Иностранные языки
4,266 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 661 - 690
Porosity determination reservoir rocks
Porosity determination reservoir rocks The presence of pores and voids in rock is called porosity. The porosity of oil-bearing rocks is characterized by the porosity coefficient. The porosity coefficient (m) is the ratio of the pore volume of a sample (Vn) to the apparent volume of the same sample (V0)
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Poseidón a Athéna
Alissa Makhnyova Poseidón a Athéna Athéna je patronkou města Athény. Podle Homéra ve své "Iliadě", Athéna byla válečnou bohyní, která bojovala po boku mnoha nejslavnějších hrdinů řecké mytologie. Narodila se z hlavy Dia, byla jeho oblíbenou dcerou a vlastnila velkou moudrost, odvahu a ztělesňovala taktickou strategii a válku ve jménu
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Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun • Ағылшын тілінде тәуелдік есімдігі бар. Тәуелдік есімдік сөйлемде бастауыш, баяндауыш,толықтауыш, анықтауыштың қызметін атқарады.Ол заттың біреуге тәуелді екендігін білдіреді, сандық, тектік, септік жағынан өзгермейді, сонымен қатар Whose? деген сұраққа жауап береді. • Тәуелдік есімдік: есімдік-сын есім және есімдік- зат есім болып бөлінеді. • Оның негізгі формасы зат есімді
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Potential of islamic tourism in foreign countries
POTENTIAL OF ISLAMIC TOURISM IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES Khaydarova Nigina Ro`zimurod kizi Bukhara College of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Lecturer of Department of Tourism and Economy Hayitov Bekhruz Zhobirovich Bukhara College of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Lecturer of Department of Tourism and Economy Master student of BukhSU, Department of Tourism and
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Practical Report on English Translation
Practical Report on English Translation Introduction: This practical report aims to provide an overview of a two-month English translation project. The objective of the project was to enhance translation skills and gain practical experience in the field of English translation. The report will discuss the practice process, including the methods
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Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of the Children's literature
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН Центрально-Казахстанская Академия Кафедра «Иностранной филологии и переводческого дело» Тулегенова Улбосын Жаксыбековна (Ф.И.О. студента) КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of the Children's literature (Тема) Шифр, ОП) ФИО студента Тулегенова У. Ж. ФИО научного руководителя_ Ганеев Руслан Рашидович уч. степень, звание, должност КАРАГАНДА 2022 г.
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Prequel about the childhood of Sherlock Holmes will be filmed in Russia
In an exciting development for Sherlock Holmes fans worldwide, it has been announced that a prequel showcasing the childhood of the iconic detective will be filmed in Russia. A prequel about the hero's childhood was announced at the festival of film adaptations and forum of cinema and literature in one
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Present Simple
Present Simple — жай осы шақ. Күнделікті жасалатын іс әрекеттер жатады. Іс-әрекеттің басы мен соңы болмайды. For example: •I drink a coffee in the morning. (+) •I don’t drink a coffee in the morning. (-) ⭕️Болымсыз сөйлемде don’t қосып жазамыз.⭕️ •Do I drink a coffee in the morning? (?) ⭕️Сұраулы
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Present Simple «настоящее простое» время
Present Simple «настоящее простое» время Используется для обозначения действий, которые происходят в настоящем времени, чаще всего регулярно или постоянно. Иногда использование времени совпадает с русским языком, но есть и некоторые различия. Использование Present Simple 1. Общеизвестные непреложные истины и факты:The Earth goes round the Sun. – Земля вращается вокруг Солнца.Monday
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Present tenses
Present tenses 1. Present simple We use the present simple tense for: * things that we do regularly; * facts, habits, truths and permanent situations; * timetables; * reviews/sport commentaries/dramatic narrative. Time expressions: every day/week/month, once a week, on Fridays, usually, sometimes, always, rarely, never, often, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at
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Any system should be not only useful, but also understandable and simple for people who need it in their work or in other situations. In this article, the reader can get information about creating a computer or about other technologies, also learn about three principles system design. In each section
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Presentation of a comparative analysis of existing models of the regional economy
Presentation of a comparative analysis of existing models of the regional economy 1. The most effective example of how integration promotes development is cooperation within the European Union. If Central Asia needs all-round economic development, it can and should be guided by the lessons of Europe. This is also favored
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President, government and parliament. Fractional and Decimal Numerals
Кәсіби ағылшын тілі/проф англ. 2 курс Lesson №1 Theme: President, government and parliament. Fractional and Decimal Numerals Задача 1: Перевести на свой родной язык Конституция Республики Казахстан Мы, народ Казахстана, объединенный общей исторической судьбой, создаем государство на коренной казахской земле, считая себя миролюбивым и гражданским обществом, приверженное идеалам свободы, равенства
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Prevention of offenses in the sphere of family and domtstic relations: experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries
УДК 342.9 PREVENTION OF OFFENSES IN THE SPHERE OF FAMILY AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS : EXPERIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES Kybyray Diana Annotation: This article is devoted to the study of theoretical and some practical problems of prevention in the field of family and household relations, as
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Problems of entrepreneurship development in the context of large- scale sanctions in Russia
Problems of entrepreneurship development in the context of large-scale sanctions in Russia Plekhanov University of Economics, Moscow, Russia Abstract: The article deals with the problems and strategies of entrepreneurship development in the context of sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation. The purpose of this study is to examine the development
