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  • Global markets Vocabulary and Grammar

    Global markets Vocabulary and Grammar

    Global markets Vocabulary 1 Complete the collocations. The first letters are given. 1 Our new Marketing Director changed our marketing strategy to include more use of social media.  2 Most car companies allow you to choose from many options when buying a new car and this product customisation is

    Слов: 867  •  Страниц: 4
  • Global warming

    Global warming

    Essay Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue? The problem of global warming is becoming more and more relevant in our time and

    Слов: 337  •  Страниц: 2
  • Globalization


    Due to Globalization, English is an instrument of international communication. The language can consolidate nations and reflect all events of the World. Also it can degrade and die after degradation and dead of any culture (for example, Latin). The relationship between language and culture is a typical example of universal

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  • Globalization and standardization of English

    Globalization and standardization of English

    GLOBALIZATION AND STANDARDIZATION OF ENGLISH Introduction In the age of globalization, where borders are permeable, and communication transcends geographical constraints, the English language has emerged as a global lingua franca. However, this global reach has not only facilitated intercultural communication but has also triggered a process of standardization. This article

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  • Glocalization in marketing

    Glocalization in marketing

    GLOCALIZATION IN MARKETING Complexity and diversity make the world more stable. A global world with identical political, economic, and any other elements could have more, not less conflict. Globality is getting localized, and locality can be globalized, too. These two trends do not contradict each other: on the contrary, their

    Слов: 1,445  •  Страниц: 6
  • Glossary


    Glossary 1. ART DESIGN(АРТ-ДИЗАЙН)-piece design, conceptual, elite. 2. BRANDING(БРЕНДИНГ) is an activity to create a long-term preference for a product, based on the joint enhanced impact on the consumer of all elements of the brand and branding policy of the company. 3. HIEROGLYPH(ИЕРОГЛИФ)(Greek, “hieros” - holy, “glyphine” - cut out,

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  • GMO (ГМО-культур)

    GMO (ГМО-культур)

    A learner presents their side/makes a conclusion provides 3 arguments with examples and reasons makes error-free sentences pronounces all the words correctly interacts with a partner (uses phrases of agreement and disagreement) speaks fluently without pausesA learner presents their side/makes a conclusion provides 3 arguments with examples and reasons makes

    Слов: 550  •  Страниц: 3
  • Goals and objectives of land protection. Land protection authorities

    Goals and objectives of land protection. Land protection authorities

    P.6-7 Goals and objectives of land protection. Land protection authorities. Land protection includes a system of legal, organizational, economic, technological and other measures aimed at protecting land as part of the environment, rational use of lands, prevention of unjustified withdrawal of lands from agricultural and forestry turnover, as well as

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  • Goblin mode

    Goblin mode

    The editors of the Oxford English Dictionary chose "goblin mode" as the main word of 2022. "Goblin mode" is a slang expression that describes a pattern of behavior that rejects societal norms and expectations. She is characterized by laziness, sloppiness and greed. The term was first used on Twitter in

    Слов: 396  •  Страниц: 2
  • Google


    Google is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products. Google was founded in 1998. The company is providing snacks and gourmet meals in the canteen, annual skiing trips or games rooms at the office, the philosophy behind such perks is the same - getting staff

    Слов: 326  •  Страниц: 2
  • Gościniec abo krótkie opisanie Warszawy 1643

    Gościniec abo krótkie opisanie Warszawy 1643

    Praca Pisemna Autor: Adam Jarzębski był polskim kompozytorem wczesnego baroku, skrzypkiem, poetą i pisarzem. Jarzębski urodził się w Warce, ale większość jego życia upłynęła w Warszawie Temat: Gościniec abo krótkie opisanie Warszawy 1643. Tekst został napisany w 1643 r. To pierwszy przewodnik po Warszawie. W tekście tym możemy przeczytać o

    Слов: 698  •  Страниц: 3
  • Graffiti


    In our country graffiti is not as widespread as, for example, in European cities, but it is also present in our lives. I have seen graffiti not only in Minsk, but also in other Belarusian cities. And it is quite beautiful and impressive. There is no graffiti near my house

    Слов: 335  •  Страниц: 2
  • Grammar “Verb of the senses”

    Grammar “Verb of the senses”

    CLASSROOM OBSERVATION/FEEDBACK FORM Date of observation: 06.02.2022 Class: Grade 8Б Teacher:Akmaral signature_______________ Observer: Zhassan signature_______________ Observation venue:Secondary school named after Kenet Azirbayev Teaching point(s):Unit 6 Grammar “Verb of the senses” LESSON QUALITY:(achievement of objectives, organization, sequencing, pacing, use of AV aids, etc.) The lesson objectives were well accomplished and the

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  • Grammar-Translation Method

    Grammar-Translation Method

    HOME ASSIGNMENT 3 Tasks for systematizing and deepening knowledge 1. What are the goals of teachers who use the GTM? There are two main goals to grammar–translation classes. One is to develop students' reading ability to a level where they can read literature in the target language.The other is to

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  • Grange Park

    Grange Park

    Task 1 Two pictures illustrate how the Grange Park have changed from 1920 year comparatively to the present moment. Overall, there are significant differences between the old and the new park plans. To begin with, the central part of the park area has changed prodigiously. Nowadays, there is a square

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  • Great Britain

    Great Britain

    Location of Great Britain. The state is located in the northwest of Europe. It consists of the island of Great Britain, on which England, Scotland and Wales are located, and a part of the island of Ireland, which is occupied by Northern Ireland. The Isle of Man and the Channel

