Иностранные языки
4,285 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 331 - 360
FlyingFox Case Study
FlyingFox Case Study FlyingFox Note. All organizations and individuals mentioned in this case study are fictitious, and no reference to any true organization or individual is intended or implied ________________ Description FlyingFox Airlines was founded in 1990 after the merger of two companies; Foxways (originally based near Birmingham) and HighlandHighways
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Food acids
Lecture 11 Food acids 1. Characteristics of acids food 2. Food acid and their influence on the quality of products Food contains various organic acids, which are combined into a group of food acids. Food acids accumulate in plant raw materials as a result of biochemical transformations at the stage
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Food chemistry: honey and counterfeits
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 1584" FOOD CHEMISTRY: HONEY AND COUNTERFEITS Автор: Крупнова Виктория Владимировна, ученица 11 класса ГБОУ Школы №1584, г. Москва Научный руководитель: Берёзкина Елена Семёновна, учитель биологии ГБОУ Школа №1584 Научный консультант: Сергеева Татьяна Альбертовна, учитель английского языка Научный консультант: Вакурова
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Foregrounding constructions in the English languages
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 1.The notion of the foregrounding and foregrounding constructions 5 2. Foregrounding constructions in the English languages 14 2.1Repetition 17 2.2 Split of the sentences 19 2.3 Inversion 23 2.4 Parcellation 25 2.5 Emphatic split of the verb 26 2.6 Negative emphatic constructions 26 2.7 Pseudo-comparative constructions 27
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Foreign policy of the Republican administrations of the USA
Lecture №7 Foreign policy of the Republican administrations of the USA (1920-1933) Despite the growing popularity of isolationism, President Warren G. Harding and his Secretary of State Charles Hughes understood that the strengthened international authority of the United States opens up new opportunities for American diplomacy. In 1921-1922, representatives of
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When does forging not involve fraud when you're talking about metal. Many industrial machines contain steel parts that have to withstand great stress.The metalworking method that produces the strongest steel parts is forging. Heating the metal then forming it to the required size and shape. Steel forgings are made from
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Formation of the skills of expressing problematic monologue speech of students
FORMATION OF THE SKILLS OF EXPRESSING PROBLEMATIC MONOLOGUE SPEECH OF STUDENTS In modern conditions of learning, the importance of the monologue increases even more. However, the formation of monologue speech remains a problem. Until now, the main criterion for the success of teaching native and foreign languages at school remains
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Forms of organizations
Forms of organizations Organization as bureaucracy Whether in business or government organizations, a dominant form of any administration is bureaucracy. Bureaucracies are generally defined as organizations that large and hierarchical in structure that provide each employee with a clearly defined role and area of responsibility. Организация как бюрократия Будь то
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Frame оf reference. Mоtiоn in оne dimensiоn (Рамка ссылки. Мотив в одном измерении)
Frame оf reference. Mоtiоn in оne dimensiоn This theme is abоut hоw things mоve in a straight line оr mоre scientifically hоw things mоve in оne dimensiоn. This is useful fоr learning hоw tо describe the mоvement оf cars alоng a straight rоad оr оf trains alоng straight railway tracks.
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Francesco Marconi
Turiba University Faculty of Business Administration Yakov Sevostyanov UVA1D1 REVIEW OF THE FRANCESCO MARCONI ORGANIZATION Study paper Department of Commerce Advisor: Juris Ozols, Dr. Phys., doc. Riga, 2016 ANNOTATION The study paper describes the “Francesco Marconi” media organization which belongs to "New Style Studio" which successfully conquering the industry for
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Franchising is a form of business organization when the owner of a company (franchisor) transfers the right to sell goods or services to another company (franchisee) for a fee. Franchising is one of the most popular types of market relations. According to statistics, there are more than 16.5 thousand franchisors
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Front office operations - 2.2 Guest check in procedure
KAZAKH ABLAI KHAN UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND WORLD LANGUAGES HOTEL VS MOTEL Theme: «Front office operations - 2.2 Guest check in procedure» Discipline: PKYAM Student: Yana Porokhnya Vladimirovna ФММК: РДиГБ - 3 курс, 306 группа Teacher: Arstanova Akerke Temirkhankyzy ALMATY 2022 HOTEL VS MOTEL Watch the videos and compare
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Functional Analysis of Marked and Unmarked Theme
The last lecture was full of new information. It was interesting for us to explore this new topic . I especially liked the "Marked and Unmarked Themes" sub-theme. And I found and read an article called "Functional Analysis of Marked and Unmarked Theme" by Ali Jabbar Al Bakaa. Theme serves
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Furstinna Helga
Furstinna Helga Helig Furstinna Helga - pionjären för den ortodoxa tron i Ryssland. Hon var en av de första, även innan Ruslands dop, adopterade kristendomen och utövar mycket ansträngningar för att sprida Kristi tro; blev känd för gärningar av kristen fromhet, hjälpte de sjuka och de fattiga. Helga föddes i
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Gadget (English gadget - device, device, trinket) is a small device designed to facilitate and improve life.In the modern world, technology is rapidly developing and becoming an integral part of our lives. In particular, these are tablets, smartphones, e-books, which are closely integrated into our everyday life, and we cannot
