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My soft and hard skills: SWOT analysis

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 4, 2023  •  Эссе  •  359 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  177 Просмотры

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Daniyar Kudabayev

CCT-2104, Fall 2021.

                                      My soft and hard skills: SWOT analysis

So, I think, we all know what soft and hard skills are. Soft ones are about creativity, something that make you special. Hard ones are about hard work, like construction work. And today I want to make SWOT analysis – strength , weakness, opportunity and threat. It will be hard but I’ll try.

Let’s start with soft skills. Strength sides – I can say I’m creative, and resourceful, I used AutoCad software to solve some math problems about angles. Weaknesses – not so charismatic and talkative, hard to contact with new people and find common ground, and accept a new things, thoughts it’s very hard for me, even make a haircut is problem. Opportunity – not so much, I don’t even think I can find opportunities, more than “can’t be replaced”. Treats – communication with people is hard thing to do, I don’t think I can even find a girlfriend if I continue being shy and closed person, I’m afraid to become conservative, and unable to share with other people with my opinion or my hand-made stuff.

Next, hard skills. Strength – not afraid of work, I prefer work with your hands rather than your head, can easily work with devices than people. Weaknesses – can’t drive car. Opportunities – ability to find work faster than people with developed soft skills. Threats – can easily replaced by other people or even machine. And it’s the biggest threat that I fear. If I don’t evolve my soft skills, I’ll be the common worker like other millions of them.

So, as you can see my hard skills are good, and soft skills are bad. This is very wrong, I guess. Because I don’t want to be like other people and be a special one. I’ll try to become more open person, because I don’t want to be replaced as pawn in chess.

(301 words)


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