    Слов: 941  •  Страниц: 4
  • Great Britain

    Great Britain

    по конспекту лекций КоноваLove Great Britain 1. Describe the geographical position of the British Isles offering an explanation for its advantages and disadvantages. Define (определите) the term “continental shelf’, its importance for the economy. British Isles - archipelago contains 5k islands in the N-W of Europe. Great Britain - the

    Слов: 19,502  •  Страниц: 79
  • Great Britani

    Great Britani

    Great Britain Give English equivalents to Russian words and word combinations. Соедините русский и английский варианты 1 состоять из – 9 to consist of 2 располагаться - 4 to be situated 3 побережье – 1 coast 4 разделять - 3 to separate 5 общая площадь – 5 total 6 мягкий

    Слов: 924  •  Страниц: 4
  • Growing concerns. Globalization: pros and cons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?

    Growing concerns. Globalization: pros and cons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?

    Non-state educational Private Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Financial-Industrial University "Synergy" Essay on the subject: « Growing concerns. Globalization: pros and cons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization? » Made by: Терзиева А.А. (gr. ОМЛ-12209МОммк) The English supervisor: Аийетан С.А. Moscow 2023 Globalization is a term that

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  • Happy Birthday! Урок узагальнення

    Happy Birthday! Урок узагальнення

    Урок англійської мови у 1 класі Підготувала: Корнєва І.В., вчитель англійської мови Одрадокам’янського ЗПЗСО Тема: Happy Birthday! Урок узагальнення Мета: навчальна: * узагальнити лексику учнів з теми «Свята. День народження»; * повторити букви алфавіту та числа від 1 до 10; * активізувати вживання лексики з даної теми; * повторити назви

    Слов: 476  •  Страниц: 2
  • Haydn. Sonata №20 (c-moll) Hob.XVI/20, L.33

    Haydn. Sonata №20 (c-moll) Hob.XVI/20, L.33

    İ. Haydn. Sonata №20 (c-moll) Hob.XVI/20, L.33 Sonata 1771-ci ildə yazılmış, lakin ilk dəfə 1780-ci ildə nəşr olunmuşdur. Sonata pianoçu-bacılar Katerina və Marianna Auengruggerlərə həsr olunmuşdur. 3 hissədən ibarət olan sonata c-moll tonallığında yazılmışdır. Xüsusi qeyd olunmalı məqamlardan biri odur ki, bu Haydnın «sonata» adlandırdığı ilk fortepiano əsəridir. Bu sonatanın

    Слов: 297  •  Страниц: 2
  • Health Care system in Kazakhstan and English speaking countries

    Health Care system in Kazakhstan and English speaking countries СРО № 1 Health Care system in Kazakhstan and English speaking countries ИС-301 KERIMKHAN NURLYKHAN СРО 1 Theme: Health Care system in Kazakhstan and English speaking countries Aim: Developing academic writing skills The main questions: Advantages and drawbacks of the UK, the US and Kazakhstan Health Care systems Task:

    Слов: 727  •  Страниц: 3
  • Healthcare and Medicine

    Healthcare and Medicine

    Healthcare and Medicine 1. Healthcare refers to the organized provision of medical care to people and communities. It is also the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people. 1) … all goods,

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  • Hegemony in Romantic Comedies: The Political Woman in Long Shot

    Hegemony in Romantic Comedies: The Political Woman in Long Shot

    5.9 Hegemony in Romantic Comedies: The Political Woman in Long Shot The romantic comedy "Long Shot" shows that women in politics succeed only when they follow gender norms. The film challenges dominant ideology but fails to challenge political representations of women. Fictional storylines like "Long Shot," shape the public's views.

    Слов: 608  •  Страниц: 3
  • Higher Education in Russia

    Higher Education in Russia

    Higher education in Russia 1) Higher education plays an important role in the development of any country. 2) It provides the country with highly-qualified specialists. 3) It trains people to become teachers, engineers, doctors and other professional workers. 4) Today highly educational institutions of Russia include over 700 universities and

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  • Higher legal education in the USA and England

    Higher legal education in the USA and England

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF KALUGA REGION STATE BUDGETARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION KALUGA REGION KALUGA INDUSTRIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE Report on the topic: "Higher legal education in the USA and England" 2nd year student specialty 40.02.02 “Law enforcement” Kleban Ekaterina Teacher: Vostryakova Olga Sergeevna Legal education in the UK:

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  • Hip-hop


    Hip-hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. It includes a wide range of styles primarily breaking, locking, and popping which were created in the 1970s and made popular by dance crews in the United States. The

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  • History of Artificial Intelligence

    History of Artificial Intelligence

    History of Artificial Intelligence Maad M. Mijwel Computer science, college of science, University of Baghdad Baghdad, Iraq April 2015 I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, incredible progress has been made in computer science and AI. Watson, Siri or Deep Learning show that AI systems are now delivering services that must be

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  • History of England

    History of England

    Слайд 1 Hello, I offer you a presentation on «the History of England» Слайд 2 Англия Слайд 3 History On the continent of Eurasia is a wonderful country called England. It is known to us from the IX century, when the king of Wessex Egbert United most of the country

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  • History of money

    History of money

    The 21st century introduced digital currencies, led by Bitcoin, which operate on decentralized blockchain technology. These cryptocurrencies offer new avenues for financial transactions, challenging traditional banking systems and raising questions about the future of money.Микротекст в научном стиле способы развития информаций разнонапраленнвй или однонапревленный The history of money spans

    Слов: 585  •  Страниц: 3

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