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Problems to what people want to get a piece of advice. Share your opinion
РК 1 1. Problems to what people want to get a piece of advice. Share your opinion 2. Three things that could (and could never) go wrong when you are on holiday in Kazakhstan and abroad 3. The attitude towards someone’s phobia in different countries 4. Biography of a famous
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Processing numerical information, editing formulas and creating diagrams in spreadsheet editors
Laboratory work №7 Processing numerical information, editing formulas and creating diagrams in spreadsheet editors. Goal of research: • Familiarize yourself with the basic features of Excel. • Learn the basic techniques of working with tables. • Learn how to copy, move fragments of a document. Call and save files. •
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Processing numerical information, editing formulas and creating diagrams in spreadsheet editors
Laboratory work №7 Processing numerical information, editing formulas and creating diagrams in spreadsheet editors. Goal of research: * Familiarize yourself with the basic features of Excel. * Learn the basic techniques of working with tables. * Learn how to copy, move fragments of a document. Call and save files. *
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Production method of the kurta
Production method of the kurta Patent Owner Asker Akerke Bagdatkyna (KZ). Author(s) Moldabaeva Zhanar Kalibekovna (KZ); Kasymov Samat Kairatovich (KZ);Asker Akerke Bagdatkyzy (KZ); Dautova Asel Alibekovna(KZ) The useful model relates to the dairy industry, namely, to the production of dry sour milk products of long storage. The technical result is
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Productivitatea muncii ce este
Оглавление Introducere 2 Productivitatea muncii ce este? 3 Esența economică 6 Indicatori de productivitate a muncii 7 Concluzie 9 ________________ Introducere Productivitatea muncii este unul dintre cei mai importanți indicatori calitativi ai unei întreprinderi, exprimând eficiența utilizării costurilor cu forța de muncă. Nivelul productivității muncii este caracterizat de raportul dintre
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Professional development plan
Professional Development Plan BASED ON SELF- ASSESSMENT Name: Date: Page 1 Professional Development – The Bottom Line Every employee is expected to improve his/her performance and capability year after year; development is the improvement in the capability of the employee to perform in his/her current job and his/her potential to
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Professional practice report
Jambyl Innovation High College PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE REPORT Profession:0512000 Translation studies Qualification:0512013 Translator Tutor: Arailym Tulenbayeva Student:Marzhan Alimbek Table of content Familiarization with the company's work. Safety instructions………………………….4 Familiarization with the development history and the structure of enterprise............................................................................................................................4 Familiarization with the scope and nature of the upcoming work in organization………………………………………………………………………………5 Organization
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Profilaktyczny masaz zdrowotny
PROFILAKTYCZNY MASAŻ ZDROWOTNY G 36 VU 43 LP 6 VF 39 LP 2 Masować techniką tonizującą; czas masażu około 7 minut. G.36. Zusanli (trzy odległości na nodze). Punkt przez Chińczyków nazywany „wielkim lekarzem nóg". Położenie: 3 cuny poniżej dolnego brzegu rzepki i 1,5 cuna w bok od grzebienia kości piszczelowej.
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Programming language
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES & PARADIGMS The term programming language usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal. Each language has a unique set of keywords and a special syntax for organizing program instructions. High-level programming languages are more complex. Each different type of CPU
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Programming languages
Programming languages Programming is a way of sending instructions to the computer. To write these instructions, programmers use programming languages to create source code, and the source code is then converted into machine (or object) code, the only language that a computer understands. People, however, have difficulty in understanding machine
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Programs to immigrants
Should countries offer special programs to immigrants to help them integrate into their new country. What do you think such programs should include? Yes, countries should offer special programs to immigrants to facilitate their integration into their new society. These programs are essential for fostering social cohesion, promoting economic participation,
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Project Lamp Clock
Project Lamp Clock (Проект Ламповые часы) I was interested in the project Lamp clock, category Design and photography. The project was launched on January 23 (twenty-three), 7 days left, supported 2 times. Contains only 2 of the ruble. In this project, there is nostalgia for the past electronics and radio
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Projekta darbs literatūras jomā
1Rīgas 95. vidusskola Vara un literatūra Projekta darbs literatūras jomā Darba autors 12.B klases skolniece: Alīna Gapejeva Darba vadītāja: Astrīda Celitāne Rīga 2022 ________________ Anotācija Ikviens cilvēks savas dzīves laikā ir saskāries ar varu. Vara ir ļoti aktuāla tēma gan mūsdienās, gan iepriekšējos gadsimtos, jo vara ietekmē visus virzienus mūsu
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Proper names and their translation in the novel «Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets» by J.K.Rowling
Московский финансово - промышленный университет «Синергия» Карачаево-Черкесский филиал Курсовая работа По дисциплине «Стилистика» На тему: «Proper names and their translation in the novel «Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets» by J.K.Rowling» Выполнила: Студентка 3 курса ФИЯ Урусова А.А. Проверила: д.ф.н., проф. Караева Л.Б. Черкесск, 2017 CONTENT INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………….3 CHAPTER 1.
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Proposals for sustainable tourism
Proposals for sustainable tourism Summary: Since the beginning of its history, Goa has been attracted by the beauty of its nature and its quiet way of life. The island was home to hippies and backpackers who easily adapted to the local way of life. But when Goa became a source
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