossal legacy in the form of drawings, ceramics and sculptures. Any museum in the world considers it an honor to have the works of a great master in its collection. His paintings are the most expensive, and therefore the most "attractive" for robbers.
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Picasso recalls how his father liked to pre-attach the silhouettes of pigeons cut out of paper to the canvas, arranging them in different ways to understand which combination would look better in the picture. Pablo takes this idea and uses it to create a Still Life with a wicker chair (1912). He glues a piece of oilcloth that mimics the seat of a chair onto the canvas. This is the first collage in the history of modern painting. The artist borders this oval picture with a thick rope of hemp, which serves as a frame. In this case, we are witnessing the introduction of material elements into painting that were not previously used by the artist, ready-made objects, as they will be called by Marcel Duchamp, who unsuccessfully tried to attribute the invention of collage to himself, although in fact he was only a follower of Pablo.