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Gastronomiya turizmini rivojlantirish istiqbollari
C:\Users\Botir\Desktop\yangi\123.jpg O’zbekisbekiston Respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi Samarqand Iqtisodiyot va Servis Instituti “Xalqaro Turizm va servis” kafedrasi Turizm nazariyasi va amaliyoti fanidan Mavzu: Gastronomiya turizmini rivojlantirish istiqbollari. Bajardi:Boltayev J Tekshirdi:Boynazarov U Samarqand 2018 Mundarija. 1. Kirish………………………………………………………………………..3 2. Xalqaro turizmni rivojlanish omillari …………………………………....…4 3. Turistik talab mohiyati…………………………………………………..…15 4. Turistik
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Gazni qatlamga haydash uchun nasos agregatlari, ularning tasnifi va sxemalari
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Gender in the Wild: Studies Show Gender Effect in Elephant Societies
ASSIGNMENT 2 “Paraphrasing/Summarizing” Gender in the Wild: Studies Show Gender Effect in Elephant Societies Young elephants grow up in large, organized groups that are mostly made up of females, including mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and female friends. This matriarchal system helps protect young orphan elephants when their mothers are killed by
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General Characteristics of Melanin Pigments of Fungal Origin
CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 General Characteristics of Melanin Pigments of Fungal Origin A class of sophisticated, heterogeneous polymers extensively found in nature are melanin pigments. Organisms from all biological kingdoms, including fungus, synthesis them. Although their pigmentation properties define these biopolymers most, their roles also include important physiological and
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General glossary
GENERAL GLOSSARY Term Index Definition Ukrainian equivalent A accuracy 2.1 The ability to write or speak a foreign language without making grammatical, vocabulary, spelling or pronunciation mistakes. Compare with fluency. мовна правильність achievement test 4.4 A test which looks back over a long period of language learning to test how
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Generative grammar
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РФ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Дагестанский государственный университет» Факультет иностранных языков Кафедра английской филологии Реферат на тему: Generative grammar Выполнила: Касимова Р., студентка 4 курса Махачкала, 2019 г. ________________ Generative grammar is a theory of grammar, first developed by Noam Chomsky in
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Geologiya-qidiruv ishlari texnikasi va texnologiyasi
Олий таълим, фан ва инновациялар вазирлигининг логотипи ... O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKАSI OLIY TА’LIM, FАN VА INNOVАTSIYALАR VАZIRLIGI C:\Users\lenova\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG_20231113_194908_445 - копия.jpg “TIQXMMI” MTUning QАRSHI IRRIGАTSIYA VА АGROTEXNOLOGIYALАR INSTITUTI Chorvachilik va qishloq xo’jaligini mexanizatsiyalash fakulteti 5313400- “Geodeziya va Geoinformatika” ta’lim yo’nalishi 410-guruh talabasi Xazraqulov Sirojiddinning Bitiruv malakaviy ishi oldi amaliyoti H
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Early Egyptian tombs provide fascinating glimpses into the historical significance of giraffes, as they feature intricate paintings showcasing these majestic creatures. Giraffes were highly valued for various reasons throughout history, not only for their unique appearance but also for their tails, which boasted long, needle-like tufts of hair that were
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Giulio Briccialdi
Giulio Briccialdi - italian musician and composer, one of the best flutists of the 19th century. Giulio Briccialdi was born on March 2, 1818 in Terni, in Italy. He recevied his first flute lessons from his father, and learned the rest himself. A an early age Briccialdi gradueted from the
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Global markets Vocabulary and Grammar
Global markets Vocabulary 1 Complete the collocations. The first letters are given. 1 Our new Marketing Director changed our marketing strategy to include more use of social media. 2 Most car companies allow you to choose from many options when buying a new car and this product customisation is
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Global warming
Essay Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue? The problem of global warming is becoming more and more relevant in our time and
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Due to Globalization, English is an instrument of international communication. The language can consolidate nations and reflect all events of the World. Also it can degrade and die after degradation and dead of any culture (for example, Latin). The relationship between language and culture is a typical example of universal
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Globalization and standardization of English
GLOBALIZATION AND STANDARDIZATION OF ENGLISH Introduction In the age of globalization, where borders are permeable, and communication transcends geographical constraints, the English language has emerged as a global lingua franca. However, this global reach has not only facilitated intercultural communication but has also triggered a process of standardization. This article
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Glocalization in marketing
GLOCALIZATION IN MARKETING Complexity and diversity make the world more stable. A global world with identical political, economic, and any other elements could have more, not less conflict. Globality is getting localized, and locality can be globalized, too. These two trends do not contradict each other: on the contrary, their
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Glossary 1. ART DESIGN(АРТ-ДИЗАЙН)-piece design, conceptual, elite. 2. BRANDING(БРЕНДИНГ) is an activity to create a long-term preference for a product, based on the joint enhanced impact on the consumer of all elements of the brand and branding policy of the company. 3. HIEROGLYPH(ИЕРОГЛИФ)(Greek, “hieros” - holy, “glyphine” - cut out,
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